
The first in the province, the group is coming!

author:Feixi Fusion Media

Anhui's first flower science and technology courtyard

Anhui's first thin-shell pecan science and technology courtyard

Hefei's first aquatic science and technology courtyard

Anhui Feixi Meat Sheep Science and Technology Courtyard ......


Feixi has set up a number of science and technology institutes

Provide talent support for industrial development

Inject new momentum into rural revitalization

What is a Science and Technology Courtyard?

A small farm yard, one or more graduate students, a group of science and technology farmers, some basic science and technology training and science and technology service facilities, science and technology experimental fields and technology demonstration parties constitute a "complete" science and technology courtyard.

The talent training of the Science and Technology Academy adheres to the foundation of cultivating people with virtue, supports and guides graduate students to cultivate love for agriculture through scientific research and social services, practice the ability to rejuvenate agriculture, and make contributions on the big stage of rural revitalization.

Anhui Feixi Flower Science and Technology Courtyard

A few days ago, Anhui Feixi Flower Science and Technology Courtyard was officially inaugurated in the Seedling Center, which is the first flower science and technology courtyard in the province, which will add new vitality to the high-quality development of the county's flower industry.

The first in the province, the group is coming!

At present, Feixi County has selected a number of flower demonstration bases, with the base as the main battlefield for the practical teaching of graduate students in the science and technology school, actively serving the farmers in the production line, solving the first-line technical problems in a timely manner, and building a platform combining production, education and research, promoting the transformation and application of scientific research achievements, injecting new vitality into the sustainable development of the flower industry, and driving the high-quality development of the county's flower industry with demonstration and leadership.

Anhui Hefei thin-shell hickory science and technology courtyard

A few days ago, the Anhui Hefei Thin-shell Pecan Science and Technology Courtyard jointly built by Anhui Agricultural University and Anhui Jiaye Agricultural Co., Ltd. was officially unveiled in Guanting Town, which is the first science and technology courtyard focusing on the thin-shell pecan industry in our province.

The first in the province, the group is coming!

Based on the foundation of local characteristic industries and the urgent needs of high-quality development, Anhui Hefei Thin Shell Pecan Science and Technology Academy has realized the zero-distance contact of graduate students with the "three rural" problems and promoted the reform of graduate training and education mode, which is an important breakthrough to solve the quality problems of talent training such as the disconnection between graduate training and production, and the weak social practice and social service ability of graduate students. By leading graduate students to go deep into the thin-shell pecan planting base, carry out various forms of scientific research and social service activities, and promote the transformation of the school's knowledge achievements into production practice.

Anhui Feixi Special Aquatic Breeding Science and Technology Courtyard

A few days ago, Anhui Feixi Special Aquatic Breeding Science and Technology Courtyard was unveiled in Persimmon Gang Township, Feixi County, which is the first aquatic science and technology courtyard in Hefei City.

The first in the province, the group is coming!

Anhui Feixi Special Aquatic Breeding Science and Technology Institute by Feixi County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Anhui Agricultural University, Anhui Dawei Aquaculture Co., Ltd. jointly built, based on local resource endowment, the use of education and teaching, scientific research, personnel training "trinity" construction model, focusing on loach, mandarin fish fry breeding, aquatic seed industry promotion, digital fishery, mandarin fish feed domestication and aquaculture technology research and other content.

Anhui Feixi Meat Sheep Science and Technology Courtyard

A few days ago, the awarding ceremony of Anhui Feixi Meat Sheep Science and Technology Academy was held in Shannan Town.

The first in the province, the group is coming!

Anhui Feixi Meat Sheep Science and Technology Institute will focus on the technical problems faced by the meat sheep industry in Feixi County, gather the tripartite strength of "government-school-enterprise", combine the scientific research and production practice of the College of Animal Science and Technology of Anhui Agricultural University, practice the original intention of writing the paper on the land of the motherland, help the meat sheep industry in Feixi County improve quality and efficiency, and realize the rapid development of the animal husbandry industry.