
3 kinds of flowers suitable for raising on the north balcony, you can live without light, and there is a pot of beauty at home into a painting!

author:Floral space

3 kinds of flowers suitable for raising on the north balcony, you can live without light, and there is a pot of beauty at home into a painting!

When raising flowers at home, you should choose according to the environment at home, not blindly based on personal preferences. After all, if the light is not ideal, you need to choose some flowers that can survive in low light, so what I recommend to you today are these three, which can also live on the north balcony, and one can be beautiful into a landscape painting.

Bulb orchid

3 kinds of flowers suitable for raising on the north balcony, you can live without light, and there is a pot of beauty at home into a painting!

Bulb orchid, which is excellent in climbing, can climb other plants to grow, and belongs to the oleander family of perennial herbaceous plants. The leaves are thicker, green in all seasons, and the flowers are the most distinctive, white, pink, orange, yellow, hemispherical, and at first glance they look like a flower ball, hence the name. The flowers can also emit a subtle fragrance, which is elegant and beautiful, and it is fascinating.

If you want to raise a pot of flowers and plants in the east-facing or north-facing direction, you can choose the ball orchid, and put it on the south windowsill to dry it every once in a while, and it can grow very well. The temperature suitable for growth is between 20 and 25 degrees, and when the temperature is higher in summer, it is necessary to pay more attention to shading, ventilation, reduce the surrounding temperature, and keep the soil dry and wet without water accumulation by spraying.

Oil painting wedding spider plant

3 kinds of flowers suitable for raising on the north balcony, you can live without light, and there is a pot of beauty at home into a painting!

Oil painting wedding spider plant is also the existence of the ceiling in the foliage plants, the color of the leaves is not as single as other plants, but the combination of purple and white and green irregular stripes together, giving people a very strong visual impact, colorful, fashionable and elegant, particularly charming.

This kind of flower has a particularly good adaptability to the environment, and the sunlight is too strong but not conducive to growth, which is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow and black, and the longer the condition, the worse it is, so it is placed in a place of astigmatism. In summer, if the light is particularly strong, it is recommended to move indoors or put it on the north balcony, and keep the soil moist, about 2 to 3 times a week, spray more on the leaves, stop the use of fertilizer, and you can also keep it in the best condition, and make a beautiful landscape.

3 kinds of flowers suitable for raising on the north balcony, you can live without light, and there is a pot of beauty at home into a painting!

In autumn, don't use nitrogen fertilizer alone, in order to make the color of the leaves more vivid, add phosphorus and potassium fertilizer 2 to 3 times, such as Hua Duoduo No. 2, which will be charming and brilliant.

Hanaka Imo

3 kinds of flowers suitable for raising on the north balcony, you can live without light, and there is a pot of beauty at home into a painting!

Although the flowering taro does not bloom, the visual effect of its leaves is very shocking, colorful, flowery, fashionable and glamorous, and can become the decorative highlight of the room, which is pleasing to the eye.

Therefore, the ornamental value of the flower-leaf taro is extremely strong, and when planted alone or mixed with other plants, the tropical atmosphere is particularly strong, and it will also reflect the vitality and add luster to it.

Moreover, the cilia of the epidermis can intercept and filter dust, effectively improve air quality, and absorb harmful gases in the air to help health.

3 kinds of flowers suitable for raising on the north balcony, you can live without light, and there is a pot of beauty at home into a painting!

Look at the cultivation method of flowering leaf taro, although the light at home is not very sufficient, but you can also cultivate a pot, the soft scattered light will make its leaves colorful, charming and moving. The hotter the weather, the stronger the light, so be careful to keep it indoors or on the north balcony.

These three kinds of flowers are beautiful and shade-tolerant, can survive in low-light environments, and can be placed separately or together, all of which can be beautifully landscaped, enhance the beauty of the room, and increase the happiness index of the occupants.