
"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

author:Three-point moment

Summer is a critical time to test your heart health. As the temperature rises, the heart needs to work extra hard to maintain its body temperature and normal physiological functions, which makes summer a golden time to nourish the heart. If the heart is not healthy, blood circulation throughout the body will be affected, which will affect the function of organs and the supply of nutrients to cells. Not only does this cause constant fatigue, but it also increases the risk of heart disease, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

Faced with this situation, in addition to expensive nutritional supplements, a more affordable and natural way is to adjust our eating habits. Including specific ingredients in your diet can help strengthen heart health, while also improving spleen and stomach function and promoting overall health. Especially in the summer, choosing the right ingredients can help nourish the mind and cool down, providing us with an extra layer of health protection.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

This summer, there are four ingredients that are particularly good for nourishing the heart and spleen, including fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, as well as other foods that provide essential trace elements and nutritional support. By incorporating these ingredients into our daily diet, we can not only enjoy delicious food, but also provide strong support for heart health, ensuring that we stay active and healthy during the hot summer months, and avoid unnecessary physical harm.

1. Red beans (chestnut red bean porridge)

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

Red beans, a small legume, are not only attractive in color, but also rich in nutrients, especially their high fiber and high protein properties, making them a great product for nourishing the heart and detoxifying in summer. The iron and potassium contained in red beans can effectively help blood production and regulate heart function, and eating red beans regularly can promote the discharge of excess water in the body, prevent edema, and maintain heart health.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

In addition, red beans can help regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol, which is especially important for preventing cardiovascular disease. Cooking some red bean soup or making red bean smoothies in the summer can not only cool off the heat, but also enjoy the health benefits it brings, making it truly delicious and healthy at the same time.

2. Longan (yellow skin longan lean broth)

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

Longan, or longan, this sweet tropical fruit is especially popular during the summer months. Not only does it taste sweet, but it is also rich in vitamin C and iron, which are effective in nourishing the heart and blood. Longan also contains trace elements that can improve immunity and enhance heart function, and eating longan regularly can help relieve fatigue and boost spirits.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

Eating longan in summer can bring a refreshing effect to the body through its natural sweetness, and at the same time, it can also enhance the blood supply capacity of the heart, making the heart function healthier. Whether it is directly eating fresh longan or making longan tea, it is a rare and heart-nourishing product in summer.

3. Pork heart (soothing pork heart soup)

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

As animal offal, pig hearts are rich in high-quality protein and vitamins that are especially beneficial for heart health. Pig hearts are rich in coenzyme Q10, a substance that plays an important role in maintaining heart function and preventing cardiovascular disease. Eating pig heart can strengthen the heart muscle, improve the heart's ability to resist pressure, and resist the additional burden caused by high summer temperatures.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

Stir-fried pork heart soup or stir-fry pork heart is a great way to not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also help you replenish essential nutrients, keep your heart healthy, and make your summer more refreshing and comfortable.

4. Carrots (corn and carrot pork rib soup)

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

Carrots are known to be an excellent source of vitamin A, a nutrient that has direct benefits for heart health. It helps maintain the normal function of blood vessels and prevents hardening of the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. The β-carotene in carrots and its rich fiber can also help regulate blood sugar and lower blood lipids.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

Eating carrots in the summer, whether raw, juiced or as part of a dish, can help you strengthen your heart and spleen and boost your overall metabolism. The variety of ways to eat carrots will not only enrich the table, but also make your heart healthier and enjoy a worry-free summer time.

"If you don't nourish your heart in summer, your body will suffer", eat 4 more ingredients in summer to nourish your heart and spleen and live longer

By incorporating these four nutrient-dense ingredients into our summer diet, we will not only be able to enjoy the delicious food, but also greatly enhance the health of the heart. Each ingredient brings its own unique benefits, from the blood-soothing longan, to the spleen-strengthening pig's heart, to the skin-nourishing and heart-protecting red beans and carrots, which work together to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle, especially during the summer months when we push our bodies to their limits.

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