
The upside-down situation in the Dream of Red Mansions: The good man Zhen Shi lost his wealth and abandoned his wife, and the big scumbag Jia Yucun cleaned up the mess

author:Pingshan Magenta Building

Focusing on Jia Yucun, the "big villain", the author has written several articles analyzing him, and readers complained that it was a reversal of the case for Jia Yucun, not to mention the reversal of the case, but it is a complex human nature, especially the characters of the Red Mansion, which cannot be simply classified as good or bad.

The upside-down situation in the Dream of Red Mansions: The good man Zhen Shi lost his wealth and abandoned his wife, and the big scumbag Jia Yucun cleaned up the mess
Zhen Shiyin is dreamy and psychic, and Jia Yucun is beautiful in the dust.

In the first episode of "Dream of Red Mansions", Zhen Shiyin and Jia Yucun appeared side by side, from the perspective of the story line, Zhen Shiyin is the benefactor of Jia Yucun, without Zhen Shiyin's silver clothes, how can Jia Yucun go to Beijing to take the exam and the title of the gold list? However, readers can also read that these two are also a set of contrasts, Jia Yucun is aggressive, and Zhen Shiyin is alone; Jia Yucun wants to make a big move, and Zhen Shiyin just wants to be a rich man who keeps quiet.

The two people's different outlooks on life also led to their different life trajectories and different tragic endings.

After Jia Yucun left, only a few years later, Zhen Shiyin first lost his daughter, burned the house, and then lost the land of the grange, and finally only attached to his wife's maiden family, and lived in the family of his father-in-law.

The upside-down situation in the Dream of Red Mansions: The good man Zhen Shi lost his wealth and abandoned his wife, and the big scumbag Jia Yucun cleaned up the mess

The daughter just lost it, and she didn't have the heart to find it, her family was defeated, and she didn't want to revive the family business, even if the Feng family was gentle and virtuous, in the eyes of Zhen Shiyin at this time, it was insignificant. Zhen Shiyin is a monk, with the theme of Cao Gong, that is a person who can have an epiphany, of course, this is judged from the spiritual world, but how innocent is the Feng family?

If you return to reality, Zhen Shiyin, as the head of the family, just lost her daughter, not died, visiting and searching is the first appeal of parents, and he must also fulfill his responsibilities as a husband to his wife Feng, besides, the Zhen family is not nothing, compared to the people at the bottom, it is at least a propertied class. Even if he is temporarily attached to his father-in-law's family, he always wants to seek a comeback, and he always wants to find his daughter's whereabouts, even if he is an ordinary person, he will have such a simple idea, but Zhen Shiyin that readers see is not, he is becoming more and more rotten, and finally he went home, and his daughter lost it with her, as for his wife, he directly abandoned it.

From a practical point of view, Zhen Shiyin is not worthy of praise, and his outlook on life and values are not worthy of being promoted.

The Feng family, the lady of the Zhen family who lived in her mother's house, ushered in Jia Yucun, the object of funding that year, after losing her daughter and leaving her husband.

The reunion of the Zhen family and Jia Yucun is because when the new prince of Jia Yucun arrived, he happened to meet the Zhen family's girl Jiaoxing and went out to buy a line. So I learned about the disaster that the Zhen family had suffered. There were later later aftermaths such as thanking the Zhen family's wife Feng, marrying Jiaoxing, thanking Feng Su, and promising to visit Yinglian.

The upside-down situation in the Dream of Red Mansions: The good man Zhen Shi lost his wealth and abandoned his wife, and the big scumbag Jia Yucun cleaned up the mess

Readers like to interpret Jia Yucun's marriage to Jiaoxing as a battle of power and hegemony, which is an act of revenge. This statement is too far-fetched, although Jia Yucun has a proud look and a different mentality from the past, but Jia Yucun still does not forget her blue eyes for herself back then, although this is just his wishful thinking.

Jia Yucun condolences to Feng Su, as for Feng Su is a greedy and snobbish villain, Jia Yucun is not clear, and then he thanked the Feng family, here is to repay the kindness, one is to repay the grace of the year's funding, and then there is also the intention of giving a dowry to marry Jiao Xing, and then he also specially sealed a hundred gold to send Feng Su, mainly to thank his Zhang Luo, and also for Zhen Shiyin to entrust him to support the Feng family. Jia Yucun promised that he would send someone to slowly visit Zhen Yinglian, at that time, abductors and children were generally for profit, plus traffic restrictions, if the government was willing to visit, as long as the person was still alive, it should not be difficult.

Therefore, this series of actions of Jia Yucun actually shows that Jia Yucun knows how to repay his kindness, and Jia Yucun is a responsible person.

Objectively speaking, at this time, Jia Yucun has not yet become an old fritter in officialdom, he still has the original ambition of the original intention, and he still wants to show his talents and realize his own value. In other words, Jia Yucun at this time was far from blackening, and he was still an official. He did all these things sincerely.

The upside-down situation in the Dream of Red Mansions: The good man Zhen Shi lost his wealth and abandoned his wife, and the big scumbag Jia Yucun cleaned up the mess

Jia Yucun is a very complex character, but when he became attached to the Zhen family for the second time, readers could see his thoughtfulness. Compared with Zhen Shiyin's evasion here, compared with the two, I have to say that Jia Yucun is still a great husband.

The mess left by Zhen Shiyin's escape into the empty door, no matter what, after Jia Yucun was good to him to a certain extent, Jia Yucun was called the first scumbag in the Red Mansion by many people, but he did clean up this mess, Zhen Shiyin's wife, and raised something.

The author of this article: Pingshan Magenta Mansion

Reference to the original work: "Jiazhu Ben Fat Yan Zhai Re-evaluation of the Stone Record" "Gengchen Ben Fat Yan Zhai Re-evaluation of the Stone Record"

Image source: "The Dream of Red Mansions by Sun Wen"