
200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

author:Fujian News Radio FM1036
200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

The Fujian Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs and the Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group jointly launched the radio program "Military and Civilian Affairs", which has published 201 issues

[Click to view the 201st episode]

On July 1, on the day of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Fujian Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, together with the Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group, organized representatives of party members and listeners to go to a certain unit stationed in Fujian to hold a special event for the publication and broadcast of 200 episodes of the "Military and People's Situation" radio program. Luo Qingchun, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, Zeng Xianghui, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group, and relevant leaders of the army attended the event.

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

Luo Qingchun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Fujian Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, said that the "Military and Civilian Affairs" program is a bridge between the military and the locality, and the program will continue to uphold the purpose of spreading good voices, promoting positive energy, and continuing the military and civilian feelings, and promote the high-quality development of veterans in our province.

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

Zeng Xianghui, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group, said that the group has always attached great importance to the propaganda and ideological work of veterans, and the next step will be to innovate the form of propaganda to make the propaganda work of veterans' affairs more vivid, fresh and down-to-earth.

During the event, the leaders of the Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs and the Provincial Radio, Film and Television Group presented the calligraphy works of "The Heart of the Army to the Party" to the troops stationed in Fujian, in order to express their high respect for the people's army's loyalty to the party and service to the people.


The military and the local government jointly celebrated the anniversary of the founding of the party

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In the activities of the day, Wang Changtai, the representative of the audience, the most beautiful retired soldier and retired cadre in Fuzhou City, recited the original poem "The Years Are Quiet, the Fish and Water Love is Deep", leading everyone to appreciate the sincere and touching friendship between the military and the people.

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

The officers and men of the unit brought a song and dance performance of "Wanquan River" to show the rich and colorful cultural life of the troops.

Lu Ming and Zhao Xiujing, deputy secretary general of the Fujian Provincial Association for the Promotion of Patriotism and Support of the Army, and vice presidents of the Calligraphy and Painting Institute of the Provincial Association for the Promotion of Patriotism and Support for the Army, recited the poem "The Invincible Heroes and the Battle Flag Flying" written by Lu Ming, paying high tribute to the people's soldiers.

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

The comrades of the Government Affairs News and Publicity Group of the Provincial Department of Veterans brought an original poetry recitation "We Have Gone Through 200 Issues".

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

Fujian news radio anchors Lian Shen, Gao Rong, Zhou Lei, and Liang Shuang brought a recitation of "Watching in Glory".

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".


All media show the work of veterans' affairs

Supporting the army and giving preference to family members, supporting the government and loving the people is a fine tradition formed by our party and our army in the long-term practice of revolution and construction. In January 1991, the first national double-support work conference since the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in Fuzhou. Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, wrote a poem "Seven Laws of Military and Civilian Love" to congratulate him. Among them, "it is rare to raise the city for a celebration, love our people and love our army", which has become the truest portrayal of Fujian's double support work of "supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to family members, supporting the government and loving the people". In order to further publicize the work of double support in our province and better serve veterans, in June 2020, the Fujian Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs and the Provincial Radio, Film and Television Group launched a special radio program "Military and Civilian Affairs" with the title of the poem "Military and Civilian Feelings: Seven Laws" written by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

As of June this year, a total of 201 episodes of the program were broadcast, and the content of the program mainly includes: the work dynamics of the veterans' affairs department, the interpretation of policies and regulations, advanced typical deeds and special special information, etc., once the program was broadcast, it was immediately welcomed by the majority of veterans, and now it has become an important publicity platform for the veterans affairs system in our province.

Looking back on previous years, the program not only shows the stories of more than 200,000 veterans working together to fight the epidemic, but also the new practices and achievements that have emerged in the work of veterans in our province. For example, our province is the first in the country to create a long-term management and protection mechanism of "two points and one unification" for martyrs' memorial facilities, the province's first high-speed service area military post station (veterans service station), and the province's first veterans entrepreneurship and innovation competition.

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

【The province's first high-speed service area military station (retired military service station)】

In terms of integrated reporting, the program was also launched through the official WeChat of the Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, the official WeChat of Fujian News Broadcasting, and the Haibo TV client through graphic and text, which effectively enhanced the communication, guidance, influence and credibility of the news and publicity work of veterans' affairs in our province.

Fujian Radio, Film and Television Group has always attached great importance to the content planning of reports on supporting the army, and through various forms such as news, special topics, and documentaries, it has deeply excavated the advanced typical and touching deeds of the army and retired soldiers, and comprehensively displayed the new progress and achievements of army building, as well as the important role of active and retired servicemen in emergency rescue and disaster relief, and maintaining social stability.

Since 2023, the Group's Financial Media Information Center has continued to pay attention to news trends related to veterans, and has published about 500 news reports on radio, TV and the "Haibo TV" client.

200 issues in 4 years! This show is the best testimony of Fujian's "deep love for fish and water".

【The First Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition in Fujian Province】

The Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs and the Provincial Radio, Film and Television Group continued to deepen cooperation, and the 100-episode series of short videos "Veterans Tell the History of the Party" jointly produced by the two sides was awarded the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique and was recently collected by the National Military Museum.

New journey, new mission, "Military and People" radio program will continue to uphold the glorious tradition of "love our people, love our army", continue the red blood of Fujian, keep the integrity and innovation, bring forth the new, and contribute new strength to the unity of the military and the government, the army and the people, national defense and army construction with practical actions

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