
Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

author:Shanghai Xuhui

2024 Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition

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Recently, the West Bund Museum and the Centre Pompidou

Blockbuster launch

A sound art exhibition that subverts cognition

Lucid Dreaming: A Journey of Sound

Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

Is it the color that confuses the sound?

Or does the sound touch the vision?

Come to the West Bund Museum to find out!


Hear an art gallery

Feel the acoustic imagination of the whole field

Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

Emmanuel Lagarigue, Lucid Dreaming, 2006, Centre Pompidou, Paris ©, 2024 Photo © Marc Domage

Focusing on the world's cutting-edge sound art, the exhibition gathers nearly 30 pieces/groups of important new media collections at the Centre Pompidou, through classic works in the history of sound art and the latest vigorous experiments, to explain in depth how "sound", a medium that is not yet well known to the public, can inspire new artistic creations, and open up a unique journey of "unheard" deep consciousness for the audience with "sound" that runs through the whole field inside and outside the West Bund Museum.

Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

Oliver Beale, Rebirth 1 (Snow White), 2014, 16mm film, digital, duration: 2 min 57 sec, courtesy of the Association of Friends of the Centre Pompidou for contemporary art projects, 2014, Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée National d'Art Moderne – Centre d'Industrie d'Industrie

"Lucid Dreaming: A Journey of Sound" encompasses a wide range of intersecting media, from sound sculpture to musical environments, from audiovisual experiments to vocal acts, with themes running through the narrative. Artists of different origins, generations and aesthetics have come together to compose an acoustic journey, including international pioneers of contemporary art: Francis Alÿs, Susan Philipsz, Bill Fontana and many more.

Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

Hassan Khan, Jewelry, 2010, video installation, 35mm film converted to full HD video, color, soundDuration: 6 min 30 sec, Lucid Dreaming: A Journey of Sound, installation view, West Bund Museum

With the development of the times and technology, the exploration of sound art is becoming more and more diversified. In addition to the classics of art history, the exhibition is also at the forefront of AI technology, with artists Holly Herndon and Mat Dryhurst using AI-generated images and audio to reinterpret their memories and experiences to create a dreamlike picture.

Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

Holly Herndon and Matt Drahurst, "Here I Am" 17.12.2022 5:44, 2023, AI-generated digital video, duration: 5 min 35 sec., acquired in Centre Pompidou x KADIST 2023-2025 collaboration project, Centre Pompidou, Paris, Musée National d'Art Moderne – Centre d'Industrie

Lucid dreaming really exists

Open Call for Events

From now on, write down your dream experience in words and submit it to the mailbox [email protected], and "Endless Cinema" may be screened in the North Square of the West Bund Art Museum, so that the natural scene will become a footnote to your dreams, and the vague memories will settle on the human theater.

Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

Guo Xi, A Film Endless, North Square of West Bund Art Museum

Exhibition Details:


From now until 17 September

Exhibition address

West Bund Art Museum

(2600 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai)

Ticket purchase

Come to Xuhui to see the art exhibition This exhibition at the West Bund Museum is so good!

Text: Xuhui Cultural Tourism

Video: Ma Hao, Shi Yuewei

Editor: Wei Li

Reviewer: Wei Li

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