
Parallel Commune

author:Gooood Gude Design Network
Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

© Tan Yecheng

Walking from scene to scene, visitors wander through the changing skylight, feeling the romance of the breeze. The leisurely slow time stops on a chair, and sitting in front of the window, you can press the pause button of time.

Thanks to Parallel Commune for sharing Gooood

01. Advent

What is Chenheng? What's on display here? In a limited space, we took inspiration from the "sand dunes" to create a new field, like an alien object, attracting the flow of people.

Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

▲Project Overview © Tan Yecheng

The flow of light and shadow, the undulating sand dunes, evoke people's imagination; Under the space of great tension, people seem more and more insignificant.

Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

▲Exhibition view © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

▲ The flow of light and shadow Tan © Yecheng

The empty hall is neatly cut into multiple exhibition areas, a pyramid-shaped space with a hint of mystery that allows visitors to stop and feel the atmosphere or move on to the next scene. Perhaps, someone has the answer in their hearts; Communication, naturally, begins.

Parallel Commune

▲ Hall © Tan Yecheng

02. Unveiling

The light and shadow are like the changing colors of the sky, showing the flow of time.

Parallel Commune

▲ Charming light and shadow © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune

▲ Natural light state © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

▲ Light and shadow change © Tan Yecheng

Walking from scene to scene, visitors wander through the changing skylight, feeling the romance of the breeze. The leisurely slow time stops on a chair, and sitting in front of the window, you can press the pause button of time.

Parallel Commune

▲Different scenes © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

▲Close-up view © of Tan Ye City

The wall is finished with soft stone, simulating the weathered wall, and the carpet is like the wind blowing yellow sand across the ground, these materials are like the most natural state of all things under the precipitation of time, echoing the softness and lightness of the curtains. This is the texture brought by Chen Heng curtains, we don't need to overemphasize the material or technology of the product, just like the invisible air and sunlight, nourishing life all the time.

Parallel Commune

▲ Roman curtain application scenario © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune

▲Roman curtain product details © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune

▲Wave curtain application scenario © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune

▲ corrugated curtain product details © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune

▲Roller shutter application scenario © Tan Yecheng

Parallel Commune

▲Roller shutter product details © Tan Yecheng

03. Presentation

Through the negative shape of the building, the designer created a silent and exaggerated space like "Dune". The partitions are staggered to divide the walking line and the multi-scene display space, creating an interesting garden experience.

Parallel Commune

▲ Conceptual Demonstration

Combined with the characteristics of the site, the designer maximizes the use of floor height and area, coupled with the change of lighting, to create a super-scale space feeling and enhance the sense of experience.

Parallel Commune

▲ Analysis diagram © Parallel commune

04. Results

We want to say too much about a good product and brand; In the pavilion designed Shanghai Nuoda, a variety of products and endless ideas are enough to drown out all the flowery rhetoric, and the state of most visitors is to look at the flowers. What kind of space will make people stay, and how to let the tour flow through the entire exhibition hall to experience the charm of the product?

Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

▲Other exhibition hall space © Tan Yecheng

We blackened the façade and simply made it hidden in the crowd, but the black façade instead strengthened the internal light and shadow, releasing a mysterious signal to the outside, waiting for visitors to discover and explore. At first, we were worried that too abstract expressions would not be understood, but the reality is that more and more visitors are starting to stop in the space and take the initiative to consult and understand the product. If life is only as first seen, every day is new, just as every innovation is worth looking forward to.

Parallel Commune
Parallel Commune

▲Design details Tan © Yecheng

Project Name|Chen Heng Advent

Project Location|Design Shanghai Completion Time|June 2024 Design Team|Parallel Commune Design Creator|Lv Ming Participated in the Design|Tian Detail Project Photography|Tan Yecheng Copywriting Editor| Zhang Ran (Urban Builder)

Parallel Commune