
The flood of mobile phones: the battle for brand survival, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

author:Audio game geek

Text: The return of the Holy Demon of Fighting

There are more and more mobile phones, and it is more difficult for various brands to "survive"?

The mobile phone market has been on the cusp since the beginning of 2022.

Homogenization, following the trend, new machine replacement, positioning confusion, etc. have become the killer features of the development and counterattack of various brands, these are realistic problems and phenomena, and behind this phenomenon, a new phenomenon in the mobile phone market has been caused, which is "too high a similarity rate". In the face of these phenomena, I often lament that there are more and more mobile phones, and it is more difficult for brands to survive.

The flood of mobile phones: the battle for brand survival, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

It is worth noting that if you are a careful person, you can probably clearly feel that "the current mobile phone market of various mobile phone brands are gradually beginning to do the same thing", on the surface it is crazy to replace the new machine, but if you look at it through the actual level, you can deeply feel that "return is the key to the foothold and development of each brand", this point of view is useless, the key is to learn to see the essence through the phenomenon, so as to really figure out the inner password!

Speaking of recovery, the current mobile phone market has already begun to various brands, probably around 2 aspects, one of the screen design directly into the straight screen style, the second all-over design instantly began to restore the once boxy style "mild angular". But today I was wandering around the technology website, and I happened to see the news of a new Honor phone, and I felt that the folding phone was also starting to move towards the road of recovery.

The flood of mobile phones: the battle for brand survival, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

Once upon a time, I had such a prediction on the mobile phone market, "the development must be developed, but after the development to a certain extent, it is bound to show a state of return", at that time because my knowledge was relatively shallow, so I did not dare to affirm this point of view decisively, but recently read the Tao Te Ching five times, for this point of view directly affirmed

Why? Because "the movement of the opposite way, the use of the weak way", everything is not developing towards a better and better route, but towards a worse and worse route, of course, "here is just to make you understand, only to use worse and worse interpretation"

In fact, the normal explanation should be "everything is developing in the opposite direction", so when the mobile phone market develops to a certain glorious peak, then it is bound to develop in the opposite direction, and what is the opposite direction? Naturally, it is two words: "return". The so-called "restoration" will probably be all-encompassing.

The flood of mobile phones: the battle for brand survival, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

Like,Today's news,From the news of the new glory machine,From the news of the technology website,We can clearly conclude that its model is"Glory Magic V Flip",From a certain Zhao Datou's confident tone,You can clearly feel that this is the "first small folding new machine",To Zhao Ming"I often jokingly call him Zhao Datou。

The configuration uses a 4-inch large outer screen,Battery life4800mAhQinghai Lake battery,At the same time, it has a 5000 pixel SLR-level writing machine for taking pictures,To be honest, for this mobile phone"Performance and function"These superficial things are basically not too bad,But when I first saw the battery life of only 4800mAh,The mood is very complicated

The flood of mobile phones: the battle for brand survival, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

The picture comes from the network

Because I am a very realistic person, when I see a mobile phone, my mind is definitely not what the processor is, how is the processor, how is the function, etc., but how is the battery life? At this moment, a question suddenly appeared in my mind: "Can the 4800 mAh battery really hold the function and performance power consumption of the machine?" "This question must not be answered at present,Because the specific still has to wait for the real machine to appear,Anyway, for the machine,You can say anything is good,But only the "endurance" makes people dare not say。

However, even though the battery life of the "Honor Magic V Flip" may have some problems, but at this moment, from the general direction of the entire industry, although the folding mobile phone is biased towards the high-end and the flagship, the "trouble" has always existed, on the one hand, the problem of portable and convenient use of the folding phone, on the one hand, the shock of the screen of the folding phone and the silky operation, and on the other hand, the life of the folding place of the folding phone

In short, these problems are "folding mobile phones" in the current mobile phone market is a very practical problem, if a brand can perfectly overcome the three aspects of the problem, then I have reason to believe that sales and attention will be significantly improved!

The flood of mobile phones: the battle for brand survival, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

However, from a realistic point of view,The price of folding mobile phones is much higher than that of traditional smart flagships,It is still an important factor preventing civilian wage earners from trying folding mobile phones,But it is reported that the price of the technology website"Glory Magic V Flip"is 4999element,The corresponding version12GB+256GB,Although it still doesn't look cheap,But I'll tell you the truth,Such a price is already OK。

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