
This year, it is fully launched

author:Weicheng release

Recently, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and other 6 departments issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting and Optimizing the Work of "One Thing for Retirement" in Shandong Province, proposing to revise and improve the basic catalog, implementation list and service guide of "One Thing for Retirement", simultaneously transform the business operation system, and explore efficient and convenient handling processes. Before the end of October this year, we will break through the business connection blockages of the department, fully launch the "retirement one thing", and realize the facilitation and standardization of the "retirement one thing" handling process.

According to the "Implementation Plan", our province will further improve the quality and efficiency of the "one thing for retirement" service, comprehensively promote the expansion and efficiency of government services, strengthen the deep integration of online and offline services, strengthen departmental linkage, strengthen data sharing, and enrich the supply of public services. Sort out business matters and connect with the "Ai Shandong" business middle platform system. On the basis of realizing the "one-network service" and "should be on the top", strengthen cross-level and cross-departmental data sharing, rely on the Shandong Provincial Government Service Network, use, develop and optimize the existing work information system, strengthen inter-departmental information sharing and collaborative work, and realize active information sharing. Strengthen the application of electronic ID cards, electronic archives, electronic signatures, etc. in the handling process, promote the informatization and electronicization of service processes, realize the handling of one form, and deepen the simplified handling of business processes. After confirming the retirement qualifications, the insured employees of the enterprise do not need to submit the application again, so as to realize the one-chain completion of related business processes such as the verification of pension insurance retirement benefits, the reduction of medical insurance, the verification of medical insurance benefits, and the withdrawal of housing provident funds, and actively share relevant information to achieve "more data and less errands for the masses".

Shandong Province promotes the optimization of the implementation plan of "one thing for retirement".

In order to fully implement the "Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing Government Services, Improving Administrative Efficiency, and Promoting "Efficient Completion of One Thing" (Guo Fa [2024] No. 3) and the "Notice of the People's Government of Shandong Province on Printing and Distributing Several Measures for Deepening "Efficient Completion of One Thing" and Vigorously Improving Administrative Efficiency in Shandong Province (Lu Zhengfa [2024] No. 4), promote the efficient completion of "one thing for retirement" in our province, continue to optimize the business process of "one thing for retirement", optimize government services, and improve administrative efficiency, Promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of government services, and formulate a work plan as follows:

First, the goal of the work

Strictly implement the relevant national and provincial documents, focus on the actual needs of enterprises and the masses, and effectively ensure that the work of "one thing for retirement" is comprehensively promoted, and the work tasks are completed on time and with quality. Cooperate with relevant departments to revise and improve the basic catalog, implementation list and service guide of the "one thing for retirement" government service items, simultaneously transform the business operation system, and explore efficient and convenient handling processes. By the end of October 2024, we will break through the business connection blockages of the department, fully launch the "retirement one thing", and realize the facilitation and standardization of the "retirement one thing" handling process.

Second, the main tasks

(1) Improve the quality and efficiency of "one thing for retirement" service

Comprehensively promote the expansion and efficiency of government services, strengthen the deep integration of online and offline services, strengthen departmental linkage, strengthen data sharing, enrich the supply of public services, and comprehensively consolidate the foundation of government services. Explore and study the specific path of optimization and upgrading of "one thing for retirement", sort out service items and optimize the service process from the perspective of enterprises and the masses. On the basis of the original "one thing for retirement" process, two items are added: incentives for parents of urban only children and confirmation of household registration information, integrating service resources, combining the division of responsibilities and actual work, grasping the implementation of policies, and continuously improving the quality and efficiency of services.

(2) Sort out business matters and connect with the "Ai Shandong" business middle platform system

Each business department should digitally sort out the standardized matters to realize the efficient configuration of standardized matters in the middle office. The Provincial Big Data Bureau guides and assists the business department to complete the digital sorting of matters. At the same time, each business department will carry out the transformation of the business system synchronously according to the docking specifications of the middle platform, and complete the docking work with the middle platform of the "Ai Shandong" business.

(3) Process optimization and integration, breaking down data barriers

On the basis of the digital combing of single matters, optimize and integrate business processes, compile "Service Guidelines" and "Work Guidelines", and determine the best standards for the whole province. On the basis of realizing the "one-network service" and "should be on the top", strengthen cross-level and cross-departmental data sharing, rely on the Shandong Provincial Government Service Network, use, develop and optimize the existing work information system, strengthen inter-departmental information sharing and collaborative work, and realize active information sharing. Strengthen the application of electronic ID cards, electronic archives, electronic signatures, etc. in the handling process, promote the informatization and electronicization of service processes, realize the handling of one form, and deepen the simplified handling of business processes. After confirming the retirement qualifications, the insured employees of the enterprise do not need to submit an application again, so as to realize the verification of pension insurance retirement benefits, medical insurance reduction, medical insurance treatment verification, housing provident fund withdrawal, urban one-child parents incentives and other related business processes in a chain manner, actively share relevant information, and realize "more data to run, the masses to run less errands".

(4) Establish a long-term mechanism to ensure the smooth operation of the system

"Retirement one thing" involves many departments and matters, and each business department should do a good job of sorting out their respective businesses and transforming and improving their business systems, ensuring that the data interface is smooth, and doing a good job in daily maintenance and guarantee. Strengthen the safety supervision of the whole process, continuously improve in the work, maintain dynamic adjustment, and combine the specific situation and actual work of each city to carry out regional improvement, timely adjustment, and ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the system.

Organization of work

(1) Preparation stage. Formulate a work plan, compile service guides, service flow charts, etc., clarify the division of responsibilities, sort out and improve the list of "one thing for retirement", and each business department will carry out the digital combing of single matters, and connect with the "Ai Shandong" business middle platform system (to be completed by the end of June 2024).

(2) Implementation phase. In accordance with the established work plan, we will steadily advance various tasks, expand more retirement-related services into the "one thing for retirement" business process, open up business interfaces, eliminate data barriers, and launch trials on the government service network. Solve the difficulties in improving the "one thing for retirement" service window and improve the quality of service (to be completed by the end of August 2024).

(3) Assessment stage. Human resources and social security departments at all levels and joint departments actively promote to ensure the quality and efficiency of the implementation of "one thing for retirement", regularly study the progress of work, find and raise problems in a timely manner, make timely changes and optimizations, and finally form effective business processes and implementation experience (to be completed by the end of October 2024).

Fourth, the division of responsibilities

The work of "retirement one thing" is led by the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, with the cooperation of the Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Public Security Department and other relevant units, and the Provincial Big Data Bureau provides technical support. Among them, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security took the lead in compiling the "One Thing for Retirement" work plan, coordinated and supervised all business departments to complete the digital combing of single matters on time, simultaneously carried out the transformation of relevant business systems, and completed the docking work with the "Ai Shandong" business middle platform, summarized and printed the list of matters and services, pushed the retirement information of employees to various business departments, and coordinated the promotion of related work. The Provincial Medical Insurance Bureau is responsible for sorting out and improving retirement-related business processes such as the reduction of medical insurance for retired employees and the approval of medical insurance benefits, and doing a good job in the integration and connection of the "free application" of the retirement of employees in the early stage and the current "one thing for retirement", and cooperate with the system data docking work. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is responsible for optimizing and integrating the preparation of the basic catalogue and implementation list of government service items of the provincial housing provident fund, and doing a good job in system docking. In accordance with the requirements of the provincial government's online handling of government service matters, the Provincial Health Commission has sorted out its own business, adhered to the principle of "doing its best", promoted the online handling of service matters, and actively connected with the online business of the government service network "Retirement One Thing". The Provincial Public Security Department assisted in the development of the business query interface of "household registration information confirmation" to ensure the standardization and rigor of the review and handling.

5. Organizational safeguards

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. All business departments should earnestly improve their political positions, formulate work plans in accordance with the division of responsibilities and unified requirements, improve the working mechanism, strengthen internal and external coordination, study and solve difficult problems, promote the implementation of various tasks, and complete the application and improvement of "one thing for retirement" on time and with good quality. All business departments should attach great importance to it, consolidate work responsibilities, refine work measures, and do a good job in the standardization and improvement of matters in their respective business fields. Strengthen cooperation and linkage, and constantly optimize business processes, so that the people can get a better service experience.

(2) Strengthen operational guidance. All business departments should strengthen the operational guidance of the cities, unify the standards, organize special training, strengthen the professional training of grass-roots staff, and guide the grass-roots handling personnel to fully and accurately grasp the standards for handling matters, so that the staff can be proficient in business processes and work specifications, improve service efficiency, and ensure service quality.

(3) Strengthen supervision and evaluation. All business departments should do a good job in the interpretation of the "retirement one thing" policy and public opinion guidance, and at the same time establish and improve the management mechanism of rapid response, time-limited rectification, supervision and supervision, take the initiative to collect and understand the opinions and suggestions of the public, improve the working mechanism, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of services. Timely dispatch the implementation of the "retirement one thing" work, establish and improve the work system of solving the problem of blocking points, completing return visits, and "looking back" verification to ensure that the problem of blocking points is truly solved.