
July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

author:Literary Newspaper
July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives
July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives



Rainy season, scorching sun, typhoons, the arrival of summer is accompanied by a symphony of nature, and this is also a good time to immerse yourself in reading behind closed doors. Dongpo once said, "The rain is dusk, the stone is cold, the clouds are cold, and the wind moves the toothpicks and leaves." Lu You once wrote, "The sound of the torrential rain is full of bamboos, and the lonely lamp flame is short with the remnants of the book." ”

In the new books we recommend this month, we can still see several trends in current writing, rediscovering the rural world, re-embarking on the ancient road of history, and re-examining the female spirit, all of which are the gestures and internal driving forces of returning to the world, and the writers who are good at discovering the subject matter bring readers a vivid life scene.


Architectural Ethics


"The Gate of the Little House"

"Imaginary Sea"

"Walking Boy"

"Perfect Mother Manufacturing Bureau"


Our Writers: Ten Saints of Latin American Literature

"Xiao Guan Dao"

"Return from the Bear's Mouth"

"The Hospital is a Zoo"

"Fighting Clichés"

Lost: Duras on Cinema

(The above works are listed in no particular order)




July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Architectural Ethics

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Sheng can / on

Writers Press

He Jing

She presented the suspicions, disputes, family collapse, identity problems of the returnees, and the status of the female returnees in the process of rebuilding their old houses.

The intrinsic connection and echo between architecture and world ethics is the most meaningful feature of Architectural Ethics. In the novella of the same name, Sheng uses architectural jargon as the title of each section to explain the plot content, as she says, she presents the suspicions, disputes, family collapse, identity problems of the returnee, and the status of women in the original family experienced by a female returnee in the process of rebuilding the old house, and the novel is like a quagmire that sucks the reader in. Sheng Ke is based on her own real experience of returning to her hometown to build a house, and the solid foundation of the novel's building comes from a solid life, and more importantly, when the ethics of the world take on many aspects in the present, she approaches the core.

"The Gate of the Little House"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Lu Yin Gong / Author

Mirror: CITIC Press

Li Lingjun

Lu Yinggong writes in warm and bright words about the anxiety and loss of all kinds of people in the ups and downs of housing prices, and also depicts their persistence, struggle and self-reflection.

Lu Yinggong, a writer from the media, always focuses on the social and people's livelihood topics that the public cares about, and his "small" series focuses on junior high school, college entrance examination, and studying abroad at a young age. The story cuts from the perspective of the intermediary brother Ding Dong, revolving around his relatives, friends, and customers, and the mentality of all kinds of people in front of the house is condensed in this work, reflecting the changes in people's views of the countryside, wealth, ethics, family, and children and grandchildren since the nineties of the last century. Lu Yingong writes about the anxiety and loss of all kinds of people in the ups and downs of housing prices in warm and bright words, and also depicts their persistence, struggle and self-reflection, and through the presentation of different life attitudes, he explores the relationship between the house and life, as well as the in-depth thinking of what is a "real home".

"Imaginary Sea"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Zhu Yue / Author

Xinxingsi Beijing United Publishing Company

Reading these short stories, human curiosity about magical and fascinating stories and puzzles is still the origin of the novelist Zhu Yue's creative imagination.

Zheng Zhouming

Zhu Yue's novels have distinct personalities, and between the love and hate of readers' evaluations, there are still a lot of "incomprehensible": they are always too short, as if they have not been written, and they feel that he wants to express some thoughts, but in the end they do not see it. In this new work "Imaginary Sea", his gravitational field is constantly changing, and 21 stories are like 21 intermittent dreams. Reading these short stories carefully, human curiosity about magical and fascinating stories and puzzles is still the origin of the novelist Zhu Yue's creative imagination, he examines the mirror between the real world and the imaginary world, and he places the fragments of reality in the realm of strange imagination, probing the possibility of people's poetic life in the current world. In his opinion, some of these novels are not trying to get into the science fiction genre, but are just stained with the popular colors of the science fiction era.


July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

[Russian] by Yevgeny Vodolazkin

/ Translated by Liu Hongbo

Dafang CITIC Press

Fu Xiaoping

It is written by a Russian writer, but it is more like a continuation of the German coming-of-age novel tradition, which can be regarded as the Russian version of "Siddhartha".

"Lovell" is a novel that is difficult to define. It is written by a Russian writer, but it is more like a continuation of the German coming-of-age novel tradition, which can be regarded as the Russian version of "Siddhartha"; It tells the life of the protagonist, but it is like telling the story of four people, because Raffle is only the last name of the protagonist, and each of his names seems to correspond to a different life; It highlights the theme of growth, but also contains the theme of love, the theme of faith, the theme of practicing medicine, and the theme of adventure; It denies time, so that what we see is only a variety of impressions, but the author's subtlety and simplicity in handling the language make the text of the story feel complete and concise; Many of the things it describes are divine and divine, but they are always said in ordinary terms, so that we can only believe that miraculous things are just ordinary things. Perhaps only in this way will the author be able to strike at the heart of the Russian religious experience, as the commentary suggests, and accurately replicate the indescribable concept: the Russian soul.

"Walking Boy"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Huang Shoutan / Author

Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House

Most of the men in these folk stories are absent, and in the continuous geographical circulation, they show the power of their resilient female narratives.

Yuan Huan

Regarding the meaning of the word "go", the cover has been indicated: "Chaoshan dialect, the meaning of daughter". We can see that this collection of novels is about women, and I was somewhat cautious about it at the outset, for fear that it would be another empty work by a male writer on a hot topic. But when I started reading, the answer became obvious: it wasn't. Macau's glove family, the annual fish king festival in the fishing village of Renhai Village, Wu Wenxia, a walker who is reluctant to get married, and his sick mother...... Most of the men in these folk stories are absent, and in the continuous geographical circulation, they show the power of their resilient female narratives. As the writer Zhang Yiwei commented: "In his writing, the runaway men are all symbols suspended in another world, and from death or disappearance make room for a broad stage for female power." ”

"Perfect Mother Manufacturing Bureau"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Chen Junming / Author

So / translated

Shanghai Translation Publishing House

Zhang Yingying

Using the framework of science fiction, Chen Junming attempts to explore the strict requirements and excessive expectations of motherhood in today's society, as well as the difficulties faced by mothers.

Frida, a physically and mentally exhausted single mother, had to leave her one-and-a-half-year-old daughter home alone because she needed to rush an urgent report. After the two-hour gap caused her to lose custody of her children, and after being forcibly separated from them, Frida was sent to the "Perfect Mother Manufacturing Bureau", an institution specializing in retraining mothers, to start an absurd and bizarre training life in front of the artificial dolls. The data collected from the camera inside the simulated doll, which divides the mother's love into concrete, "scientific" but impersonal rules, almost drives the "bad mothers" crazy, and makes it almost impossible for the child to return to the mother's arms. In the author's setting, when everything can be digitized, heart rate, body temperature, expressions, and movements can all be measured, or flawed, but almost instinctive and intuitive maternal love becomes something that can be almost ignored. In this way, using the framework of science fiction, Chen Junming tries to explore the strict requirements and excessive expectations of motherhood in today's society, as well as the difficulties faced by mothers.




"Fighting Clichés"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

By Martin Amis

Sheng Yun and Feng Jieyin / trans

99 Readers, People's Literature Publishing House

After reading Martin Amis's book reviews, you will realize that no writer dares to ask him to write a waist cover recommendation for himself, after all, he really regards book reviews as the art of offense.

Zheng Zhouming

Martin Amis is a British literary giant alongside Ian McEwan and Julian Barnes, and his battle with clichés has lasted a lifetime. In this collection of literary criticism, he wrote from 1971 to 2000, contributing not only interpretations of classic writers such as Cervantes, Milton, John Donne, and Jane Austen, but also commentaries on the leading figures of English-language literature in the second half of the 20th century, such as Saul Bellow, Philip Larkin, Nabokov, Philip Ross, and others. He will ridicule Norman Mailer as a "spoiled super bear child", "chatterbox", "tantrum king", and "master of stealing the spotlight", and will claim that he never pays attention to the novels of authors around the age of 25 who are known as "geniuses" because the works of these young authors have not stood the test of time. After reading Martin Amis's book reviews, you will realize that no writer dares to ask him to write a waist cover recommendation for himself, after all, he really regards book reviews as the art of offense. And in a large number of short reviews, it can also be seen that he can't avoid thinking deeply in order to attract attention, or introduce some new plots to whet readers' appetites, which probably resonates with domestic book critics.

"Xiao Guan Dao"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Hu Cheng / Author

Ideal Country· Yunnan People's Publishing House

Li Lingjun

His words are like carving knives to leave the imprint of life for those ordinary people living next to Xiaoguan Road, and open the entrance for readers to get a glimpse of the fate of ordinary people under the torrent of history.

Liupan Mountain is the northwest barrier of many dynasties built in the Central Plains in history, and the river cuts several holes into this north-south mountain, and Xiaoguan Road is one of them. From Xi'an to the northwest, through Liquan, Qianxian, Binzhou, Jingxian, Pingliang, into Xihaigu, over Liupan Mountain, to the west of Longshan Huining, Anding, to Lanzhou, the writer Hu Cheng in a slow rhythm on this once glorious ancient road, his record is concise and simple, often quoting the history of the same road travel texts, as well as his own memories and impressions of traveling together at different times, creating a kind of time and space, reality and memory, history and local history overlapping effect, His words are like carving knives to leave the imprint of life for those ordinary people living next to Xiaoguan Road, and open the entrance for readers to get a glimpse of the fate of ordinary people under the torrent of history.

"Return from the Bear's Mouth"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

By Nastasia Martin

Yuan Xiaoyi / Translation

Guangqi Bookstore

Zhang Yingying

In this nonfiction work, Nastasia writes about her twists and turns in a literary and anthropological way, as well as her re-upbringing after returning to the Evan tribe.

In the fall of 2015, anthropologist Nastasia Martin encountered a bear on her way over the Kamchatka volcano. Having lost half of her jawbone, she survived a long period of treatment, but the complex scrutiny and rude treatment from humans, not bears, left her in a long period of embarrassment. In the midst of this catastrophic accident, Nastasia needs to regain her self-identity as a "half-human, half-bear" person, and also to regain the humility and self-awareness that humans should have in the face of nature and other species. In this nonfiction work, Nastasia writes about her twists and turns in a literary and anthropological way, as well as her re-upbringing after returning to the Evan tribe. In the night of fear, pain and despair, she looked for another way and possibility for human beings to get along with nature, and also used her own life as a testament to it.

Our Writers: Ten Saints of Latin American Literature

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

[Chile] by Luis Haas

Chen Hao et al. / Translation

99 Readers, People's Literature Publishing House

Haas courageously defined this "we" voice as early as the first days of the literary explosion.

Fu Xiaoping

Louis Haskan is an exemplary example of a "critic of his generation". Embodied in the book "Our Writers", the ten Latin American writers he visited 60 years ago have truly become the "Ten Saints of Latin American Literature", at that time, these writers did not have any international reputation, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" has not yet been published, and the youngest Llosa is only 28 years old. But Haas did not show any tolerance because they were fledgling, he dared to make fair evaluations, and he was merciless in his criticism. The book was first published in 1966, which means that Haas bravely defined this kind of "we" voice as early as the first attempt of the literary explosion. Although it is difficult to present a panoramic view of this book due to its early publication, we can see the initial literary thoughts and mental journeys of the ten writers, and we can also feel their ardent desire to go to the next level in thought and literature, which is an important work that we cannot fail to mention and read when we deeply understand the explosion of Latin American literature and the writers it represents.

Lost: Duras on Cinema

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

By Marguerite Duras

François Beauvier / ed

Yuan Xiaoyi and Yuan Siyu / trans


He Jing

At the heart of Duras's films is the continuation of her written writing, i.e., cinema is another form of writing.

In an interview about Duras's early work, Music, she talks about why she makes films, "because I want to see and hear things that were once only seen and heard on the outside of the work." It is true that the core of Duras's films is a continuation of her written writing, that is, cinema is another form of writing, but it is debatable whether such a form is really suitable. In the collection of 14 Duras-related notes, interviews and 3 essays, it is still interesting to read Duras's thought-provoking language, such as, "I don't think that movies can replace the lonely relationship between readers and books".

"The Hospital is a Zoo"

July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

Wang Godot / Author

Gravity, Guangdong People's Publishing House

As an "outsider" in the hospital, he wrote about the reality of the world with 88 non-fiction short stories.

Yuan Huan

If you need a subway read that is interesting and thoughtful, this book is a great choice. The author, who has worked in the hospital for more than 15 years, is neither a doctor nor a nurse, and as an "outsider" in the hospital, he writes about the reality of the world with 88 non-fiction short stories: "I have seen too much of the brilliance and darkness of human nature, the noble and the humble, and I have seen too much of the noise and sorrow, powerlessness and regret of all beings. "There are people here who believe that as long as they don't check, they are not sick, and they live like Schrödinger's cat; The baby was seriously ill because the mother ate broad beans while breastfeeding; The old specialist cured the patient's cerebral palsy by pouring soju on the patient; The family members waiting for the will in front of the intensive care unit are like a group of rats that prey on food...... These bizarre and even unimaginable events once again remind us that "life is above art". It is worth mentioning that the author's tone is calm and the narrative is compact, although each article is only more than 1,000 words, but it is full of stamina.

New Media Editor: Zheng Zhouming


July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

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July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives
July's Literary Newspaper Good Book List: Return to the world of rural spirit, historical echoes, and women's narratives

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