
Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

author:Xiaojin Entertainment


Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】

Zhao Jianming made a feature documentary and affectionately told the story of his journey as a reciter in Tiananmen Square 3 years ago!

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

At 12:01 p.m. on June 30, 2024, the famous reciter Zhao Jianming released a short video of 05:03 seconds on his personal short video social platform, which is Zhao Jianming's just-recorded ""My Youth, I Am the Master" Youth Ideological and Political Course Series Micro Documentary - Please Rest Assured that the Party Strengthens the Country with Me (the first episode insists).

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

Below, let's take a look at the highlights of the ""My Youth, My Decision" Youth Ideological and Political Politics and Political Course Series Micro Documentary - Please Rest Assured that the Party Will Strengthen the Country with Me" (Insistence on the First Episode):

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

Zhao Jianming fondly recalled his psychological journey when he led the recitation at Tiananmen Square three years ago

Three years ago, on July 1, 2021, the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held in Tiananmen Square. In this event, the reciters composed of Zhao Jianming, Feng Lin, Peng Youxin and Yao Muchen quickly went out of the circle, and the four young people issued the oath of "please rest assured that the party is strong and the country has me" issued in the event, and the recitation was full of vigor and vitality, and Zhao Jianming, Feng Lin, Peng Youxin and Yao Muchen also became the focus of everyone's attention.

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

Because Peng Youxin and Yao Muchen are younger, and Zhao Jianming and Feng Lin are both college students, Zhao Jianming and Feng Lin also often appeared after participating in this event, and the majority of netizens are already familiar with these two reciters. Unconsciously, 3 years have passed since the Tiananmen Square recitation, and after a lapse of three years, the reciter Zhao Jianming told about his participation in the recitation activities in the whole process of the ""My Youth, I Decide" Youth Ideological and Political Course Series Micro Documentary - Please Rest Assured that the Party is Strong and Strong Country Has Me" (the first episode insists).

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

Rehearsal footage of the year

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

Zhao Jianming bluntly said that he was worried about losing to the boy from the Chinese Transmission class

Zhao Jianming first talked about participating in the audition of the reciter, and talked until he received the official notice on June 30, 2021, and told all his mental journey of participating in the event this time. It can be seen that from Zhao Jianming's narration, we can see the appearance of a positive and good young man, in the ""My Youth, I Am the Master" Youth Ideological and Political Course Series Micro Documentary - Please Rest Assured that the Party Has Me to Strengthen the Country" (the first episode insisted), Zhao Jianming revealed for the first time that there were many boys from the Chinese communication class who ran for the reciter together, and he was also a little reluctant at the time, but he secretly determined to stick to the competition, and finally surpassed the boys in the middle communication class.

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

The recitation scene of the year

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

Time flies like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, the Tiananmen recitation has been three years ago, and the past is still vivid, and the recitation of the four reciters is still inspiring more young people.

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

Finally, we also look forward to Zhao Jianming continuing to make greater achievements in the field of broadcasting and hosting in the coming period.

Zhao Jianming: Make a feature documentary about the mental journey of serving as a reciter in Tiananmen Square three years ago

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Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】