
Green Park carries out activities such as theme party days in multiple departments

author:See the Green Garden
Green Park carries out activities such as theme party days in multiple departments

Recently, a number of departments and units in the Green Park have carried out various themed party days and other activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Green Park carries out activities such as theme party days in multiple departments

The Green Park Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a poetry reading meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The Green Park Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a poetry reading meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. The event invited the Green Park Cultural Center, the Jilin Provincial Hospital Branch, the Kuancheng District Committee, the Green Park Committee, the Economic Development Zone Branch and other grassroots organizations of the Democratic Progressive Association, and the relevant responsible comrades of the Changchun Municipal Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party participated in the event.

Green Park carries out activities such as theme party days in multiple departments

The actors expressed their high respect for the party through dance, poetry, solo singing and other performances. Everyone expressed that they would continue to strengthen the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, unswervingly listen to the party, follow the party, closely revolve around the Communist Party of China, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The event ended with the singing of "No Communist Party, No New China" and "Singing the Motherland" sung by all the staff.

Tongxin Street carried out the party day activity with the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of party building and gathering the strength to forge ahead".

Tongxin Street carried out the party day activity with the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of party building and gathering the strength to forge ahead".

Green Park carries out activities such as theme party days in multiple departments

During the activity, all party members watched the warning education film "Stick to Self-Theft and Self-Destruction", and further learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, so as to be strict with self-cultivation, strict use of power, and strict self-discipline, and create a clean and upright political ecology for the whole street. Subsequently, all party members were organized to visit the district clean government education base to accept the edification and baptism of clean government culture. After the visit, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag and expressed their infinite admiration for the party.

Haoyue Industrial Park carried out theme party day activities

During the event, party members received their birthday cards and reviewed the oath of joining the party. Receiving a birthday card enhances the sense of belonging and honor of party members, and reminds every party member to always remember their original intention and mission. Revisiting the oath of joining the party is a profound baptism of party spirit, so that party members can clarify their political positions and goals, and strengthen their beliefs and pursuits. Party members also watched warning education films to enhance their sense of discipline, improve their awareness of prevention, and strengthen their awareness of integrity.

Green Park carries out activities such as theme party days in multiple departments

In the next step, Haoyue Industrial Park will continue to enrich the content of activities and innovate the form of activities, so that the theme party day activities will become an important carrier for strengthening party members' party spirit education and ideological and political work.

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