
The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

author:Suguan Film and Television

From last year's Zhao Liying to this year's Tang Yan, there is no doubt that they are not favored by Magnolia, and they act as popular runners to accompany them. From the nomination to the announcement of the winners, this year's Magnolia Awards once again caused a bloody storm.

The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

First of all, in the choice of the aftersight, Tang Yan, who had a very high voice before, regretted being out. Regarding Tang Yan, she has starred in many popular dramas with high ratings, and most of her idol roles are represented by silly Bai Tian, such as Xia Mei in "The Three Thousand Golds of the Xia Family", and there are also beautiful roles like Zixuan and Ning Ke.

Although he did not achieve a breakthrough in honor and failed to achieve the "soaring" in his career as an actor, he returned after three years of silence and handed over a high-quality word-of-mouth production like "Flowers", and successfully came out of the circle again with the popularity of the role of "Miss Wang", and won unanimous praise from the audience.

The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

Tang Yan was born in Shanghai in 1983, but because she co-starred in "Fairy Sword Series" and has a deep connection with the well-known 85 flowers, she was also included in the ranks of "85 Flowers".

So far, 85 flowers still maintain a strong childhood filter in the hearts of many audiences, and have accumulated deep popularity and national popularity by relying on many popular dramas.

However, the fact that 85 Flowers relied too much on dubbing in the early days and still participated in the ancient puppet track also shows that although they are strong in traffic, their acting reputation is still not as good as that of the flowers accumulated in the same period, such as Reiza, Zhang Xiaofei and others.

Nearly forty years old, 85 Flowers are seeking to improve the quality of their works, with the main goal of gaining the trust of the audience. And Tang Yan chose to specialize in "Flowers" for three years, but fortunately, the results were also satisfactory, proving her determination and awakening, and also allowing the audience to see Tang Yan's unlimited potential.

It was Zhou Xun, who has been controversial in public opinion this year, that made Tang Yan stop and look at the back crown. She made a double success with her performance in "Imperfect Victim". Zhou Xun, a rare big flower that has bloomed in the TV series and movie track, has many awards, and has become synonymous with "aura" for a long time.

Although she overturned because of her performance in "The Legend of Ruyi" and was questioned, it could not hide her solid skills. However, compared with the previous popular "Tang Yan", Zhou Xun's second letter is still an unexpected result.

The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

Tang Yan has made progress, but whether it has completely opened up the second pulse of Ren and Du, he still needs to continue to prove himself in the next works, and awarding the award to Zhou Xun is more like a performance of seeking stability.

In domestic entertainment, especially in the drama circle, special attention is paid to qualifications and reputation. Although some traffic actors are keen to actively transform and star in good dramas, the inherent impression formed for a long time is difficult to reverse, and it is time to pay for the bad dramas he starred in before, even if Tang Yan's acting skills have improved now, there is still a certain gap between him and an actor of Zhou Xun's level.

The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

Judging from last year to this year, Magnolia is more cautious in the official awards. Magnolia is not a national award in the full sense of the word, but is more sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Government, so many people think that "Magnolia" is more favored in the Shanghai circle. But no matter what, no matter how authoritative the award is, there is also artificial manipulation behind it, and the influence of public comments is taken into account for the imminent departure of traffic.

There is always a shadow of traffic flowers on the selected list, from Zhao Liying last year to Tang Yan and Yang Zi this year, which undoubtedly caused fluctuations in the fan circle, which also greatly increased the visibility of the Magnolia Awards.

As for feeling sorry for Tang Yan for a while, I can see her indifference and self-confidence that are not shocked, and I also understand that in the past three years, she has indeed made corresponding changes. Returning to the role and honing acting skills is the right way for actors to enhance their influence.

For Magnolia, the spectators can't completely blindly follow. The contradictions and controversies that exist in it can be seen that the industry's attitude towards traffic is hot and cold. With the Golden Eagle Festival as a lesson from the past, Magnolia's consideration of traffic is even more intriguing.

On the one hand, it is necessary not only to improve the controversy and focus of traffic actors to improve the degree of discussion and topicality, but also to worry about the negative impact of traffic.


The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

Is traffic the original sin? Not necessarily, this year's second Magnolia Emperor Hu Ge is also an idol, but he has already held a number of word-of-mouth dramas and won Magnolia and Golden Eagle Emperor. In a series with a texture like "Flowers", he plays the leading role A Bao. After three years of sharpening a sword, the role of Ah Bao is really tailor-made for Hu Ge.

Hu Ge and Tang Yan were able to break through the shackles of idols and win praise from the audience, so didn't they make some efforts? On the road of acting, many things cannot be perfected, and many traffic actors occupy the scenery, using characters and dubbing to attract a large number of fans, and deducing love and hate in the story of overhead levitation.

However, when the true appearance is revealed, in realistic works, the interpretation is not life-like enough, the lines are timid, and the eyes are empty, which is also a common problem of most traffic actors: lack of calmness, and sometimes the posture is too hard. While enjoying the crowd and praise of fans, the eyes of the audience and the industry are bright.

The Wind Chaser crew also reported the nomination of the actor, and between Wang Yang and Wang Yibo, the Magnolia jury chose Wang Yang. Can it be said that Wang Yibo's acting skills are very poor? In fact, his performance in "The Wind Chaser" can be called a lot better, and there are commendable points. However, Magnolia mentioned the male and female protagonists in the awards, and she didn't completely look at the position, last year's "The World" nominated the second female Yin Tao, surpassing the heroine Song Jia; This year, Ding Yongdai nominated the male lead through "South to North". Therefore, Wang Yang's nomination of Magnolia as a supporting actor has traces to follow.

The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

Even if Wang Yang's acting skills are exaggerated, compared to Wang Yibo's current situation and Wang Yang's own years of experience and experience, it is still better than Wang Yibo.

Of course, this undoubtedly triggered the fire of a large number of Wang Yibo fans, from the official comment area to the comment area under the actors and producers, there was a fierce crusade from fans, and they were endless.

The Magnolia jury's selection of nominations operated within the rules, and for various reasons, Wang Yibo was not chosen. Fans get out of control, causing passers-by to be disgusted, forming a vicious circle. It can be said that "the greater the traffic, the more destructive the power". At the ceremony attended by the crew, the official consciously closed the comment area.

The bloody storm of the Magnolia Award finally broke the traffic bias

Some traffic stars are able to break through their comfort zone and launch more high-quality and in-depth works, demonstrating their respect for their identity as actors.

Even if the effect is not obvious, you can see that these people are no longer numb. As for whether the acting is really good? The audience has its own number in their hearts, rather than fans wearing a thousand layers of filters to brag all kinds of.

Through the Magnolia Award, it can also be seen that the industry's attitude towards traffic is hot and cold. In any case, breaking prejudice and judging people with drama is more fair!

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