
Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

author:Extinction gaffes
Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came
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Text | Jokes

Editing: Jokes


"Soul juice, pour it on~"

Brother Ma's magical opening sentence became popular on the Internet a long time ago.

This set off a craze for eating sheep's heads.

But just recently, a food blogger bought three sheep's heads in a restaurant in Fuzhou.

Take it home and take a look when you are about to feast.

Oh, good fellow, there's grass in the sheep's head.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

Thus began a tug-of-war.

So what happened?

How did the officials deal with it?

【What happened】

Just recently, an Internet celebrity eating blogger was hungry for watching Lao Ma's video.

So he also wanted to buy a sheep's head and try it.

He found a local barbecue restaurant for more than 30 years.

It's better to act than to move, and he immediately came to the store.

According to the boss, they sell thousands of sheep a year.

And other stores sell sheep's heads for 108 yuan, while his family only sells them for 60 yuan.

After packing, he took it back to his home to taste it with his brothers.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

But when they opened it, they looked closely, and the head of the sheep was full of hair, and so were the ears of the sheep.

At this time, the blogger was still playing a round and saying that it was not delicious without wool.

Then I poured the sauce on it and prepared to eat.

But when they took apart the sheep's head, they were dumbfounded.

Not only was the sheep's mouth full of hair, but also a lot of grass was found in it.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

These grasses, which have been chewed, emit a foul smell.

After seeing this, they immediately contacted their boss.

And the boss actually told them that there was no way to wash the sheep's head.

But the next second, he was quickly slapped in the face.

The blogger said directly to him, then you can't rush it?

Then the blogger said that the boss didn't burn the hair and marinate it.

And the boss was still dead duck at this time, saying that it was 100% burned.

It's just that some places may not burn clean.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

He didn't admit his mistake the whole time, and said that he would return a sheep's head to him.

Who would dare to eat this?

In the end, the bloggers lost their temper and could only hang up the phone.

After this incident spread on the Internet, it caused an uproar.

And the boss was also cowardly at this time, and contacted the blogger to say how much it cost to delete the video.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

But the blogger has already contacted the staff of the relevant department.

Then the three parties discussed it in person.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

And this boss has repeatedly made surprising remarks at this time.

He first said that the foreign body found by the blogger was Chinese medicine.

But this kind of talk is obviously not to be fooled.

Then he said that it was difficult to tell whether the sheep's head belonged to his family.

He also quibbled that the barbecue sauce he brushed before was missing, indicating that it was not his family.

Anyway, the main hit is a death and doesn't admit it.

Later, the local municipal regulatory bureau also issued a notice.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

The report said that the blogger's report was true.

They will also be seriously investigated and punished in accordance with the law.

After this incident spread to the Internet, it also caused heated discussions among netizens.

【Comments from netizens】

A netizen in Inner Mongolia said that if the sheep is not handled well, it will lead to grass in the sheep's esophagus and mouth.

Is that the case?

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

Another netizen also agreed with his statement.

He said that this was rumination, and that the sheep's muzzle should be broken open and washed when done.

It seems that netizens still know how to do it.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

In addition, another netizen said that he could take it directly for testing.

See if the seasoning on the sheep's head is the same as the one used in the store.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

That's a good idea.

Of course, there are other more talented netizens who have made up a slip of the tongue about this matter.

Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came

This netizen, are you going to laugh to death?


It seems that this incident has indeed caused the anger of netizens.

After all, food safety has always been a top priority.

And the attitude of the store is even more unpleasant.

You can't blame netizens.

In the end, I hope that something like this will never happen again.

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Eat grass in the braised sheep's head? Boss: How much does it cost to delete the video? The official announcement came
[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

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