
On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes

Kohari is the penultimate solar term of summer, but this does not mean the end of summer, but the beginning of real heat. As the saying goes, "small summer and big heat, steaming and cooking", the climate at this time is not only hot, but also gives people a more obvious feeling that it is stuffy, the skin is always sticky, and a little exercise is sweating like rain, which means that the metabolism in the body is vigorous, and the consumption of physical strength is also continuous, so we should pay attention to rest in the summer season, strengthen nutrition, recuperate, and meet the dog days of up to 40 days.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days. Entering the summer season, it is also a prelude to the dog days, the days are approaching day by day, so the next day can not be sloppy, from life to diet in all aspects of reasonable adjustment, with a strong physique into the dog days.

Eat 3 kinds

It is a long-standing custom to eat lotus root in the summer heat, and at this time, the new lotus root of the year has been listed one after another, which is sweet and crisp, appetizing and spleen-invigorating, and full of nutrition. It is rich in crude protein, crude fiber, vitamin K, iron, phosphorus, potassium and other ions, which help to nourish qi and blood, clear heat and detoxify, and relieve heat.

Recommended way to eat: cold lotus root

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

1. A section of white lotus root will be peeled clean, further washed out of impurities, cut into thin slices, too big to change to, after cutting, rinse twice with water to wash off the starch.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

2. Boil water in the pot, pour the lotus root slices into it after boiling, it is very easy to cook, not more than two minutes at most, quickly take it out, it will become soft after a long time, and the cold lotus root is its crispy.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

3. Scoop up the lotus root slices, put them on the fence, drain the water naturally, and cool thoroughly.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

4. Put the lotus root slices in a large bowl, put the green onions, ginger shreds, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, a little salt, then burn some hot oil, pour it on the material head while it is the hottest, then add a little white vinegar, and mix quickly.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days


Beans are an excellent ingredient in our summer tonic, especially edamame, which is the immature stage of soybeans, the taste is crisp and tender, and the nutrition is more sufficient, which is rich in amino acids, vitamin C, flavonoids, vitamin K and calcium, magnesium, copper and other ions, which help to replenish the deficiency and strengthen the spleen, protect the liver and eyes, protect the cardiovascular system, and strengthen the muscles and bones.

Recommended way to eat: vegetarian fried edamame

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

1. Prepare a plate of fresh edamame, peel and wash it, prepare more minced garlic, and add some millet pepper if you eat spicy.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

2. Heat the oil, pour the minced garlic into it before the oil is thoroughly heated, stir-fry it twice, then put the edamame in it and stir-fry it with the minced garlic, so that the garlic fragrance can be better integrated into the edamame.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

3. Then cook in light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, add a small bowl of hot water, stir-fry well, simmer for five or six minutes to ensure that the edamame is thoroughly cooked, and finally put the small millet pepper into it, stir-fry well and put it on a plate.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

Yellow eel

It is also a long-standing custom to eat yellow eels in the summer season, and the yellow eels at this time are thick in flesh, sweet in taste, and particularly prominent in nutritional value. It is rich in amino acids, DHA, lecithin, eel, vitamin A, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese and other ions, which help to replenish qi and nourish blood, strengthen the brain and intelligence, and strengthen muscles and bones.

Recommended way to eat: small fried yellow eel

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

1. For two yellow eels, first remove the head and internal organs, flush off the blood, and then rub them together with starch and white vinegar to remove the mucus and fishy smell of the epidermis, and then repeatedly wash and rub them repeatedly, rinse them thoroughly, and further cut them into small sections.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

2. First of all, blanch the water, add some cooking wine to the water and boil, pour the yellow eel into it, cook it for a few minutes, cook it until the meat is white, and open the lid and cook the whole process.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

3. Heat the oil, put the green onion and ginger slices into it and fry until fragrant, pour the yellow eel into it, fry it for a while, fry it to get a burnt fragrance, cook a little light soy sauce, vinegar, and fry the fragrance. Finally, put some bell peppers into it, add a little salt, continue to stir-fry evenly and serve on a plate.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

Do 3 things

Stick to your lunch break

In the summer season, the days are long and the nights are short, people will generally get up in advance, and after a whole morning's work, people's physical strength and energy have a lot of consumption, it is best to rest for a while at noon, so that the body and brain are relaxed, and it is more conducive to the completion of the afternoon work with full spirit.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

Exercise every day

Our life is inseparable from nature, no matter when we must ensure that we go outdoors every day to do a moderate amount of exercise, although the climate is hot and humid in the summer season, but after exercise, it can help us sweat properly, so as to bring out the toxins in the body, which is conducive to physical health. We can choose to do it in the morning and evening when the weather is cooler, jogging, walking, or playing ball, etc., according to our physical condition.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days


Water is the source of life, especially in summer, in hot weather, people are prone to sweating, water loss is fast, so hydration should also be timely, drink a few sips every half an hour, this is more conducive to water absorption. In addition, the water we replenish is mainly boiled water, and salt water can be appropriately supplemented after a lot of sweating.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

Avoid 3 things

I haven't opened the window for a long time

In the summer season, it will be even hotter, and people will turn on the air conditioner to cool down, and at this time, the doors and windows will always be closed to keep warm. However, every hour or two, it is best to open the windows and change the air to keep the air fresh and healthy. If the window is not opened for a long time, the air quality will deteriorate, and inhaling it into our body will affect our health.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

Eat only fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and have a refreshing taste that makes people more appetizing. However, in the summer season, people's physical exertion is large, and they need to ensure the uniformity of nutrition, and each food is irreplaceable, so we can not only eat vegetables and fruits, meat, grains, etc., in order to supplement nutrition more comprehensively and enhance physical fitness.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days

Mood swings

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, people are also prone to irritability, and our emotions are like the scorching sun, and we can't help but "get angry" at every turn, but when the mood fluctuates greatly, our liver, heart, blood vessels, etc. have to be under greater pressure. Therefore, the hotter the day, the more we should pay attention to adjusting our emotions and staying comfortable. The so-called calm mind is naturally cool, and a peaceful state of mind can help us spend the summer easily and comfortably.

On July 6th, don't forget to eat 3 things, do 3 things, avoid 3 things, and get ready for dog days
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