
Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source: Urban Live Original

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Zhu Jinxiang, a student at the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, that we have reported

For 10 consecutive years, he carried his tablemate Zhong Huaqiang with cerebral palsy to school

Last year, Zhong Huaqiang was admitted to Jiangxi Agricultural University with a score of 544

But Zhu Jinxiang fell off the list

This year, Zhu Jinxiang, who fought for the college entrance examination again, finally went ashore

Let's share his joy together

Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination

Yesterday was the first day of the early undergraduate non-military volunteers and other batches of volunteers

Early in the morning, Zhu Jinxiang's homeroom teacher Chen Qingfu rushed from school to Mashuang Township, Nankang District

Instruct him to fill in the volunteers

Zhu Jinxiang's score in this year's college entrance examination is 531 points

That's more than 60 points more than last year

There is no problem with this score in the general undergraduate colleges and universities in the province

It's not impossible to rush to an institution

Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Chen Qingfu & Zhu Jinxiang, Teacher of the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City: If you rush, you must also obey the adjustment. If you rush to this score line, but if you don't obey the adjustment, he will retreat, then you will have to enter the next batch, or enter the junior college.

Zhu Jinxiang failed in the college entrance examination last year

And he has taken care of Zhong Huaqiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years

Admitted to Jiangxi Agricultural University

In addition to being happy for good friends

Zhu Jinxiang himself made up his mind

Be sure to get good grades in the coming year

For more than a year, he studied hard

On the other hand, there was also a lot of pressure

Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Zhu Jinxiang's mother Wang Fenglian: He will come back once in about half a month, and when he comes back, he will hug me and burst into tears.
Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Chen Qingfu, teacher of the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City: Every night when we go down at 9:50 for self-study, he goes back to the dormitory to wash up, and he reads books until eleven or twelve o'clock.

Hard work pays off

The moment the results of this year's college entrance examination came out

Everyone was happy for Zhu Jinxiang

And he himself let go of all the pressure of the year

Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Chen Qingfu, teacher at the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City: He was very happy, he said that the teacher was more than 20 points more than I estimated.
Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Zhu Jinxiang, an examinee from the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City: I just want to sleep, and then make up for the nights I have stayed up for the past year, so I slept crazy for a while, and I had to sleep for 144 or 5 hours a day for 24 hours.

About filling in the application

Zhu Jinxiang first considered

It is also Jiangxi Agricultural University, where Zhong Huaqiang is located

Although the school took good care of Zhong Huaqiang

But he was still a little relieved

Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Zhu Jinxiang, a candidate from the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City: At first, I wanted to go (Jiangxi Agricultural University), but now that the results are out, it is not enough, so I can't go, so I look at the back, if I am admitted to the school in Nanchang, I can also go to him to play in the future.

And Zhong Huaqiang, who was far away in Nanchang, was also the first time

Got good news shared by a friend

From the third grade of elementary school

Zhu Jinxiang began to carry Zhong Huaqiang to school

That's 10 years

So, in the choice of volunteering

Zhong Huaqiang hopes that Zhu Jinxiang will not be the same as before

Think of yourself everywhere

Instead, embrace the vast world of your own

Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Zhu Jinxiang, a candidate from the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City: He wants to go wherever I want, he doesn't want me to be constrained and constrained like this, so I don't have to be in the same school.

Zhu Jinxiang's family is not well-off

His father worked on a construction site, and his mother worked odd jobs in the village

Of the three children in the family, Zhu Jinxiang is the second

He was also the first college student in his family

The mother thinks that it doesn't matter where the child goes in the future

It doesn't matter if he can go to college or not

Keeping a sincere and kind heart is the most important thing

Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Zhu Jinxiang's mother Wang Fenglian: People say that grades are another thing, and being a talent is the first, so I said that he can help people in this way, at least his character will not be bad.
Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination
Chen Qingfu, teacher of the North Campus of Nankang Middle School in Ganzhou City: I hope he can choose an ideal university, I also hope that he can go out to see the world, and I wish him a bright future and a promising future.
Zhu Jinxiang, a classmate with cerebral palsy for ten years, "went ashore" in the college entrance examination

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