
The 38-year-old leftover woman can't get married, and she demands that the other party is handsome and handsome, with a good family background, and a man with no money is not worthy of her


A happy family and a happy marriage are things that every woman yearns for, however, this simple wish is not fulfilled by all women.

Some women have a very high vision and put forward a lot of requirements to men, and she can't look down on men with bad conditions at all, and she has become an older leftover girl, not only can she not get married, but she will also be pointed at by others, and her living situation is worrying.

Even so, those women are still reluctant to lower the bar for mate selection. In her opinion, her own conditions are very good, she feels good about herself, and she is bent on finding a man who has a house, money, and strong economic strength, and is willing to spoil her, love her, and hold her in the palm of her hand forever, if she does not meet this kind of man, she would rather remain single.

The 38-year-old leftover woman can't get married, and she demands that the other party is handsome and handsome, with a good family background, and a man with no money is not worthy of her

The 38-year-old leftover girl can't get married, and she has failed on more than 30 blind dates, not because those blind dates are not good enough, but because her mate selection standards are ridiculously high. She requires the other party to be handsome, handsome, and has a good family background, requires the other party to be honest and honest, and is loyal to feelings, and also requires him to be capable, powerful, and attractive, and threatens that a man with no money is not worthy of her.

Ms. Meng is a native of Beijing, and her parents have decent jobs and high incomes, and their family conditions are good. Ms. Meng is the only child in the family, and her parents impose all the favor on her, and as long as Ms. Meng asks for it, her parents will meet it unconditionally.

Ms. Meng is smart and lively, loves to talk and laugh, and is the pearl of the family. It is no wonder that to have a daughter who is good in all aspects, her parents are very content, and under the pampering of her parents, Ms. Meng has developed an independent and willful character, and many important events in her life are decided by herself.

The 38-year-old leftover woman can't get married, and she demands that the other party is handsome and handsome, with a good family background, and a man with no money is not worthy of her

When she was young, Ms. Meng was beautiful and had a good figure, so she naturally attracted the attention of many men. Ms. Meng has a sense of superiority, thinking that she is high and invincible, and only excellent and high-quality men are qualified to fall in love with her.

Under the guidance of this idea, Ms. Meng's vision is very high, she has dated several men, but she is not satisfied, because Ms. Meng only considers handsome, humorous, and well-established men, and she thinks that associating with these men can improve her quality of life and make her very face-saving.

People of the same age have married and had children and lived a normal life, but Ms. Meng is lonely. Some people advised Ms. Meng not to be ambitious, to find a man with similar conditions to get married and have children early, and start a good life, Ms. Meng didn't care, she thought that marriage was very important, not hasty or casual, only if you find the right person can have a happy life.

The 38-year-old leftover woman can't get married, and she demands that the other party is handsome and handsome, with a good family background, and a man with no money is not worthy of her

Ms. Meng's thoughts are understandable, but her criteria for choosing a mate are still very high, and she places great importance on material things and money, believing that these things are a source of security and happiness, and can also allow her to live a good life without worrying about food and clothing.

The parents were very worried about Ms. Meng's marriage, and they looked forward to Ms. Meng getting married as soon as possible, having children as soon as possible, and having a happy family. However, Ms. Meng has always been stubborn, and she must find a man who is rich and loves her, and live a good life through marriage. Ms. Meng and her family could not agree on this issue.

Ms. Meng is 38 years old and missed the best youth of a woman to get married and have children, her parents are very disappointed in her, and Ms. Meng also regrets it, but Ms. Meng still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude. She feels that she is still young, still beautiful, and has the ability and opportunity to find a quality man and live the ideal life of her dreams by getting married.

The 38-year-old leftover woman can't get married, and she demands that the other party is handsome and handsome, with a good family background, and a man with no money is not worthy of her

Netizens have different opinions about this matter. Many people agree with Ms. Meng's approach, thinking that women must keep a clear head on the issue of marriage, a man's economic strength is a hard indicator, and a man without money can not consider it, after all, he cannot meet the needs of a woman's life, nor can he provide a good life guarantee for a woman, and a rich man is the first choice for marriage.

More people accuse Ms. Meng of being unrealistic, her own conditions are good, and she can live an ideal life through marriage, but she has a high vision and many requirements, asking for a large bride price, and also requires a man to have a house, money and savings, and has the ability to provide her with a quality life. As everyone knows, rich men don't look down on her at all, and men without money can't afford to climb high, this dilemma is really embarrassing.

Some people also ridiculed: "Women are very popular in the blind date market, after all, there are more men and fewer women." Ms. Meng's request is not excessive, there are always men who are willing to marry her and hold her in the palm of their hands forever, but it depends on how fast she finds her or how fast she ages! ”

What do you think of older leftover women? Do you think Ms. Meng can find a satisfactory marriage partner? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.