
Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

author:Live travel network
Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

A classic line from the hit drama "The Story of Rose".

"The world is in front of me, pointing to wherever I want to go"

Hot all over the network!

It has aroused the desire of many people to explore the unknown......

But you know what?

"Rose" has its own splendor, and so does Tibetan Mirin

Now it is with the splendor of irises

It tells the same story as "Rose".

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

The wind has a letter, and the flowers have a period, in the flower world of Mirin

In spring, there are sweet and pink wild peach blossoms

In early summer, there are beautiful yellow peonies

But when it comes to the "top stream" of midsummer

Then count the irises that bloom in Caizhaogou

Follow Simil to check in this romantic purple world!

#01 Healing Journey of Virgin Forest + Highland Pasture

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  Drive 20 minutes along Caizhao Village into Caizhao Ditch, the natural primeval forest will make you marvel at the creator's magic sword. A large area of forest and wetland, the cypress is verdant and deep, and the pale yellow pineapple hangs from the tall branches, like the curtain of a fairy in a fairy tale.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!
Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  Walking along the winding path, you will see the moss like a soft green carpet, covering every inch of the skin of the rocks; You'll see crystal clear, babbling streams, raindrops jumping between the stones, making a crisp and pleasant sound; You'll encounter wild animals such as horses and yaks, which roam the forest at a leisurely pace, leaving a trail of grace and surprises along the way.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  Go deep into Caizhaogou Ranch, every year from June to July, there will be a large area of romantic purple iris blooming here, stretching for miles and integrating with the blue sky and white clouds, and it looks particularly gorgeous against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains and forests, as if the realistic version of "Monet's Garden".

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  Stroll through the cloudy Caizhaogou Ranch after the rain, see the irises all over the mountains, let the jungle awaken the sleeping consciousness, and start a forest healing journey to wash the soul!

Little popular science

  Iris (pinyin: yuān wěi huā), also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. The main color of the iris is blue-purple, with the reputation of "blue enchantress", the iris is called because of the petal shape such as the tail of the kite, there are blue, purple, yellow, white, red and other colors, the transliteration of its genus name is commonly known as "Alice", Alice is the goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology, she is the messenger of the gods and mortals, the main task is to bring the souls of good people after death, through the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth to bring back to heaven.

  The flower language of irises: messenger of good news, messenger of love, miss you, elegant heart, mission, messenger of love.

#02 Tibetan Linka + Parent-child Journey with Featured Travel Photography

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  At this moment, purple is the romance of Caizhaogou, their flowers are strange and soft, the pattern camouflage is dreamy, the flower shape is bizarre, the color is delicate and dazzling, which makes people intoxicated, and embellishes the romance and freshness of summer with a strong life force.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!
Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  In summer, find a lawn in this flower pasture, spread a picnic cloth and sit on the ground, bring delicious food and drink, and talk and laugh with family and friends while enjoying the flowers, you can enjoy a pleasant afternoon, which is definitely a leisurely and comfortable outing~

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  If you want to ask Simil what clothes to wear to take a photo with the sea of flowers, then you must recommend Lhoba's special clothing! The color of Lhoba costumes is usually red, black, blue, and green, and is equipped with a variety of ornaments such as waist ornaments, ear drums, bracelets, etc., and the gorgeous and moving Lhoba women's clothing and the sea of purple flowers contrast with each other, which has a unique style! (PS: Caizhao Village near Caizhaogou is one of the villages inhabited by the Lhoba ethnic group.) Located in Caizhao Village, Luoba B&B can provide Luoba clothing. )

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  The summer breeze blows the hot heart, it's time to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, start a [Countryside Flower Sea Travel Photography], enjoy the quiet "slow life", and add a sense of ritual and happiness to ordinary days~

Little popular science

  The Lhoba costume culture is an artistic treasure in Chinese national culture. The traditional concepts and cultural psychology of the Lhoba people for thousands of years such as aesthetic concepts, religious beliefs and living customs have been interpreted in their clothing. In 2008, the costumes of the Milin Lhoba nationality were included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.

  Lhoba women's clothing is made of cotton, and the color, material, and accessories have been improved. Lhoba women like to wear a collarless and narrow-sleeved blouse woven of linen, draped over a calfskin, a tight-fitting tube skirt that is circumferential over the knees, and a legging wrap around the calf, which is tied tightly at both ends with straps. In addition to silver and bronze bracelets and rings, there are dozens of blue and white bead necklaces, and many balls of seashells are decorated around their waists.

#03 Cherry blossom viewing on sunny and rainy days

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  Recently, it is the rainy season in Mirin, and the rain is sprinkled between the heavens and the earth, weaving a hazy poetic picture. In this humid world, irises bloom quietly, like a group of purple elves dancing in the rain.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  Holding an umbrella and strolling on the path, your eyes will be attracted by the irises. The irises in the rain, the purple petals trembling slightly, as if playing with the rain. Each petal carries a sparkling drop of water, as if it were set with countless brilliant diamonds.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  Approaching them, leaning over to sniff lightly, a faint fragrance came to my nose, which was a mixture of rain and flowers, fresh and intoxicating. At this moment, you will feel as if you are in a quiet world, away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  When the long-lost rays of sunlight penetrate the clouds and pour the earth, everything in the world seems to wake up from its slumber, and the most intoxicating thing is the iris that blooms in the clear light after the baptism of wind and rain.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

  When the weather clears, they straighten their waists, and each petal stretches to the extreme, and the delicate color seems to have been carefully painted by the sun. The remaining raindrops on the petals are as crystal as pearls, and they are dazzling under the refraction of the sun.

Follow Liu Yifei to check in the secret realm of Milin and have a healing journey in the sea of flowers!

Come across this fascinating sea of irises

Feel the embrace of the sun and listen to the whispers of the flowers

You will find inner peace and joy

Realize the true meaning of life!


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