
Party organizations at all levels in Youyang carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Youyang release
Party organizations at all levels in Youyang carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
Party organizations at all levels in Youyang carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

In front of the statue of martyr Zhao Shiyan, the party members and cadres of the county taxation bureau reviewed the oath of joining the party.

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party organizations at all levels in Youyang have carried out various activities to carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the red gene, continue the red blood, guide and inspire the majority of party members not to forget their original aspirations, forge ahead, show new responsibilities and achieve new achievements in the new era and new journey.

In the southern waist of the old revolutionary base area, party members from the county water conservancy bureau and the party organization of the psychiatric hospital visited and reminisced along the Red Army Street, and remembered the great sacrifices and unremitting efforts made by the revolutionary ancestors for national independence and the people's liberation in front of the revolutionary sites.

"If you want to eat sea pepper, you are not afraid of spicy, and if you want to be a Red Army, you are not afraid of killing!" In front of the memorial tower of the Second and Sixth Army Corps of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, Yang Yunzhi, a party member and cadre of the County Water Conservancy Bureau, had a twinkle in his eyes. All around, the quaint buildings and the verdant mountains and forests complement each other, as if bringing everyone back to that period of beacon fire, and the majestic power of unity is still reverberating on this red fertile soil. "Standing on this land, I seem to be able to hear the firm footsteps of the Red Army soldiers back then, and their hardships and efforts for their beliefs and ideals are a powerful guide for us to stand at the forefront of the tide and work hard in the new era."

Party organizations at all levels in Youyang carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

In front of the Red Army martyrs' tomb in the southern waist area, party members and cadres raised their right fists and reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Yang Maoying, a party member of the county psychiatric hospital, and his colleagues walked along Red Army Street, and every step seemed so heavy. She sighed: "This road was paved by the soldiers of the Red Army with blood and lives. Our happy life today is inseparable from their heroic struggle. We must always remember history and cherish the hard-won peace. ”

Party organizations at all levels in Youyang carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Zhao Shiyan Martyrs Memorial Hall, Party members and cadres of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Walking into the Zhao Shiyan Martyrs Memorial Hall in Longtan Town, a solemn and solemn atmosphere came to the face. In the memorial hall, precious photos and historical relics vividly reproduce the glorious revolutionary process and firm revolutionary original intention of martyr Zhao Shiyan. The party members and cadres stopped and stared, listened carefully to the introduction of the commentator, and their hearts were full of admiration and remembrance for the martyrs.

Wang Li, a party member of the county water conservancy bureau, was reluctant to leave in front of the martyrs' relics for a long time. She said with emotion: "Every relic has witnessed Zhao Shiyan's bravery and dedication. As party members and cadres in the new era, we must carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions, and actively participate in the construction of a new Youyang of socialist modernization with the spirit of hard work and responsibility. ”

"Martyr Zhao Shiyan did not hesitate to sacrifice his life for the revolutionary cause. His firm determination to fight for the cause of the party and the country is touching, and it also strengthens my beliefs and pursuits. In front of the statue of the martyr Zhao Shiyan, Ye Zhengchao, a member of the Party Committee of the County Taxation Bureau, stared for a long time, with a glint of admiration in his eyes.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" The party members and cadres faced the party flag, clenched their right fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. Zheng Zheng's oath was impassioned, and he strengthened his belief in joining the party and his determination to fight for the party's cause for life.

Party organizations at all levels in Youyang carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

Party members and cadres of the county taxation bureau walked into the clean government education base to receive clean government education.

Party members and cadres also walked into the clean government education base, visited the "honest traceability, learning from history to find integrity", "historical records, great changes", "strict discipline, discipline violations", "lessons from the past, alarm bells ringing" four exhibition halls, through a group of detailed data, a vivid historical data, a typical case, with history as a mirror, with the case as a mirror, to build a solid ideological foundation to resist corruption and prevent degeneration.

Chen Jing, member of the Standing Committee of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and member of the Supervision Commission, said: "As party members and cadres, we must always keep a clear head, know and respect, guard against fear, abide by the bottom line, always be innocent, do things cleanly, add positive energy to the party's cause, and establish a good image for the people." ”

"I deeply felt the heroism and selfless dedication of the revolutionary martyrs, and I received a profound baptism in my thoughts." Zhu Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Longtan Town, said that as party members and cadres in the new era, we must strengthen our ideals and beliefs, strengthen our responsibility, improve our work style, practice the party's purpose and mission with practical actions, let the red gene and the spirit of honesty be passed on from generation to generation, and let the revolutionary spirit shine in the new era.


Reporter: Yu Lin ▏Editor: Liu Li Duty: Ren Guirong ▏Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jie Produced by Rong Media Center of Youyang Autonomous County

Party organizations at all levels in Youyang carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

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