
The Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has carried out special rectification work on illegal acts of contract format clauses in key areas

author:Huqian Banner Market Supervision and Administration Bureau
The Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has carried out special rectification work on illegal acts of contract format clauses in key areas
The Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has carried out special rectification work on illegal acts of contract format clauses in key areas

In order to further strengthen the supervision of contract standard clauses, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and fulfill the important duties of contract administrative supervision, since 2024, the Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has focused on consumer concerns and served the overall development as the goal, and has carried out special rectification work on illegal contract clauses within the whole banner.

The special rectification focuses on the use of contract standard clauses to infringe on the illegal rights and interests of consumers, and rectifies the unfair format terms in hot industries such as urban heating, gas supply, tourism, hotels, automobile (second-hand car) trading, home improvement, and off-campus training institutions, further standardizes the contract format clauses in key areas, and strives to create a fair, just, honest and trustworthy market environment.

Up to now, a total of 22 entities of various types have been inspected, 5 cases of content containing the final right of interpretation in the standard clauses when the contract was concluded, a fine of 10,000 yuan was imposed, 2 copies of the standard contract text for the transaction of agricultural and livestock products were collected, and the "Protecting the Security of Transactions Contract Model Text to Help You" was carried out 2 times to enter the bazaar publicity activities and 1 time to collect unfair format terms.

The Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has carried out special rectification work on illegal acts of contract format clauses in key areas

Carry out the "Protect the security of transactions Model contract text to help you" into the market publicity

The Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has carried out special rectification work on illegal acts of contract format clauses in key areas

Law enforcement personnel carry out special inspections

The Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has carried out special rectification work on illegal acts of contract format clauses in key areas

Editor-in-chief: Luo Zhijun

Editor in charge: Luo Tengya

Editor of this issue: Wang Huan

The Etuoke Qianqi Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has carried out special rectification work on illegal acts of contract format clauses in key areas

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