
Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 46,000 units in June, Wenjie M9 exceeded 15,000 units, and the sales of the new M7 version were gratifying

author:Tintin said the car

Text/Lei Lei

In June, Hongmeng Zhixing confirmed the delivery of 46,000 vehicles, of which 17,241 M9 vehicles, and more than 500,000 yuan, regardless of brand nationality, product form, and energy form TOP1; 18,493 units were delivered for the M7, 7,046 units for the M5 and 2,995 units for the S7.

Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 46,000 units in June, Wenjie M9 exceeded 15,000 units, and the sales of the new M7 version were gratifying

In terms of the explosive sales of the M9, the most important significance of this car is to create some just needs to change cars out of thin air, for many bigwigs who still have money to change cars in this wave of economic driving, their current car, the probability is either 7/8/S or X5/Cayenne, in good condition, in addition to tax operations, they are not very impulsive to change cars. After all, in luxury brands, they have reached the head, and the higher-end Rolls/Bentley brands, whether to buy or not depends to a large extent not on your economic status, but on whether you have achieved the head in a circle.

First of all, the operation at the tax level can be carried out, and Huawei can drive autonomous driving and turn from a gasoline car to a tram across the country, which brings a completely different driving experience, which is enough to satisfy them.

Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 46,000 units in June, Wenjie M9 exceeded 15,000 units, and the sales of the new M7 version were gratifying

After the launch of the ultra refreshed version, the M7 also has a stronger market appeal; After the addition of CDC automatic suspension with camera preview function, the biggest dynamic texture pain in the M7 model is no longer a sore foot; In addition, the newly added 192-line lidar also strengthens the most important intelligent driving product point in Wenjie.

Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 46,000 units in June, Wenjie M9 exceeded 15,000 units, and the sales of the new M7 version were gratifying

The sales volume of the M5 model reached 7,046 units, which can be described as eye-catching, after all, this car is no longer young and fresh. After the new model is equipped with Huawei's intelligent driving as standard, it has achieved a significant increase in sales and recognition in an instant, which is a process of building confidence for Huawei's system.