
Does foamy urine indicate proteinuria? Not necessarily, or even related to this factor!

author:Doctors say health

  The kidneys are responsible for the body's blood filtration and formation of urine, so the composition of the urine can reflect the health of the kidneys.

  Under normal circumstances, human urine is a light yellow transparent liquid, and the urine color is dark and relatively turbid in the morning, many people will find that their urine foam is more when they go to the toilet, and they begin to suspect proteinuria, thinking that there is kidney disease, so is it proteinuria that there is more urine foam?

Does foamy urine indicate proteinuria? Not necessarily, or even related to this factor!

  1. Is it proteinuria that there is more foamy urine?

  In fact, more foam in urine is not necessarily proteinuria, and there may be other reasons for the phenomenon of more foam in urine when it is convenient in daily life, such as when urine falls from a high place, foam will be formed under the impact, which is a normal physical phenomenon and is common in men.

  However, the phenomenon lasts for a short period of time, 10-20 minutes can disappear, in this case, the urine foam caused by this is mostly a normal phenomenon, no special treatment is required, and the patient should not be under greater pressure, if the foam does not disappear for a long time, it needs to be paid attention to.

Does foamy urine indicate proteinuria? Not necessarily, or even related to this factor!

  Normally, the kidneys filter the blood, and a small amount of protein will enter the urine, but it will be reabsorbed through the renal tubules, so healthy human urine does not contain protein.

  However, if the human kidneys have abnormal kidney function due to some reasons, which will affect the normal tubular filtration, protein will appear in the patient's urine, such as glomerulitis and nephrotic syndrome, and this kind of foam in the urine will last for a long time, or even never disappear.

Does foamy urine indicate proteinuria? Not necessarily, or even related to this factor!

  2. There are three reasons for the formation of proteinuria

  1. Overwork

  Nowadays, the fast pace of social life has led to a huge pressure on people's lives, and many people are in a high-pressure state for a long time, which can easily cause patients to be overworked.

Does foamy urine indicate proteinuria? Not necessarily, or even related to this factor!

  2. Stand for a long time

  There are many jobs in life, which requires standing for a long time, and standing for a long time, lordosis, and the liver rotate forward and downward, compressing the inferior vena cava, causing an increase in renal venous pressure, causing renal congestion, and then causing the patient to have proteinuria.

Does foamy urine indicate proteinuria? Not necessarily, or even related to this factor!

  3. Pathological proteinuria

  In addition to the above two types of proteinuria, the others are likely to be proteinuria caused by diseases, and the lack of attention to protecting kidney health in daily life will cause kidney damage, normal kidney function will decline, and protein will leak out of the filtration system, resulting in proteinuria.

  At this time, the patient should seek medical examination as soon as possible and take corresponding treatment without delay, otherwise it is likely to cause kidney failure, and the condition can develop into uremia in severe cases.

Does foamy urine indicate proteinuria? Not necessarily, or even related to this factor!

  The kidneys play a very important role in the human body, and urine can directly reflect the health of the kidneys, but not all urine foam is mostly proteinuria, and it should be judged according to the duration of the foam.

  The main causes of proteinuria are the above three, pathological proteinuria is the most dangerous, should not be underestimated in daily life, seek medical examination as soon as possible, if you want to avoid proteinuria in life, you should pay attention to protecting kidney health to achieve a balanced diet, regular work and rest, more exercise and no drug abuse.