
The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

author:Vanjie movie clips

Some people say that after watching a few episodes, they will decisively abandon the drama, and when they meet, they will even gnaw and kiss, as if they can't shoot strong feelings without a kiss scene, which makes people embarrassed and insincere, but what you don't know is that compared with the novel, such a bold action has been cut a lot, so you just steal the fun.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

In the play, Rose boldly shows her love, never cares about the world's eyes, dares to love and hate, this is very brave, there are many people who worship, envy, and can't put it down, but it's still that sentence, women should have the least reserve, after all, men have a common problem, too easy to get, they will look down on you, and they don't even pay attention to you.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

Zhuang Guodong is a ready-made example, such an excellent high-quality man as him, there must be a warbler Yanyan around him, in his cognition, he thinks that Yellow Rose is one of them, it turns out that Yellow Rose is the same as those nymphomaniacs, or even more crazy.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

The progress of the two seems to have jumped in love, directly entered the cohabitation life, and even took down the yellow rose in the elevator, this scene is strong enough, causing the audience to look uncomfortable, and I feel that the heroine is a little too casual, after all, the two have only known each other for a few days, and they are too anxious to operate like this.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

No wonder Rose is so active, the reason is that Zhuang Guodong is too good, not only handsome, but also quite capable, only 28 years old, he became a lecturer in a well-known science college.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

Zhuang Guodong has never been bound by feelings, he knows very well what he wants, even if he likes Huang Rose very much, he will still make the right choice, that is, to marry his fiancée, and he has never harassed Huang Yimei again.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

It was Zhuang Guodong's indifference that caused Huang Rose's heart to be hit hard, she said a classic, the feeling of being in love is like drinking a whole bottle of Erguotou, getting drunk, and not thinking about any consequences,

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

But once you wake up, you can wake up like a dream and heal yourself. Despite this, she does not regret her boldness to show love, because she experienced the pain and loss of love, the first love is beautiful, but it is very sharp, a short sweet life,

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

It takes a lifetime to heal, so there is a second man, Fang Xiewen.

The character of Fang Xiewen is actually quite resonant, although he is not as good as Zhuang Guodong, but the heart of love for roses is the most real in the whole play, belonging to the kind of selfless dedication and can sacrifice life.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

The reason why Rose married him is that he has a stronger quality than Zhang Guodong. After marriage, the two had a daughter, named Fang Taichu, she can be regarded as a good wife at home, never let herself be idle, she cleaned the house spotlessly, raised the child for white and fat, surrounded her husband all day long, and completely abandoned herself.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

In the original work, Huang Rose once said that the main purpose of her marriage to Fang Xiewen was to heal the emotional wounds brought to her by Zhuang Guodong, and at the same time, she was also emulating Zhuang Guodong and accepting the marriage of someone she didn't love, because Zhuang Guodong once said that it is better to be loved than to love others.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

Ten years is long enough, she has never loved Fang Xiewen, so she chose to divorce, although she has a daughter, but it can't become an obstacle to her, and finally in order to be with her beloved, she even gave up the custody of her daughter, Huang Yimei is reckless in emotion and marriage, not only hurting herself, but also hurting others.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

Everyone said that Fu Jiaming was the soul mate of Yellow Rose, I think it was still mixed with some water, he concealed his illness to provoke Rose, and Rose was not to be outdone, not only concealed her marriage history, but also had an oil bottle, but in the end she did a great job and abandoned her daughter for Fu Jiaming.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

After Fu Jiaming's death, Huang Rose was heartbroken, her love was pure, she didn't mind Fu Jiaming giving all her property to Fu Jiamin, she loved Fu Jiaming, it had nothing to do with money, and ten years later, she was not too young at this time, she was in her 40s.

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

She loves life and still firmly believes in love, so she married again, although the man is more than 20 years older than her, and he is already 70 years old, but this is not a reason not to love at all, people who don't know Yellow Rose think that she is going for Luo Qing's money, but only Brother Yellow Rose knows,

The story of the rose: The original rose is a scumbag girl, boldly showing love, and finally even a 70-year-old man loves it

My sister is a person with pure feelings and has nothing to do with material things.