
Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

author:AI TEDA

To celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

TEDA Street has carried out various forms of theme activities

Inherit the fire of party building

Light up the light of hope

Celebrate the party's birthday together

Party building casts the soul of medicine, benevolence and benevolence benefit the people's livelihood

Recently, the United Front Work Department of the District Party Committee organized the backbone members of the District New Federation to go to Xingtai, Hebei Province to carry out the theme education activity of "Gathering New Strength and Building a New Era" to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the "Dayu Love Platform" assistance activity.

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

TEDA Street actively participated in the assistance activities, and organized multidisciplinary backbone experts from TEDA Hospital and Taixin Hospital to go to Bai'an Township Health Center, Xingtai City, Hebei Province to carry out free clinic activities, involving stomatology, otolaryngology, infectious diseases, orthopedics, cardiology and other disciplines, and a total of more than 70 residents were seen and treated in the activities.

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times
Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times
Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

The community party flag flutters and builds neighborhood feelings together

The Warner community carried out a series of themed activities to celebrate "July 1st" and awarded commemorative medals to party members for "50 years of glory in the party".

The exhibition is divided into five parts, including "Leading the Direction and Illuminating the Road of the Chinese Nation's Advancement" and "Forging the Contingent and Building a Completely Consolidated National Party," vividly showing the glorious history of the CPC leading the Chinese people to victory in the War of Resistance by strengthening party building in all aspects during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

Subsequently, he led the party members to the Poly Cinema of the Binhai Cultural Center to watch the red movie "Jedi Rebirth". This visit and movie viewing activity allowed the community party members to relive the history and stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm and responsibility of the party members.

The Fashion Square community organization carried out the July 1st theme activity of "inheriting excellent traditional culture and cultivating and nourishing Jincheng civilization".

In an easy-to-understand, easy-to-understand, concise and concise way of preaching, the content of the general secretary's visit to Tianjin was introduced, as well as the important instructions and requirements of the general secretary for urban culture when he inspected Tianjin, the inheritance of excellent traditional culture, and the cultivation and nourishment of Tianjin's civilization, Xi Jinping's cultural thought was systematically explained, so that the party's innovative theory "flew into the homes of ordinary people".

The party members and the masses said that they should transform General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment into a powerful driving force to promote cultural inheritance and development, write a chapter of the era of cultural construction in the land of Jingu with a more high-spirited and enterprising attitude, and gather more powerful spiritual strength and cultural momentum for striving to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Tianjin.

The Party Branch of Wynn Community and Greentown Property of Guanshanyuan Community, Red Property, carried out the activity of "Celebrating July 1st and Sending Warmth" to visit party members. This time, a total of 17 households visited the sick party members, elderly party members, and party members living alone. Communicate cordially with veteran party members, ask them about their family life and physical health, and listen carefully to their opinions and suggestions on community services, property services and other work.

Shi Tingzhen, an 84-year-old veteran party member, said: "I feel like my relatives are here when you come, the activities of our branch are very rich, although I am unable to move but I have paid attention to the mobile phone information, I am also very satisfied with the property service, I feel very happy, and I will continue to give full play to the residual heat and make more contributions to the construction of the community." ”

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Taixiang Community carried out the "Gift July 1st" theatrical performance. The theme of the show is distinct, the performance forms are diverse, and the red theme inspires the majority of party members and the masses to build a better home together with a higher morale, which enhances the cohesion and centripetal force of the community.

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times
Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times
Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

Furui community held a "do not forget the original intention, always follow the party" literary and artistic report performance. Familiar red songs are constantly sung, and the familiar melodies lead everyone to relive the eventful years. The passionate recitation and chorus made people deeply feel the pride and ambition of the revolutionary ancestors. It not only presented the 103rd anniversary of the party with passionate singing and beautiful dancing, but also showed the characteristics and spiritual connotation of the times of TEDA people in the new era.

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

Inherit the red gene and continue the red blood

TEDA No. 1 Elementary School, Tianjin Binhai Vocational College, School of Marxism and Dagukou Fort Site Museum jointly held the July 1st theme party day and party building with team building and team building activities of "inheriting the red gene and continuing the red blood".

On June 28, TEDA held the opening ceremony of the red scarf summer camp of "inheriting the red gene and striving to be a good player in the new era".

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times
Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

Under the guidance of the museum's professional docents, the "Binxiaoxuan" smoothly and naturally showed the audience the indomitable course of the Dagukou Fort Fort through invasion and several hardships and the historical relics of the Chinese people who were not afraid of violence and fought bravely.

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times
Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

The party members who participated in the theme party day activities watched the theme exhibition of "Sea Country", listened to the "walking micro-party class", and moved to the site monument to review the oath of joining the party. All party members face the party flag, raise their right hands, and swear an oath to the party.

Celebrate "July 1st"! Bincheng TEDA recalls the eventful years and continues to write the chapter of the times

He expressed his loyalty to the party with the oath, expressed his firm belief in fighting for the party's cause for life, and expressed his infinite loyalty to the party word by word, and his love for the party was full of heart. Do not forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members with more enthusiasm, and always maintain the political nature of Communist Party members.

"July 1st" praises the party's "medicine" loudly

TEDA Hospital carried out a recitation activity to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with the theme of "Remembering the Struggle Process, Absorbing the Strength of Progress, and Continuing to Write a New Chapter in the High-quality Development of Hospitals in the New Era", presenting a unique gift to the party's birthday.

All party members of TEDA Hospital reviewed the oath of joining the party.

In the form of poetry recitation, the medical staff expressed their respect for the party and their persistent pursuit of the medical cause. They pledged with a firm voice that they will always uphold the party's purpose, take saving lives and helping the wounded as their own responsibility, and make unremitting efforts for the people's health.

This recitation activity not only stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of all employees of the hospital, but also further enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the team. TEDA medical staff will transform this enthusiasm into motivation for work, provide better services for patients with a fuller mental state and more exquisite medical technology, and contribute more to the cause of the party and the health and well-being of the people.

The original intention of the founding of the party will never be forgotten

Forge ahead and create glory

Dear party

Happy 103rd birthday