
Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

author:Interesting talk

On July 1, Zhang Zhijie's incident caused heated discussions among everyone, and the latest news is confirmed: Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium because he did not have the permission of the referee.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

The 17-year-old national feather player Zhang Zhijie died suddenly at the scene of the competition, and the matter is currently being handled by the Indonesian side.

On the 2nd, news came from the front line that after Zhang Zhijie's mother heard the news of her son's sudden death, she had fallen ill and been hospitalized, and she was currently very emotionally unstable.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

Zhang Zhijie's uncle, relatives and friends are rushing to Jiaxing, and the family is negotiating the aftermath of Zhang Zhijie's death.

Sudden death, no AED rescue, delayed the gold rescue for 3 minutes?

At present, netizens can clearly give two more pertinent statements.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

Judging from the scene of Zhang Zhijie's entire incident at that time, the first direct cause of Zhang Zhijie's death: there was no local medical team at the time of the accident, nothing was done, and he was directly put on a stretcher and sent to the ambulance. Obviously, it is a pity to miss the golden 3 minutes of rescue time, which is a pity and a very heart-wrenching practice.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

The second is the so-called Indonesian Badminton Federation rules, what does not allow the team doctor to enter the court, and what coach does not allow him to touch without permission. Special circumstances and special treatment, why do you have to rush in to save him! Imagine if the team doctor was on site and AEDs were prepared on site, the situation would be completely different.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

At present, the BWF has strongly condemned the rule that medical teams are not allowed to enter without the permission of the referee.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

It was revealed that the team doctor was on the warm-up pitch at the time and was not allowed to enter at all. Therefore, after Zhang Zhijie fell down at the scene, some on-site personnel looked at the referee and made gestures, but these referees did not realize that they wanted to save people as soon as possible.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

In addition, even if the team doctor rushed over, it would take more than 3 minutes, and it was too late. There were doctors on the scene, but those doctors were used for first aid but did not do cardiopulmonary resuscitation, did not use AEDs, and missed the golden rescue time.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

What is the point where everyone is angry? At that time, after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, he still had the consciousness to raise his head, but no one at the scene ran over for rescue immediately.

The video, which is more than 2 minutes long, has no real rescue measures, is simply a joke.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

No wonder netizens complained wildly: Don't hold competitions in poor places, nothing can be guaranteed, and a young life is harmed, and you get angry when you look at it.

On July 2, Zhang Zhijie's uncle, Mr. Wang, was interviewed, and he said that Zhijie's mother, Ms. Jiang, could not stand the blow after hearing the bad news last night and fell ill and was hospitalized.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

You must know that Zhang Zhijie lost his father when he was very young, and his mother worked hard to pull him and his sister alone, and finally Zhang Zhijie had some shining points on the Guoyu Road, and now there is bad news, which is tantamount to the whole sky falling for Zhang's mother.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

Zhang Zhijie's uncle said that we also knew about the death of the child at three or four o'clock at night, and the relatives did not sleep all night, and there was no way to accept this thing.

Zhang Zhijie's team doctor did not enter the stadium without the permission of the referee, and Zhang's mother fell ill and was hospitalized after hearing the bad news

I really feel sorry for Zhang Zhijie's mother, because the rescue was not timely, her only baby son was gone, and it was heartache and difficult to accept.

However, when my son is gone, I hope that Zhang's mother will be good and take care of her health.

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