
June Finale, July Overture: New Moon, New Chapter

author:Book and Newspaper Digest

Time flies, like a white horse. In the blink of an eye, the first half of 2024 has passed, and those flashy and mottled days can never go back.

Even though there are thousands of reluctance in our hearts, we still have to welcome the July as promised with full enthusiasm.


July is a month full of magic

The July sun, like a tireless dancer, from the first rays of the morning, keeps spinning until nightfall. Its light is golden, it is warm, it is full of power. It lights up the whole world and fills every corner with life.

Baby Anne once said, "July is a month full of magic. It reminds me of those sun-scorched afternoons and those skirts that swayed gently in the sun. ”

In July, sunlight is not just a natural phenomenon, but also an expression of emotion, representing hopes, dreams and infinite possibilities.

In such sunlight, everything comes alive.

The trees are greener, the flowers are more vibrant, and even the air is filled with a freshness and sweetness.

People also become more active and happier in such sunlight.

Children chase and frolic in the park, adults picnic on the grass, and old people chat leisurely in the shade of the trees.

Everyone is enjoying the sunshine of July and enjoying the beauty of life.

And those skirts that sway gently in the sun are a beautiful scenery in July. They sway gently in the breeze, as if they are dancing gracefully.

The sunshine in July also brings many good memories to people. It reminds me of the days when I was a kid catching small fish by the river, the time when I chased and played in the fields with my friends, and the carefree and free summers. These memories, like the sunshine in July, are warm and bright, nostalgic and moving.

Of course, the July sun also has its strong side. In the hot afternoon, the sun scorches the earth like fire, making people feel the warmth and unrestrainedness of summer.

July is a month full of magic, which lights up the world with sunshine, infects people with enthusiasm, and decorates life with beauty.

Let's pursue our dreams and create new stories with a sunny mood in July.

June Finale, July Overture: New Moon, New Chapter


July is the beginning of dreams

As summer deepens, weather changes such as high temperatures and heavy rains will bring certain troubles to our lives. But it is these challenges that make us stronger and more mature.

The poet Gu Cheng said: "July is the beginning of dreams and the end of reality. We meet here and say goodbye here. ”

In summer, in addition to sunshine and rain, there is one thing that is never absent - sweat. Not just because of the hot weather, but also because of the people who work hard for their dreams.

In the first half of the year, you may be experiencing a low point in your life, whether it is regret, loss, satisfaction, or happiness, the past has passed.

Life is a journey, there are uphill and downhill, please believe that all unsatisfactory is a ladder to a better self.

The arrival of July indicates that the year is already halfway over. More than half of the year, like a person reaching middle age, fades away from restlessness and smooths out the edges and corners.

Let us say goodbye to the unsatisfactory and regretful past, bid farewell to the shackles that restrict us from moving forward, and welcome every possibility with hope and courage to create a better future.

July is a month full of symbolic significance.

It reminds us that the seasons come and go, each with its own role.

Life is like the change of seasons, with the hope of spring, the warmth of summer, the harvest of autumn, and the silence of winter. No matter what stage of life we are in, we can be like July, stay enthusiastic, meet challenges, enjoy life, continue to grow, live up to ourselves, and live up to this wonderful season.

May the sunshine of July not only illuminate your path, but also warm your heart, so that the love and hope in your heart will bloom with the most brilliant light and harvest full of joy.

June Finale, July Overture: New Moon, New Chapter


In July, like the rhyme of an ancient poem, in the passing of the season, singing and chanting

July has the summeriest days, the hottest weather, and the most intense heart, which is "the shade of the green trees, the wind on the water, and the sound of cicadas", and it is also "forever, the golden season". Like a high and low poem, like a dream full of shadows, full of warmth and beauty.

The writer Sanmao once said: "In July, like the rhyme of an ancient poem, in the passing of the season, singing and chanting." ”

The charm of July lies not only in its enthusiasm and unrestrainedness, but also in the tranquility and profundity it brings us.

In the hustle and bustle of the world, we can slow down and experience the fragrance of life with our hearts.

For example, lying on the beach in the afternoon, bathing in the warm sun, listening to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, feeling the gifts of nature and the joy of life.

Stroll on the country road at night, feel the breeze, and feel that "the sound of insects in July is three hundred Tang poems that have blown up the line, and the rhythm is broken, and there is a tin rhyme alone: lonely lonely lonely and lonely." "It's like being in a paradise.

The colors of July, like the fruits of midsummer, are warm and full.

This color is not only a gift from nature, it is more like a passionate artist, using her brushstrokes to paint a brilliant and colorful picture of the earth.

From the lush trees, to the golden waves of wheat in the fields, to the fruitful fruit trees in the orchards, every place exudes life and vitality.

It is not only a gift from nature, but also a carnival of dopamine in people's hearts.

Whether it's savoring the sweetness of melons and fruits, feeling the coolness of a mountain stream, or chatting with friends and family under the stars at night, you can feel the pleasure and satisfaction of dopamine.

Heidegger said: "When people live quietly, even if they listen to the wind quietly, they can feel the beauty of poetry." ”

The days are trivial, even chicken feathers, but as long as you take it seriously, there will be quiet years.

May the July sun shine on your path and illuminate your way;

May the rain of July nourish the hope in your heart and let it thrive;

May the green leaves of July bring you a fresh breath and let you find a moment of tranquility in your busy life;

May the smile of July be like a summer breeze that brings you endless warmth and joy.

Let's write a new chapter in our lives in July!

June Finale, July Overture: New Moon, New Chapter