
From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

author:Cheman tribe

As we all know, the sales pressure of many car companies has been very high recently, especially joint ventures, which used to lie down and make money, but now the sky has changed. The new car press conferences of some car companies have almost turned into crusades. Like the Ultraman listing a few days ago, there was another grumble. The joint venture is so, and the high-flying luxury car is not having a good time. Now, with the assistance of new energy, like what kind of ideal, ask the world, gradually, the luxury car market dominated by foreign brands has also begun to break the defense. Today's content of Brother Man's blowing water is to take you to see how the domestic luxury car sales are from January to May this year.

A first-line luxury car camp

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

In the first-tier luxury car camp, the highest cumulative sales in the first five months of this year was BMW, which sold about 294,100 vehicles, but it fell by 6.9% year-on-year. And this is all obtained by price reduction promotion, for example, i5, which has only been on the market for half a year, has a total discount of nearly 100,000 yuan in some areas, and the i3 series has also been discounted by about 6%.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Mercedes-Benz's cumulative sales were about 285,000 units, down 9.6% year-on-year. Mercedes-Benz has a strong price in BBA, but it still bows its arrogant head in the face of the general trend, and the price begins to collapse, so that consumers can save tens of thousands of dollars on the price of buying car targets.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Audi has not been as strong as the above two Bs in recent years, but this time it has performed well, selling 273,800 units in five months, an increase of 8.8% year-on-year. There is also Tesla in the first-line camp, with sales of 228,000 units from January to May, which is only more than 1,000 units sold less than the same period last year, which is not too bad.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Second-tier luxury car camp

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Looking at the second-tier again, the first to take the lead is Lexus, in the Chinese market that grandma doesn't recognize, many people think that Ressa is going to fail. As everyone knows, it is still vigorous, and the cumulative sales from January to May increased by 27.7% year-on-year, selling 69,000 units, which is one of the few luxury cars that has grown against the trend. Legend has it that Ressa is also preparing to build a wholly-owned factory in Shanghai, what does this node mean?

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Then Volvo barely got by, selling about 60,000 units, a slight increase of 1.5% year-on-year. Cadillac and Lincoln, two American luxury cars, could not meet the general trend, and sales fell year-on-year, with the former selling 52,800 units and the latter 23,200 units.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

The middle-aged man's beloved Land Rover desperately saved sales amid discounts, selling a total of 31,400 units, a year-on-year decrease of 7.3%. Porsche, along with its parent group Volkswagen, has been thriving in the Chinese market, and sales have fallen sharply in the past two years due to word-of-mouth problems. From January to May, it fell 40% y/y to only 22,300 units. Of course, is there a possibility that it was snatched away by SU7?

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

The third-tier luxury car camp

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

It is said that it is a third-line luxury car, but it is not rigorous, but it is just a matter of sales, and here are all brands with cumulative sales of more than 1,000 from January to May, but not more than 10,000. After the SMART was bought by Geely, two cars have already been launched. It's just that I don't know if there is no Mercedes-Benz bonus, and the sales volume is mediocre, with a total of 9,200 units sold in 5 months, a year-on-year halving. Another small car brand, MINI, is passable, although the sales volume is not large, only 7,300 units, but the year-on-year growth is 10.7%.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Jaguar has been struggling with fractures and has not seen any improvement this year. The cumulative sales from January to May were 8,400 units, down 12.9% year-on-year. Bentley, similar to Porsche, has gained a lot in the Chinese market, and the Chinese billionaires have contributed a large part of their sales. But now the halo of luxury cars is not working, and Bentley sold 1,099 units in five months, a year-on-year drop of 30.7%.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

On the contrary, Polestar and Lotus, which are relatively niche, are showing signs of recovery in terms of sales. Polestar sold 1,209 vehicles, doubling year-on-year. Lotus also sold 1,053 vehicles, up 56.9% year-on-year.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Four, five, six, seven, eight line luxury car camp

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

It was the turn of luxury cars that sold less than 1,000 units in five months, and all of these brands saw their year-on-year sales plummet. The name Infiniti is about to fade out of the field of vision of the people who eat melons, and the cumulative sales from January to May were 987 units, down 45.8% year-on-year. Maserati sold 681 units, down 69% year-on-year. As a modern high-end brand, Genesis has a strong influence in Europe and the United States. I wanted to make a difference in the Chinese market, but consumers didn't buy it at all, and only got 457 vehicles, a year-on-year decline of 34.8%.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Other super luxury cars, the benchmark Rolls-Royce, sold 377 units in five months, down 32.6% year-on-year. Ferrari sold 348 units, down 31.1% year-on-year. Lamborghini was even worse, selling 258 units, down 38.1% year-on-year. There were also two supercar brands, Aston Martin and McLaren, with 122 and 9 vehicles respectively.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

By the way, in order to further squeeze the pockets of the rich, Toyota finally promoted its emperor car. Of course, it is not directly taken from the Toyota Century, but a newly built flagship SUV, which is called Shiji when introduced into the Chinese market. With a starting price of nearly 2 million, 11 units were sold in the first five months of this year.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

Eh, this sales data table only lists foreign luxury car brands, so Brother Man will add our own luxury car sales comparison. Hongqi, the eldest son, sold a total of 156,600 units from January to May, an increase of 26.2% year-on-year. It's just that Brother Man seems to have a lot of red flags on the road, I don't know if it's an illusion.

From January to May, Ressa grew against the trend, and Audi outperformed two Bs year-on-year

There are also two predecessors who were determined to be Chinese luxury brands, Lynk & Co sold 93,800 units from January to May, a year-on-year increase of 5%. Wei brand ...... Uh, that's all for today, which brands do you think can be considered Chinese luxury brands?

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