
Lunar soil diplomacy kills many birds with one stone: Pakistan has it, Japan and Europe can have it, but the United States has a shy face and does not

author:Yu said that he was still resting
Lunar soil diplomacy kills many birds with one stone: Pakistan has it, Japan and Europe can have it, but the United States has a shy face and does not

The Chang'e girl of "Dongda" recently went to Grandma Moon for a walk, and took advantage of Wu Gang's indiscriminate cutting and felling, and secretly took back more than 3 catties of soil in the shadows.

"Rare things are expensive", good things should be shared - "Dongda" does not like to eat alone, so it began to "sit in a row and divide the fruits", which were sent to 18 countries around the world:

One of them was given to our "Pakistani Railway". Pakistan's technology for placing this lunar soil should be regarded as the weakest among the countries that have been sent to the "eighteen phases".

This shows that, in fact, in addition to the practical significance of international cooperation in outer space science and technology, it is also obvious that there is also an extremely profound "diplomatic affection" in the "affection" of the lunar soil exchange.

Therefore, "Dongda" can generously give the third brother who has a land dispute with us, how can it not give India's "good neighbor" - our old iron Pakistan? Here, the symbolic significance of this piece of lunar soil is far greater than the practical significance of scientific research.

In addition, Europe is obviously the main one of the "big eaters", and Europe has 13 of the 18 countries that "Dongda" has sent lunar soil this time - they are Russia, Germany, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, and Norway.

At the same time, it also gave Australia and Canada a copy to the other two continents -- each continent tried to "evenly wet the rain and dew" to maximize the influence of this "lunar soil diplomacy".

Lunar soil diplomacy kills many birds with one stone: Pakistan has it, Japan and Europe can have it, but the United States has a shy face and does not

Of course, many netizens of "Dongda" can also get a piece of the pie here for Japan, which is the neighbor to the east, and they are a little unhappy - why should we give it to the largest island country that invaded us and harmed us back then?

In fact, if you look at the distribution list this time, you can see how reckless the "Dongda" is - in addition to the fact that "Pakistan Railway" is an old friend and iron buddy, and there is also Russia, the northern neighbor who is currently being "boiled in an iron pot".

"Friends are not as good as neighbors, neighbors are not as good as the door" - the "big goose" with which we have thousands of kilometers of national border is a neighbor who can never move away, and it is of course very important to have a good relationship, and the lunar soil of Russia in those years was also given to the "Dongda" 1.5 grams, so we should "come and not be rude" today.

Japan, the neighbor to the east, is also among the "Western countries", and has a complex historical relationship with us, but the "Tokyo" is still a flick of a finger, still giving the island country a piece of lunar soil, showing an incomparably broad mind, but also has a broad vision of Asian integration thinking, and this is also a symbol of international cooperation in space scientific research, so the narrow "hatred of Japan" thinking really cannot stand on the height of the moon here!

It is estimated that the most surprising thing is that the United States, the world boss, has become a real outsider this time - although NASA complained about this, the spokeswoman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry taught it so softly:

"The Chinese government is open to China-US space exchanges and cooperation, and the Chang'e-6 mission has issued an opportunity announcement to the world, and we welcome countries around the world to participate in the study of lunar samples. The US seems to have forgotten the existence of the 'Wolf Clause' and other domestic laws, and wonders whether US scientists and relevant institutions will be allowed by their own governments to participate in dialogue, exchanges and cooperation."

Lunar soil diplomacy kills many birds with one stone: Pakistan has it, Japan and Europe can have it, but the United States has a shy face and does not

This is obviously a humiliating method of hitting the right cheek with the left hand of the US emperor, or hitting the right cheek with the right hand of the US emperor - and it is so that the US emperor has nothing to say and is helpless, this is the standard "embarrassing mother crying embarrassed - embarrassed to death"!

The United States is a country that shouts "rule of law" loudly, but the "Wolf Clause" formulated by you yourself does not allow Americans to cooperate with "Dongda" in scientific research in outer space. How can the order be changed overnight? How can it be used when it is altruistic and except when it is self-interested?

Let me tell you about the United States: Our "Dongda" country is now a country with "civilized rule of law", and we must not break the rules of the rule of law because the United States is alone!

Of course, to speak a little conscience, the United States in the 60s of the last century, the Apollo moon landing, a total of 382 kilograms of lunar soil was transported back, the United States was also generous that year - the lunar soil as a gift all over the world, a total of 135 countries, including 1 gram to the "East University".

And it is rumored that the 1 gram given to the "Dongda" is too small, and the Americans are afraid that we will not be able to see it clearly, so they put on a transparent box with a huge magnifying glass attached to it - this seems to be a bit humiliating to the "Dongda".

Supposedly, we should also return at least 1 gram of lunar soil to the United States this time, right? Otherwise, it would seem that "Dongda" is a bit petty - but the United States has given us the best excuse: the Americans' own "Wolf Clause".

Therefore, this time, the United States "still thinks about it, thinks about it, and wants to buy an old donkey and not eat grass", but it is impossible.

Lunar soil diplomacy kills many birds with one stone: Pakistan has it, Japan and Europe can have it, but the United States has a shy face and does not

If you want to play with others, it is equivalent to putting a note of "this road is not going to work" on your own head first. When he asked for help, his slap finally hurt his face.

If Americans want to have good fruit to eat, they have to solve this self-imposed legal fence by themselves.

In the future, if we encounter something bigger that requires the help of others, it is estimated that the Americans will really have to worry about this "Wolf Clause."

For example, recently, the first manned test flight of the American "Starliner" sent two American astronauts to the International Space Station on June 6. Originally, it was agreed that June 14 would be where to come and go, but due to thruster failures and helium leaks, the return time of the two American astronauts has been repeatedly postponed, and the return date is still far away.

As a result, some people on the Internet suggested that if the United States itself could not handle this matter, wouldn't it let the "life" that they value the most return to the blue sky in vain? - At this time, the only space station that can float around in outer space is "Dongda".

If the United States has no other tricks as a last resort, and at this time, if it wants to ask the "East University" to come to the rescue, will the "East University" take over?

In the case of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the United States also helped China a lot, and we can also save the Americans from the "dire straits" this time.

Of course, at this time, the "Dongda" can prescribe a small additional condition - let the Americans first swing their "Wolf clause" into the golf hole, and from then on, let's make it a past!

If there is really a feat of "Dongda" shooting in outer space and bringing home two astronauts of US imperialism, it is estimated that Sino-US friendship will reach a new peak in history. Then the "new Cold War wall" of the Americans to encircle the "East University" may have a big rout gap. [Original Comment: Yu Says It's Closed]

Lunar soil diplomacy kills many birds with one stone: Pakistan has it, Japan and Europe can have it, but the United States has a shy face and does not
Lunar soil diplomacy kills many birds with one stone: Pakistan has it, Japan and Europe can have it, but the United States has a shy face and does not

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