
An amazing scene under surveillance! It smoked and caught fire in an instant.......

author:Yantai Fire Fighting

On June 26, in a resident's home in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, the electric seedling shutter spontaneously combusted when charging, causing a fire, and Mr. Cao, the head of the household, said that there was no one at home at that time, and the downstairs neighbor reported to the police, causing more than 100,000 yuan of property damage.

With the development and progress of the times, household appliances are integrated into our lives at the same time, the frequency of electrical fires is also rising, especially when charging, let's take a look at these cases that occur during the charging process.

An amazing scene under surveillance! It smoked and caught fire in an instant.......

Case 1:

On June 11, 2024, a man in Siping, Jilin Province, charged his mobile phone before going to bed, but he didn't expect the phone to catch fire next to his face. The smoke woke him up from his sleep and his bed was burned, but fortunately there were no casualties.

An amazing scene under surveillance! It smoked and caught fire in an instant.......

Case 2:

At about 18 o'clock on May 9, 2024, a house in Lijiagou, Guanyin Town, Yunxi County, Shiyan, Hubei Province caught fire. The fire caused more than 90,000 yuan of cash and indoor furniture to be burned, and the fire area was about 15 square meters. After investigation, the cause of the fire was a faulty electrical wiring caused by a long-term charging of the level on the bedside table in Wu's bedroom.

An amazing scene under surveillance! It smoked and caught fire in an instant.......

With the advent of summer, electricity consumption has increased dramatically, and some fire safety hazards have also followed, and home safety under high temperatures has also followed.

An amazing scene under surveillance! It smoked and caught fire in an instant.......