
After 2 months of "running away", this well-known gym suddenly announced: it will return

After 2 months of "running away", this well-known gym suddenly announced: it will return

A few months ago, it was revealed that the high-end fitness chain Space that closed stores across the country released a "Letter to Employees" on its official WeChat account on the evening of July 1, announcing that it would reopen on July 8, and the first venues to resume business were China World Mall in Beijing and HKRI Taikoo Hui in Shanghai.

"A Letter to Employees" reads: "We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you by the brief separation from the end of April to the present. For this better reunion, Space is offering all members a 90-day extension of their original membership. ”

Founded in 2015 by Matthew Allison, a former Sony music executive, Beijing Speth Fitness Management Co., Ltd. creatively combines music with spinning.

According to official information, Space originally had a number of stores in Beijing and Shanghai, and a notice from Space previously admitted that since May 1 this year, all Space stores will be stopped, and the company will enter liquidation in accordance with the law. And on April 25, Space's official WeChat public account also released a recruitment information.

Before Space, fitness chains such as Fort Comfort were also caught in the turmoil of closing stores in many places.

After 2 months of "running away", this well-known gym suddenly announced: it will return

Source: Yicai

Editor: Wang Zheyan

Editor in charge: Chen Min

After 2 months of "running away", this well-known gym suddenly announced: it will return

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