
After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Fat Six Chat Drama

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

From then on, the world was in front of me, pointing to wherever I wanted to go. I am completely and absolutely, presiding over me.

- Huang Yimei

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected


Huang Yimei, the heroine in "The Story of Rose".

She is such a talented and good-looking, dare to love and hate character, as if she was born with her own light.

Whether it is career or love, in the face of various challenges in life, never bow down easily.

Zhuang Guodong, the man who made Huang Yimei look excited.

At first, Rose thought that she needed to get close to the customer who had reached a cooperation, but she didn't expect it to be a beautiful misunderstanding that made the two meet.

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

When she was with Zhuang Guodong, Rose seemed to be in a dream, and the light of happiness surrounded her whole person.

She loves Zhuang Guodong passionately and purely.

The eyes are also full of longing for the future, and every smile is full of sweetness.

The collision of youth and hormones makes the two inseparable.

They strolled through the streets together, the streets were noisy and crowded, but they only looked at each other.

However, the road to love is not always smooth.

With the beginning of the two's exotic relationship, the contradictions accumulate more and more, and neither of the two proud people will bow their heads first, and finally they will regret and separate.

After the breakup, the rose was like a rose that lost the sun, and the whole person became depressed.

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

She is often alone in a daze, recalling the bits and pieces of her time with Zhuang Guodong, and the loss and sadness in her eyes make the audience worry about it.

But roses are born to belong to the little sun, and Zhuang Guodong is just a dark cloud she has experienced in her life.

With the passage of time, it will eventually dissipate.

After falling out of love, Rose chose to continue her graduate studies.

It was also here that she met Fang Xiewen, a man who had been with him for ten years.

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected


Fang Xiewen fell in love with roses at first sight at school, and he integrated into the life of roses in a subtle and silent way.

Fang Xiewen and Zhuang Guodong are two completely different people, Zhuang Guodong can give up roses for his career, but Fang Xiewen will give up his career for roses.

The appearance of Fang Xiewen made up for the damage that Zhuang Guodong brought to the rose.

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

When she was with Fang Xiewen, Rose felt an unprecedented sense of relief.

Although she is not as passionate as when she is with Zhuang Guodong, she also enjoys the plain warmth between the two.

But Fang Xiewen does not love himself as much as Rose imagined, and his love for Rose hides a deep calculation behind it.

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

When Rose led Fang Xiewen to meet his parents for the first time, Rose's father said: "It's good anywhere, but it's not real enough, have you listened to him, it doesn't leak, every sentence caters to us, men will disguise." ”

I have to say that it is still men who understand men best.

After marriage, Fang Xiewen thought that he had married the rose, and he no longer hid his true face.

Because of his inferiority, he went to control Rose's socialization.

In the name of being good for her, she restricted Rose from wearing a skirt, quit her job for her, and gave birth to a child without pain......

Some people walk into your life and make you radiant, but Fang Xiewen wants to extinguish all the light in Rose's life.

But even so, Rose did not smash his home like when she broke up with Zhuang Guodong before, but calmly told Fang Xiewen about the divorce, why is this?

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected


The reason is hidden in Rose's reply to Fang Xiewen's words: "I don't love you anymore." ”

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

This is not a pretext that Rose came up with for divorce, with Rose's warm and straightforward personality, if you don't love it, you don't love it.

Her love for Fang Xiewen was when he asked Rose to have a son; Install location software on your phone behind your back; On the grounds that she was pregnant, she quit her job...... It was consumed in one thing after another.

She will not look back, for she who loses me will never be lost.

Because she didn't love it anymore, she was able to sit down face-to-face with Fang Xiewen calmly.

will no longer be like when he broke up with Zhuang Guodong and smashed his home.

The love between Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong is like a brilliant firework, although it is short but dazzling.

Fang Xiewen's relationship is like a glass of warm water, although it is warm, it lacks some taste.

After three brushes of "The Story of Roses", I understood why Rose dared to smash Zhuang Guodong's home, but she didn't get angry at Fang Xiewen until the divorce, the truth was too unexpected

These two completely different emotional experiences also make Rose's view of love more mature.

Rose is even more determined to believe that no matter how tortuous the road of love will be in the future, she will have the courage to face it and find the person who can really join her hand in her life.

Because she knows that every relationship is a growth in life and a step to happiness.

Love is an accessory to life and should not become an obstacle to the freedom of the mind.

As she herself said: "From now on, the world is in front of me, pointing to wherever I want to go." I am completely and absolutely, presiding over me. ”