
The grassroots forces in the prosperous area of Huangpu District "Baiyou Branch" make the masses happier

author:Shanghai Huangpu

In the midst of a bustling city, the Xintiandi residential area attracts people's attention with its unique charm. The Party Branch of Xintiandi Residential Area of Huaihai Middle Road Street actively plays the role of a fighting fortress, adheres to the people-oriented, and continuously improves the quality and efficiency of mass services with firm beliefs, pragmatic styles and innovative methods.

The grassroots forces in the prosperous area of Huangpu District "Baiyou Branch" make the masses happier

Strengthen the leadership of party building and build a strong red fortress


The party branch of Xintiandi residential area has always put the party building work in the first place, and continuously improved the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization by strengthening the construction of the party member team and improving the organizational setting. Focusing on giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of community party members, the general party branch of Xintiandi residential area has carried out in-depth normalized visits of "three advances and three questions" on the basis of the full coverage of "original heart and ten thousand homes", and deepened the "four hundred" visit and "four sends" action, focusing on understanding what the masses think, solving what the masses want, building a bridge of communication and connecting hearts, and constantly improving the residents' sense of gain, happiness and security.

The grassroots forces in the prosperous area of Huangpu District "Baiyou Branch" make the masses happier

Innovate community governance and stimulate residents' participation


The Xintiandi Party Branch adheres to the guidance of party building, gives full play to the internal driving force of the "troika", and creates a warm, harmonious and cohesive community atmosphere for residents. The implementation of the "staggered work time system for cadres of neighborhood committees" has realized the "year-round work" of neighborhood committees, focusing on breaking through the blind spots and pain points of "not being able to see the top" and "not being able to enter the door" of the working population. On statutory holidays, the "1+1+1" (1 cadre of the neighborhood committee, 1 community volunteer, and 1 community party member) is implemented on the post, and the party members and community governance activists in the community are mobilized to participate in and help the masses solve difficulties and participate in grassroots social governance. At the same time, the party branch also actively carries out various community cultural activities, creating brand projects such as "Alice Travels to Xintiandi" and "Alice Enjoys Elegance", and promotes parent-child families and "her" power groups to form community autonomous groups based on residents' interests and cultural needs, so as to enhance community cohesion and centripetal force while enriching the spiritual and cultural life of residents.

The grassroots forces in the prosperous area of Huangpu District "Baiyou Branch" make the masses happier

Deepen volunteer service and convey the warmth of the party


The Party Branch of Xintiandi Residential Area adheres to the people-centered, actively carries out volunteer service activities, and regularly carries out the caravan activity of "Happy Caravan, Meet Huaihaijia" in the community, providing residents with a variety of convenient services, from "10-minute life circle" to zero-distance service, which truly solves the problems of residents. In order to create a living circle with the integration of business and residence, the party branch regularly organizes party members, volunteers, and co-construction units to carry out activities such as community environmental renovation to create a clean, tidy and safe living environment for residents. At the same time, the party branch actively pays attention to the living needs of vulnerable groups, provides care and help for families in need, lonely and widowed elderly, etc., and conveys the warmth and care of the party.

The grassroots forces in the prosperous area of Huangpu District "Baiyou Branch" make the masses happier

Reporter / Fan Yuhao

Editor / Lulu Chen

Photo / Middle Huaihai Road Street

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