
The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".

author:Phoenix Sky

Source: Cai Hongfang Planning Center

The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".
The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the great spirit of party building, on the morning of July 1, the party branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of theme activities such as visiting the party building hall, reviewing the oath of joining the party, and learning and educating party discipline. Xincai County sent Cai Hongfang Liquor full-time party building instructor Li Hao to convey the plan and requirements for learning the party discipline study and education work of the superior party branch, and Huang Chengguo, secretary of the party branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor, gave a special party class, and all party members, development objects and party activists of the party branch participated in the activities.

The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".

In the special tutorial class of party discipline learning and education, Huang Chengguo led all party members to review the glorious history of the party in the past 103 years, and combined with the requirements of party discipline learning and education, put forward the three hopes of "keeping the original intention, having faith, and being a politically firm Communist Party member", "emphasizing conduct, stressing principles, and being a Communist Party member who abides by rules and disciplines", "doing practical things, taking responsibility, and being a Communist Party member who performs his duties", which further strengthened the confidence and determination to give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and focus on promoting the development of the enterprise.

The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".

Seizing the day and living up to the time is the best choice; Forging ahead and moving forward bravely is the most beautiful posture. Huang Chengguo combined with the actual work in the special party class, from the cultural wine, expand the new world of marketing, the pursuit of excellence, plan new ideas of operation and management, win by quality, create a new benchmark for product quality, closely follow the policy, achieve a new promotion of brand value, strengthen the enterprise with talents, innovate new methods of human resource management, integrate party and enterprises, build a new system of party building management, struggle-oriented, and build a new sample of a happy enterprise. The direction, objectives and tasks were clarified, and specific requirements were put forward.

The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".
The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".

Before the special tutorial course on party discipline learning and education, the participating comrades visited the Xincai County Red Culture Exhibition Hall under the leadership of Huang Chengguo, secretary of the party branch of the company, and through visiting the exhibition, listening to explanations, watching films, etc., they felt the magnificent revolutionary history and the value of the times of red culture, and felt the struggle and brilliant achievements of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry in the construction, reform and development under the leadership of the party. Everyone unanimously expressed that they should not forget their original intention, keep their mission in mind, inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, and constantly promote the rise of Cai Hongfang and the revitalization of Yujiu.

The Party Branch of Cai Hongfang Liquor Industry organized a series of activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st".

In the process of reviewing the oath of joining the party, all party members lined up neatly in the memorial hall, facing the bright red party flag, revisiting the oath of joining the party, word by word, sonorous and powerful, expressing their determination to fight for the cause of the party for life.

The comrades who participated in the series of activities on the theme of "celebrating 1 July" unanimously held that the theme activities are rich in content, have both theoretical height and practical depth, are closely related to the actual work, and have a strong pertinence and guidance for future work. In the next step, the party branch will consolidate and expand the learning effect and mechanism achievements, do a solid job in theoretical learning, investigation and research, promote development, review and rectification, etc., and use the party's innovation theory to promote the high-quality development of enterprises to achieve greater results. (Source: Cai Hongfang Planning Center)

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