
The little reporter checks in the red landmark

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source | Urban Live Original

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Exhibition Hall of the former site of the New Fourth Army Military Headquarters in Nanchang, Jiangxi

The Communist Party of China was launched

A series of activities for the 103rd anniversary of its establishment

The little reporter checks in the red landmark

More than 10 young reporters of the Communist Youth League in Jiangxi

Come to the exhibition hall of the former site of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army to visit the site

Listen to the red story

Understand the party's struggle

The little reporter checks in the red landmark
The little reporter checks in the red landmark
Wei Li, docent of the exhibition hall of the former site of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army in Nanchang: Through this research activity, young people can better understand the history of the party, and at the same time stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of young people, inherit the red gene, and continue the red blood.
The little reporter checks in the red landmark
Little reporter Zhu Yichen: I feel the hard work and efforts of my predecessors, and I have exchanged their sacrifices for our motherland and our happy life now. I should learn from them and contribute to my country.
The little reporter checks in the red landmark
Little reporter Chen Hanze: Our current happy life is inseparable from the efforts of those revolutionary ancestors. I will learn from those revolutionary forefathers and contribute to the country.
The little reporter checks in the red landmark