
Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

author:Pineapple Bun Entertainment

Once, Lu Qinghui was in the crew.

There is a diving scene, and the people in the crew are wearing big flower jackets, covering them tightly, and their hands are in their pockets.

Lu Qinghui seems to be not in the same world as them, the weather in Hong Kong is only 4 degrees, and he has to fall into the water in thin clothes.

Don't wear too much clothing on your body yet, as it will look bulky.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

As soon as the director shouted, he jumped into the water, and there was a biting cold in his limbs, and he quickly jumped up, covering the big quilt for a long time to warm up.

When filming, I often encounter summer scenes in winter, and winter scenes in summer wrapped in cotton clothes.

Lu Qinghui has been out of the film for more than ten years when his career was popular, and many people are curious about why he went.

Lo Hing-fai was born in an ordinary family in Hong Kong.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

Since he was a child, he has been better looking than other children, and everyone says that it is a pity that he does not want to be an actor, this face is too suitable for filming.

When he grew up, Lu Qinghui went to TVB, he became an actor, and became popular with the role of "Tang Li" in "True Love".

Many directors came to the door, and after that, he went to shoot "Wonderful Hands and Benevolence", "Ten Thousand Lights", "Happy Events in Flower Fields" and so on.

At an event, Lu Qinghui met Liu Meiqing, who is an outsider with beautiful looks and a good personality.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

There was a group of people talking around her, she was like the focus of the crowd, so dazzling, shining, no worse than the actress next to him, her temperament was too good.

When talking to others, she saw her smiling at others, and the smile was so good and bright.

However, Lu Qinghui was not attracted to her at first.

After that, Lu Qinghui went back to filming, and during this period, the two didn't see each other for a year.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

However, when Lu Qinghui saw her again, he still recognized her at a glance, and the two went to the event together again, and the two met again when they were in the dressing room.

He had met her before, and this time he took the initiative to go over and say hello to her, and said her name.

The little girl was obviously stunned for a moment, and did not recognize him.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

The atmosphere was a little awkward, and he had to say that he had seen her at the event before, so he knew her name.

This time, the two worked in one again, and after working together for a while, the two sparked a spark of love.

On the third day of dating, Lu Qinghui had a very strong feeling that this person must be his wife in the future, and he wanted to marry such a person and go home.

On the third day of dating, he was thinking about getting married, he thought that the two would get married sooner or later anyway, so it was better to get married earlier.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

Accidentally, he said what was in his heart.

He said it was still early to go back, why don't you go to my house and sit down, she didn't think much about it and agreed, there was nothing to do in the past few days, the two talked a lot, and when it was time to go back, she said she was going back.

Lu Qinghui said with a serious face, let's get married.

Her gaze swept back and forth over his face, and he meant it.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

She smiled and said yes.

So, the two got married.

Everyone is unbelievable, the two got married in a flash after only 3 days of dating, which is too fast, and many people are not very optimistic about the two.

After marriage, Liu Meiqing gave birth to a son, who was as handsome as him.

Lu Qinghui is also very good to his son.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

When his son learned to walk, he knew what it meant to let go, so he let go of his son's hand and walked to the side of the chair to read the script.

The son looked dazed and cute, looking at the empty palm, Dad didn't come to pull him, he didn't leave, just stood there motionless, one big and one small were competing, the big one just didn't go over, and said that he would go by himself, Dad couldn't hold your hand all the time.

Seeing that his father stopped looking at him, the child was a little unhappy in his heart.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

He tried to take a few steps, but he fell down with an unsteady step, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Lu Qinghui next to him couldn't stand it anymore, so he relented and pulled the child up, and soon let go and let him walk by himself.

Sometimes the son can't see his father when he looks up, and he doesn't see it when he looks around.

It turned out that he was hiding and watching him from a place where the child could not see.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

If my son falls, he will still jump out.

Sometimes when my son fell, he didn't cry, he got up, patted the dust on his clothes and walked on.

Lu Qinghui went to the mainland to film, and many people around him went to the sea to do business.

My friend said that there were many opportunities in the mainland, and seeing that his friend's business was getting better and better, Lu Qinghui also went to the sea to do business, and he went to do real estate and made a big pot of gold.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

However, he himself does not know how much money he makes, only his wife knows.

Lu Qinghui is very fond of his wife, his money is all in his wife's, sometimes Lu Qinghui and friends go out to eat, but the money is not enough, so he directly asked his wife to turn it around.

His wife can buy whatever she wants, and he will spend it for her when he makes money, and he will be very happy if she spends his money.

Because there are too many things in business, he doesn't have time to film.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

So, he simply stopped filming and devoted himself to business.

However, when he goes to the crew to see his friends, he still wants to film, and he still likes it in his heart.

So, after ten years of shadowing, he made a comeback.

When Lu Qinghui was an actor before, he had to keep in shape, but since he went into business, he had too much entertainment, and he didn't have time to go to fitness, so he suddenly gained 20 pounds.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

It's not good-looking on camera like this, the director very tactfully asked him to lose weight, his face was a little fat, and it didn't fit the role, so Lu Qinghui went to lose weight again.

His wife made a few dishes, but he only ate, not vegetables, not any dishes.

My wife thought the food was not tasty.

The next day he ate only vegetables and did not eat.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

He doesn't eat vegetables when he eats, and he doesn't eat rice when he eats, he only eats one of the two, and his wife looks at him with strange eyes.

A month has passed, and he finally lost weight, losing more than 20 pounds at once, and his friends knew that he was going back to filming again.

Once, a director came to the door and wanted to ask him to shoot a drama "Hong Kong People in Beijing".

Lu Qinghui was moved when he heard this name, isn't this him.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

He is a native of Hong Kong, has been filming in Beijing for many years, and has also done a little business, so he is very familiar with this place.

So, without thinking about it, he agreed.

Lu Qinghui was busy filming and did not ignore his family.

Every time he is free, he takes his wife and children out on vacation, goes to many places to play, and his son is more handsome than him, and both of them love this son very much.

Lu Qinghui: I got married in a flash after 3 days of dating with my wife, and I stopped filming for ten years when I was popular, what happened now?

Now, Lu Qinghui is 47 years old, and after ten years of filming, he came back to film again, and his acting skills are still so good, not stiff at all.

He and his wife got married after 3 days of dating, and he thought about it for the rest of his life to identify her, and he didn't get married casually.

The two have been married for many years and are already in love and romantic.