
Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Sunshine News (Reporter Rui Yang, Correspondent Li Shan, Luo Wenfeng, Wang Zehua) On July 1, Xifeng Group Company's "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year was held in the conference room of the Workers' Home. The meeting reviewed the glorious history of the party, summarized the achievements made by the group company in promoting production, operation and reform and development under the guidance of party building in the past year, commended the advanced grassroots party organizations, outstanding party workers and outstanding communist party members and advanced units and individuals in the construction of party style and clean government on all fronts, and mobilized and deployed to further improve the current enterprise party building and lead the high-quality innovation and development of Xifeng. More than 200 people attended the meeting, including members of the party committee and leadership team of Xifeng Group, secretaries of party branches, commended advanced representatives, all new development party members, middle-level cadres and party member representatives of the company. Guo Shunxin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the labor union of Xifeng Group Company, presided over the meeting.

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the meeting officially began with the sound of the national anthem.

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Zhang Zheng made a speech entitled "Carry forward the spirit of hard work, gather the strength to forge ahead, and promote Xifeng to achieve high-quality innovation and development".

Zhang Zheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Xifeng Group Company and Chairman of the Joint Stock Company, made a speech entitled "Carry forward the spirit of hard work, gather the strength to forge ahead, and promote Xifeng to achieve high-quality innovation and development". He pointed out that over the past 103 years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to go through untold hardships and overcome difficulties and obstacles, and have made brilliant achievements that have attracted worldwide attention in the historical process of China's revolution, construction, and reform, and enabled the Chinese nation to usher in a great leap from standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong. Looking back on the history of the Party, generations of Chinese Communists have practiced their original aspirations with actions, devoted their lives to their missions, united and led the people to overcome one risk and challenge after another, and achieved victory after victory, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

In the past year, the Party Committee of Xifeng Group has given full play to the role of guiding the direction, managing the overall situation, and ensuring the implementation, and has made great progress in the construction of the party, ideological and organizational construction, propaganda and cultural construction, the construction of cadres and talents, and the work of comprehensively and strictly governing the party and enterprises.

In the face of the new situation and new tasks, Zhang Zheng put forward the requirements of focusing on the "six focus points" and paying close attention to the "seven key points" for the company's party building and production and operation work at present and in the future. The first is to comprehensively strengthen the party building in enterprises. It is necessary to focus on strengthening political construction, playing an important role, consolidating the building of grassroots organizations, enhancing the effectiveness of propaganda and ideological work, improving the quality of the workforce, and strengthening the building of a clean and honest party style. The second is to comprehensively improve the company's core competitiveness. It is necessary to grasp the "real" marketing work, the "quasi" brand work, the "strict" quality work, the "excellent" management work, the "deep" cultural work, the "new" industry work, and the "strong" talent work. He asked the party organizations at all levels of the enterprise, the majority of party members, cadres and workers to effectively enhance the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance", with all the wisdom and strength, with excellent style and strict discipline, to jointly write a new chapter in Xifeng's high-quality innovation and development.

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

43 new development party members solemnly swore under the bright red party flag, and all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Zhang Zhouhu read out the "Decision on Commending Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations, Outstanding Party Workers and Outstanding Communist Party Members in 2023"

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Gao Yuan read out the "Notice on the Assessment Results of the Responsibility System for the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government in 2023"

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Zhang Zheng presented awards to advanced grassroots party organizations

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Zhang Zhouhu presented awards to the advanced units for the construction of party style and clean government

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Gao Yuan presented awards to outstanding party workers

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Yang Huijun, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Xifeng Group Company, and Shi Hongqin, member of the Party Committee of Xifeng Group Company and Deputy General Manager of Xifeng Co., Ltd., presented awards to outstanding party workers

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Zhou Yanhua, member of the Party Committee of Xifeng Group Company and deputy general manager of Xifeng Co., Ltd., and Chen Junhong, member of the Party Committee and vice president of Xifeng Group Company, presented awards to advanced individuals in the construction of party style and clean government

At the meeting, 43 new development party members solemnly swore under the bright red party flag, and all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party; Zhang Zhouhu, member of the Party Committee of Xifeng Group Company and general manager of the joint-stock company, read out the "Decision on Commending Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations, Outstanding Party Workers and Outstanding Communist Party Members" of the Party Committee of the Group Company; Gao Yuan, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisor of Xifeng Group Company, read out the "Notice on the Assessment Results of the Responsibility System for the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government in 2023" of the Party Committee of the Group Company; The leaders attending the meeting awarded medals and honorary certificates to the commended advanced grass-roots party organizations, advanced units for the construction of party style and clean government, outstanding party workers, and advanced individuals for the construction of party style and clean government.

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Hui Xiaoqing, secretary of the party branch of the 809 workshop, made a statement on behalf of outstanding party workers

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Wang Zhouqiang, secretary of the Party branch of the Ministry of Engineering and Technological Transformation, a representative of the advanced unit for the construction of party style and clean government, made a statement

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Liu Guodong, deputy secretary of the general party branch of the marketing company, on behalf of the advanced grass-roots party organization, made a statement

Hui Xiaoqing, secretary of the Party branch of the 809 workshop, representative of the outstanding party workers, Wang Zhouqiang, secretary of the Party branch of the Engineering and Technological Transformation Department, representative of the advanced unit of party style and clean government construction, and Liu Guodong, deputy secretary of the general party branch of the marketing company, representative of the advanced grassroots party organization, made speeches respectively.

Xifeng Group Co., Ltd. held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation and mobilization meeting for work deployment in the second half of the year

Guo Shunxin presided over the meeting and made a concluding speech

Guo Shunxin put forward requirements for the implementation of the spirit of the meeting. First, we must unify our thinking to promote consensus, perform our duties and seek development. All party branches should quickly study and implement the spirit of this meeting, effectively unify their thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the company's party committee, closely combine the interests of the enterprise with their own interests, establish a strong positive energy for entrepreneurship, and make every effort to promote the high-quality innovation and development of the group company. Second, it is necessary to check and fill in the gaps, strengthen the shortcomings, and comprehensively consolidate and promote improvement. All units should effectively enhance the planning, initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of the work, vigorously promote, track the whole process, focus on the key points of work, grasp the key links, and ensure that the quality and efficiency of all work are improved. The third is to clarify the subdivision of responsibilities and implement the benchmarking table. The responsible persons of all units should stand at the height of stressing politics and promoting development, and promote the implementation of various tasks of the department to the letter. At the same time, the executive departments, management departments, and supervision departments at all levels should consolidate their work responsibilities, so that they can deploy their responsibilities and implement their responsibilities, link up and down, work together, perform their duties, and work together to implement various tasks to ensure the successful completion of various goals and tasks throughout the year!


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