
Poetry works in the second quarter of 2024 (41 poems)

author:Soar into the world of poetry
Poetry works in the second quarter of 2024 (41 poems)

Shangnan Cultural Square

1. He Shangnan County Poetry Couplet Society was re-elected

At the foot of the Phoenix Mountain, the sages gathered, and the years are like a song of self-pity.

Yesterday's glorious old dreams came true, and the Ming Dynasty painted a new sky.

Carry forward the quintessence of the country and continue to write the legend of the ancient chapters.

The public opinion galloped together, and the poetry world bloomed again.

Second, hang the cloud sail high and sail away

In March, the grass and trees are fragrant, and the sages are gathered in the hall.

The poetry circle celebrates the passing of the baton, and the literary friends carnival to raise the jade.

Singing and harmonizing with one heart, Tang Feng and Song Yun are promoted.

Talented people from generation to generation come out, hang high cloud sails and sail away!

3. Revisit the West Lake and sigh

Introduction: West Lake is located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, with a lake surface of 6.38 square kilometers, and is one of the three famous lakes in the south of the Yangtze River. There are white causeway, Su causeway, Yanggong causeway, Zhaogong causeway in the lake to divide the lake surface into several water surfaces, there are three islands in the lake, the mountains of the West Lake are centered on the West Lake, and can be divided into four levels from near and far, the scenery is breathtaking.

The spring breeze and Chang went to Hangzhou, and the smoke and rain south of the Yangtze River traveled again.

Encounter Su Di is comfortable, haunting the dream of Xizi floating boat.

Yuquan smelled the finch and returned late, and the flower port watched the fish step and stayed.

The beautiful Qiantang landscape is good, and it is difficult to forget about it.

Fourth, the West Lake sighed

Introduction: Slender West Lake is located in the northwest of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, because of the slender lake, so it is called "Slender West Lake". The slender and tortuous lake road is strung with the scenic spots such as the spring willows of the long causeway on both sides, the smoke and rain of the four bridges, the Xu Garden, the Xiaojin Mountain, the blowing platform, the Wuting Bridge, the White Tower, the 24th Bridge, the Linglong Flower Circle, the Xichun Terrace, the Wangchun Tower, the Yinyue Teahouse, the lakeside promenade, the stone wall flowing and the murmuring, the Shizuka Book House and other scenic spots, just like a natural and beautiful Chinese painting scroll.

In the spring of March, Yangzhou is down, and the fairy bridgehead is left.

The sages of the ink kee have holy traces, and the moss branches are adorned with jade and drunk green eyes.

Born with a thin waist and a thin waist, he wants to try to be soft with the West Lake.

The greenery is full of eternal beauty, and the dark fragrance is surging, and the scenery is quiet.

Fifth, thousands of stacks of rape flowers

Introduction: Qianduo Rape Flower Scenic Area is located in Dongwang Village, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, with a concentrated sightseeing core area of more than 4,600 acres. In the spring of March, the golden rape flowers bloom on the battlement fields, like auspicious clouds floating on the water surface, and like pieces of flowing glow scattered in the world. People are in the endless thousands of stacks of cauliflower flowers, relaxed and beautiful. Every year, it attracts countless Chinese and foreign tourists to come to enjoy the spring scenery.

The fields are golden in color, and the tourists are bustling and laughing.

The colorful cauliflower is fragrant, and the colorful garden is fragrant.

Sightseeing and enjoying the scenery are drunk, and the poems are happy.

Yan'an is colorful and comfortable, like a beautiful woman wearing heavy makeup.

6. Mr. Partridge Tian and Mr. Kaiwang "He Shangnan Labor Association Re-election"

Inscription: On April 10, 2024, the 4th Member Congress of Shangnan County Model Worker Association was held in the conference room on the ninth floor of Sunshine Building, Shangnan County. Mr. Li Kaiwang, Secretary-General of Shangluo Model Worker Association, sent a poem of congratulations, Xtebu rhyme and partridge day.

The old rain and the new knowledge gathered together, and laughter and laughter surrounded the hanging beam.

Hand in hand in the new era, the grand occasion is unprecedented.

Celebrate together, discuss together, and fight bravely on the road to rejuvenation.

Today, we will open the champagne to celebrate Yang Fan's voyage.

Attached: Mr. Kaiwang Yuan Yu: "He Shangnan Labor Association General Election"

The sages will always be sunny, and the tradition of model workers will shine.

Participate in the grand event of the new era, and carry forward the future.

Singing together, heartfelt to each other, Ctrip contributes to the brave competition.

Today, I would like to send my sincere congratulations and take advantage of the east wind to set sail again.

Note: 1. Congratulations on the Fourth Congress of Shangnan County Model Workers Association on April 10, 2014; 2. The author, Mr. Li Kaiwang, is currently the secretary general of the Shangluo Model Worker Association.

7. Congratulations on the re-election of the Model Workers Association

Inscription: On April 10, 2024, the 4th Member Congress of Shangnan County Model Worker Association was held in the conference room on the ninth floor of Sunshine Building, Shangnan County. The meeting elected the leadership of the fourth model worker association, and specially composed a hidden poem "Congratulations on the re-election of the model worker association".

Blessings are full of words, and He Chenli sentences are more than urban and rural.

Labor and diligence played the song of enriching the people, and the model became a gold medal.

Collaboration and innovation are endless, and teachers will win the best business.

The shift relay will work together to send Yang Fan to sail again.

8. And Kaiwang Poetry Friend "Poetry Friend Jiang Yan Ji"

How dare you exaggerate your words, thanks to the love of everyone.

The highlight moment is to rely on poetry friends, and the creation of poetry is famous.

Appendix: Kaiwang Poetry Friend Yuan Yu "Poetry Friend Jiang Yanji"

Jiang Ju's talent who dares to be a teacher, thanks to the encouragement to give poems.

The highlight masterpiece is like blazing, and the quality of the beautiful home is Yang.

9. The Model Workers Association is re-elected

The fourth-level model workers gathered in the elegant hall, and the handover relay continued the chapter.

Ten years of struggle have been fruitful, and three sessions of hard work have been cultivated.

Hard-working, hard-working, dedicated, dedicated, dedicated.

On the road to rejuvenation, the first dream will be realized, and then the glory will be brave.

10. Accompany your wife to make a clear sigh

The years are clear and clear, and the ancestral mound is sorrowful.

Mo on the cherry blossoms with tearful eyes, the waves in the river rush Liuying.

Burn incense to show piety, toast and repay daylily love.

If the heavens know what I want, there will be no wind and rain and always sunny.

11. Partridge Day Lucheng Spring Morning (Yan Jidao Body)

The smoke and rain are hazy and the water is clear, and the spring is bright and sunny in the mountain city.

The blue waves ripple and the geese return to the shadow, and the willows on the shore are presented.

The flowers are delicate, the leaves are warm, and the park grass is full of buds.

People are diligent in the early spring and the sun rises, and the scenery of the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains is bright.

Twelve, Partridge Day, Morning Exercise Feeling (Yan Jidao Body)

Walking in the park in the morning, the cherry blossoms bloom and the grass is green.

The cloister greenway walks east and west, and the kingfisher chirps long and short.

The wind carries the rhyme, and the water conveys the feelings. The square culture is the most prosperous.

Harmony and joy together, laughter and joy enjoy peace.

XIII. Chang'e

Inscription: At 17:27 on May 3, 2024, the Chang'e-6 probe was successfully launched by the Long March 5 Yao-8 carrier rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Site in China, accurately entering the Earth-Moon transfer orbit, sampling the far side of the moon for the first time, and the returner accurately landed in the predetermined area of Siziwangqi in Inner Mongolia on June 25.

Chang'e went to the moon to the sky to explore the Toad Palace.

Dare to be a congenital broad, whimsical and unique.

The master makes the plan skillfully, and the craftsman makes great achievements.

The moon is far away, and the Shenzhou is as fast as the wind.

14. He Xie Defa's poetry collection was published

Inscription: Xie Defa, a native of Longmen, Qingshan Town, Shangnan County, high Chinese, worked as a private teacher, loves reading, likes poetry creation, and writes poems to congratulate on the occasion of the publication of his poetry collection.

The pastoral inkman is a genius, and he sings about his family and country.

The scene is depicted like a painting, lyrical and recognizable.

Perseverance to find taste, sit and fast in the cold and summer all year round.

The masterpiece is now available, and the Danjiang River is blooming.

15. Linjiang Immortals: Feeling the World Situation (He Zhuti)

China's rise is responsible for maintaining world balance. The resurgence of the storm does not stop. The Lord and the grudge are resolved, and the sovereign is clear.

Hand in hand for development, more economic prosperity. Peaceful coexistence is beneficial to the common people. Work together for well-being and win-win cooperation.

XVI. Early Summer Dispatch

The southern slope of the Qinling Mountains is like a painting screen, and the long forest is rich in grass and the peaks are green.

The red scales play in the water and the willows shake the moon, and the colorful butterflies chase the wind and accompany the stars.

Best friends talk about interesting things leisurely, and good friends talk about poetry at leisure.

The remnant sun is like blood, the time is good, and you can enjoy peace and tranquility.

Seventeenth, the business in the ancient road of the good name

The business is famous on the ancient road, and the spring and autumn are all read.

In the past, Confucianism left Han Mo, and people who came to write about their sorrows.

The millennium is a miniature of the millennium history, and the years of poetry and books are thick.

Lingxiu Lucheng presents a rui elephant, and the pearl shines brightly.

18. The old appearance of West Street has a new look (new rhyme)

Inscription: The total construction area of Shangnan West Street is nearly 500,000 square meters, mainly residential and administrative centers, with many shops, a residential area of 200,000 square meters, and 11 high-rise residential buildings. The area is shaded by green trees and flowers, quiet in the middle of noisy, and has a new look, highlighting the living wisdom of "the unity of nature and man".

The old appearance of West Street has been renewed, and the city and the sky have been rebuilt.

Yuyu Qionglou is staggered, and the surface of the hall is connected horizontally.

The community is full of dreams, and there are good opportunities for the avenue.

Where is it suitable for business and livability, looking at Qin and Chu to see Shangnan.

19. Congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the graduation of Tibet University

Introduction: Located in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, Tibet University for Nationalities is the first institution of higher learning established in the Tibet Autonomous Region in the mainland. The campus covers an area of 1,157.48 acres, with a building area of 498,000 square meters, and 14 teaching units and 61 undergraduate majors. I was fortunate enough to study archives management in the Department of History of the same university in 1984, and 40 years have passed in the blink of an eye, which is very emotional.

The smoke and clouds are misty and the water contains the sky, and the sunset is dark and sleepless.

In the past, tears were shed at parting, and now the moon is long by the railing.

Raise the wide sleeves with the wind away, often caress Yaoqin and remembers Menglan.

The yellow leaves are exhausted, and the fragrance is no longer dying.

20. Revisit the lotus in your hometown (new rhyme)

The lotus pond is full of hibiscus, and the green leaves and flowers are red and reflect the blue sky.

The pavilion is bright, and the high Peng Chu appeals to his heart.

The frog's chirping adds to the poetry, and the fish leaps into the painting.

The scenery is full of beautiful scenery, and the charm of the mountains and villages is the most fragrant.

21. Spring outing to Lotus Lake (new rhyme)

Introduction: Lianhua Lake is located in Lianhuatai Village, Xianghe Town, Shangnan County, which is formed by the convergence of two major water systems, Danjiang River and Yaoling River, forming a "Ya" shaped lake. It is 51 kilometers away from the county seat, its dam height is 72.9 meters, the storage capacity is 95.37 million cubic meters, the total investment is 335 million yuan, the installed capacity is 40,000 kilowatt hours, and the annual power generation is 110 million kilowatt hours.

The sparkling sky is clear, and the shadow slowly enters the screen.

The ridge road is wide and smooth, and the tree is bright and bright.

The dam is high and poetic, and the water is boundless and interesting.

It is comparable to the beauty of the West Lake, and the twilight looks back at the stars of the river.

Twenty-two, Xinhyun

Everything in this life is busy, and it is difficult to fulfill the wish of the Gui Toad Palace.

Confident every year, the heart is like water, who knows the floating dream of yellow sorghum.

The east fence is funny and sighs for its shortness, and the knees are not tired of being long.

Extravagant poetry adds picturesqueness, and he is a scholar from scratch.

Twenty-three, in front of the window to enjoy the bird flying frequency (new rhyme)

The spring monarch returns to the summer gods, and the sun shines on the forest.

The sightseeing flowers in the park are colorful, and the birds fly in front of the window.

Twenty-four, early summer rejuvenation (new rhyme)

Inscription: In early summer, the sun is warm, and the willows are green and red. Suddenly, the wind was blowing, and the wind and rain were combined. As far as the eye can see, the petals of the willow branches along the river are scattered all over the place, which is a pity. I also perceive the impermanence of life, which makes people helpless! In a few days, the riverside is still vibrant, and the grass is red, which shows the tenacity of life. I made this poem to remember it.

The willow green flowers are pitiful, and the wind and rain have been devastated for no reason.

After the soul is broken and the arm is sad, it is inevitable that he will be heroic.

is used to seeing how many things in the world, and being affectionate is always annoyed by widowhood.

Why is there nothing else to care about? Mutual restraint to a hundred years.

25. Poetry County Shangnan Award Conference

Inscription: On the afternoon of May 21, 2024, the awarding ceremony of Shangnan County to create a county of Chinese poetry was held at the Tianlu Hotel in Shangnan County. The Chinese Poetry Society awarded Shangnan County the title of "County of Chinese Poetry", Chengguan Hope Primary School of Shangnan County as "Demonstration School of Chinese Poetry Education", and Shangnan County Jinsixia Scenic Area as the title of "Demonstration Base for Research and Inheritance of Chinese Poetry Creation".

Jingxiu Shangshan picks Zizhi, and Fengqi Deer Park is at the right time.

The award of praise is chic, and he won the gold medal and is intoxicated.

The sea of words expresses the pursuit of dreams, and the literary world sings and competes.

The warbler sings and dances in the rising sun, and even enters the high platform to write elegant poems.

Twenty-six, Mr. Lei Yong "written in the poetry county Shangnan when awarded"

The greenery is fragrant and the purple mushroom is picked, and it is the right time to go under the Phoenix Mountain.

The guests were full of pleasure and drunkenness, and the guests were like clouds of idiots.

Lingxiu Shangnan dreamed of the beginning, and the sky was high and the sea was wide.

The thousand-year-old rhyme and new song are rising, and the wind is singing poetry.

Appendix: Mr. Lei Yong's original jade: "Written in Shixian Shangnan when the license was awarded"

Hao's head and double tips pick purple mushroom, when the moon is full on the phoenix pool.

The empty forest is sprinkled with green and flying springs, and the sunset whips back the students.

Since ancient times, Shangshan has led dreams to go, and there are many loves.

A new song of the millennium rhyme sea rises, and the wind is sailing to sing a good poem.

Twenty-seven, punch in the three provinces of stone (new rhyme)

Last night's breeze brought dew and cold, and this morning the white waves drank sweet springs.

Jieting stepped on the three provinces with one foot, and was in the middle of the Funiu Qinling Mountains.

Twenty-eighth, roaming Jingzi Pass (new rhyme)

Qingming strolls through the inner countryside and the west, and the ancient neighborhoods are uneven.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of Jingzi Pass, I suddenly heard the rooster in Shaanxi and Hubei.

Twenty-nine, and Mr. Lei "Poetry County Awarding Feelings" (new rhyme)

Inscription: On the afternoon of May 21, 2024, the awarding ceremony of Shangnan County to create a county of Chinese poetry was held at the Tianlu Hotel in Shangnan County. The Chinese Poetry Society awarded Shangnan County the title of "County of Chinese Poetry", Chengguan Hope Primary School of Shangnan County as "Demonstration School of Chinese Poetry Education", and Shangnan County Jinsixia Scenic Area as the title of "Demonstration Base for Research and Inheritance of Chinese Poetry Creation".

Talking about the ancient road and poetry, generations of writers have been singing.

Du Mu Layer Peak dreams far away in the morning, and Jiang Ji Station is worried in the twilight.

Today, the county added glory and won the gold medal again in Kyushu.

The splendid twin mountains leave elegant rhyme, and the Anlan Dan water swings the boat.

Appendix: Mr. Lei Yuanyu: "Poetry County Awarding Feelings"

Shangshan has been chanting since ancient times, and the sorcerers have been singing endlessly for thousands of years.

The Yuan White Layer Peak is old, and Han Gong is worried about the horses.

Now the poetry county adds brilliance, and the national gold medal shines in Kyushu.

The rolling Danjiang River flows elegantly, and the waves are flying boats.

30. Urban and rural joint gold medal (new rhyme)

The city and rural areas jointly awarded the gold medal, and the praise came movingly.

The ancient rhythm and new singing are prosperous, and the Tang poems and Song rhymes are in the mind.

The colorful summer time is good, and the bright future is open.

Three thousand writers recited together, and the literary world was shining brightly.

Thirty-one, according to Zhang Manli's "Impression of Golden Silk Gorge" rhyme (new rhyme)

The scenery is beautiful and full of gorges, and the cliffs are craggy.

The fog is surging, the clouds are chaotic, the owls are singing, and the birds are frightened.

The morning flowers bring dew to the mountains and smile, and the beautiful wood is born on the love stone.

There are often butterflies holding my hand, and I am famous overseas.

Attached Zhang Manli: The original jade of "Impression of Jinsixia".

The warm and moist streams are full of gorges, and the water falls like silver and grows on its own.

A pool of clouds and shadows fell into chaos, and the chirping birds were frightened.

Qinglan takes the edge of the rain cliff, and the wild stone hides the bottom of the wind stream.

Suddenly, a vine flower took me by the hand, and turned around to ask the unknown.

Note: Zhang Manli, female, is the vice president of the Shaanxi Poetry Couplet Society.

Thirty-two, according to Zhang Manli's "Black Dragon Waterfall" rhyme (new rhyme)

Hanging upside down between the green walls of the blue rock, the wind and rain have not been idle.

The first voice is dazzling out of the empty valley, and it is the first to enter the American talk.

The majestic name rises from the sky and descends from the abyss.

Originated from the Bodhisattva's pure bottle of water, nostalgia for the red dust is no longer returned.

Appendix: Manli Zhang "Black Dragon Waterfall"

In the midst of the independent green clouds and water, the black dragon flew down for a few times.

The voice of the heart is agitated and the valley rises, and the mist is shrouded in Bishan.

The source is lonely and high, and the flow is clear and straight, and there is no bend.

So far, it is difficult to give up the colorful meaning, and it will not be returned to the sea after all.

Note: Zhang Manli, female, vice president of Shaanxi Poetry Society.

Thirty-three, Buyun Hu Zhonghua "Feeling Poetry County Award" (new rhyme)

The spring is bright and sunny, and the old rain and new knowledge are smiling.

Take advantage of the trend to highlight the characteristics, and raise the banner of the Chinese year.


Today's award is a great force, soaring to the peak.

Attached Hu Zhonghua: "Feeling the Poetry County Award"

The pomegranate blossoms bloom on a sunny day, and the poetry county awards a plaque to chase the smile.

The whole area improves the characteristics of creation, and the ode is written in the Chinese year.

The villages sang Kangzhuang Road together, and the schools chanted the classical chapters together.

Consolidate the journey of a new start, Jiejia to build the peak.

Thirty-four, the inscription of the Black Dragon Gorge

Lying horizontally between the green rocks and green waters, the weathering and rain have not been idle.

The sound of the waves is pleasant out of the empty valley, and the clear water is happy to enter the wild fields.

The magic axe is made by ingenuity, and the clever hand is bent into a bend.

Visitors are nostalgic and colorful, and the sunset is forgotten.

35. The college entrance examination day questions are clear about the college entrance examination

The twelve cold windows are thick, and now the bright sword is actually romantic.

Talent, quick thinking, top gun wishes.

The fish leaps over the dragon gate to welcome the rising sun, and the phoenix perched on the sycamore tree paints spring and autumn.

The famous book gold list spreads good news, and strives for the future reputation of Kyushu.


Thirty-six, sunset singing night (new rhyme)

The golden afterglow is wide, and the mulberry elm twilight reflects the heart.

The morning chant of the rising sun is dewed, and the evening singing Danxia rhyme is smoky.

Nourish the nature of the wind and Yasong, and the fitness does not forget the snow and frost.

Rest and enjoy less complicated brains, and more than 100 years of transcendence outside things.

37. Wushan Section of Yun Chang'e-6 Sampling Return (Mao Wenxi)

Inscription: At 17:27 on May 3, 2024, the Chang'e-6 probe was successfully launched by the Long March 5 Yao-8 carrier rocket from the Wenchang Space Launch Site in China, accurately entering the Earth-Moon transfer orbit, sampling the far side of the moon for the first time, and the returner accurately landed in the predetermined area of Siziwangqi in Inner Mongolia on June 25.

Thousands of miles of sky, a thousand years of dreams. Chang'e went to the moon to relieve homesickness and explore the secret of Jade Toad Tower.

Give back to the fairy countryside and return to Kyushu. Gallop the world and let you travel, come and go to drive the Shenzhou.

Thirty-eighth, a section of Wushan clouds, tour of the slender West Lake

Note: The word adopts the King James lexicon, Mao Wenxi, 44 characters in double tone, four sentences and three flat rhymes in the front and back paragraphs.

The water green carving column is clean, and the mountain green scenery is soft. Tree-lined paths are chirped by birds, and bamboo pavilions are repaired.

Liu Cui Yao Pond is blue, the clouds are in the fairyland, and then look back on the Wuting Bridge, still swimming in the painting.

Thirty-nine, a section of clouds in Wushan, climbing the sea tower and groaning

inscriptions; Wanghailou is located in the Fengcheng River Scenic Area of Taizhou, Jiangsu, which was originally built in the second year of Shaoding in the Southern Song Dynasty and is known as "the first building of Jianghuai". In the early summer of 2024, I was fortunate to climb the Wanghai Tower, overlooking Taizhou City, watching the sea water that is getting farther and farther away, and sighing that the deceased is so old.

The coast is far away with the clouds, and the city is full of green waves. The eventful years are as fast as a shuttle, but what about the society?

Successes and failures, joys, tears and songs. The mulberry field is spent in the sea, and the order of the years is not wasted.

Forty, Ruan Langgui and the new look of Jianchang (lyrics Lin Zhengyun)

The clear stream ripples and the road is red, and the rural scenery melts. The people's hearts are simple and clean. Camping is wild.

Green tree bottom, small bridge east. It's both real and illusory. Handsome men and beautiful women, the four scenes are different.

Note: The word adopts Li Yu style, with 47 characters in double tone, four sentences and four flat rhymes in the first paragraph, and five sentences and four flat rhymes in the second paragraph.

Forty-one, lightning strikes East China Shuangshan has a song (new rhyme)

Inscription: In the cemetery of Jiang's Yongjiao Cemetery in Tiantou Village, Yuexi County, Anhui Province, there are two ancient cedar trees, about five hundred years of history, known as the first cedar in East China, it is an ancient tree that is officially registered, and it has been injured by lightning recently.

The twin cedars combine to the sky, straight into the clouds and the blue sky;

Witness the nation in troubled times, after the Jiang family and then re-prosper.

The posture is majestic and hidden, and the air is proud;

Today, the god of thunder is personally lit, and the Ming Dynasty is more vigorous.

Poetry works in the second quarter of 2024 (41 poems)
Poetry works in the second quarter of 2024 (41 poems)
Poetry works in the second quarter of 2024 (41 poems)

About author:Jiang Yanji, male, born in 1953, from Shangnan County, Shaanxi Province, member of the Chinese Poetry Society, deputy research librarian of archives, model worker of the Ministry of Personnel, served as the deputy editor-in-chief of the Erlun County Chronicles of Shangnan County, and has published more than 1,000 papers, essays and poems in newspapers and periodicals, and won more than 30 awards.