
Too heavy to break through

author:Yellow River News Network Xinzhou Channel
Too heavy to break through
Too heavy to break through

In the assembly workshop of Taizhong Intelligent High-end Hydraulic Excavator Industrial Park, thousands of parts and components converge through the air corridor and ground transportation robots, and an excavator can be assembled in an average of 4 minutes and 24 seconds. Photo by Niu Shuai (Zhongjing Vision)

Too heavy to break through

In the blanking workshop of the intelligent processing and distribution center in the Taizhong Intelligent High-end Equipment Industrial Park, the sorting arm robot is working. Photo by Wang Zelong (Zhongjing Vision)

In the history of the development of China's heavy machinery industry, "too heavy" cannot be bypassed.

Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Co., Ltd., founded in 1950, is the first heavy machinery manufacturing enterprise in New China with an investment of 750 million catties of millet (equivalent to 60.75 million yuan) by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and designed and built by the mainland. Over the past 70 years, Taizhong has provided more than 3,000 kinds, more than 40,000 sets, and about 10 million tons of equipment products for national key construction projects, and has created more than 500 China and the world's firsts, and is known as the "pioneer of the national economy".

On June 22, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Taizhong Group for investigation and research, and urged enterprises to make good use of the historic opportunity of the development of mainland transportation and the construction of the "Belt and Road", and create a greater world in technological innovation and brand building.

Ardent expectations are as heavy as a thousand pounds. Taizhong people keep in mind the entrustment of the general secretary, stick to the original mission, take the initiative to benchmark first-class, and take "strengthening traditional products, making excellent new products, and doing fine batch products" as the direction, keep up with market demand and technology trends, and constantly promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry. As the eldest son of the republic's equipment industry, the Taizhong Group, which has regained its feet, is striding forward with a high-spirited attitude.

Know the heavy burden and survive and get out of trouble

No. 53, Yuhe Street, Wanbailin District, where the old factory of Taizhong Group has been operating for 72 years is located.

Before entering the factory, you can smell the smell of metalworking that has accumulated over the years. The smell permeated the cracks in the walls of the old factory, the tracks on the ground, and the sunlight passing through the windows. In a corner of the plant, the country's first 50-ton overhead crane built by itself in 1954 has not been moved, and it seems to be fixed in that hot years. Workers passing by greeted with a smile: "This is an 'old-timer', the first new product in the history of Taizhong is it!" ”

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is "old-timer". Part of the factory building in the old factory area of Taizhong has been identified as "Taiyuan Historical Building". There are many existing machinery and equipment, and the "age" can be traced back to the fifties and sixties of the last century. To this day, this crane can still operate in good condition, and it is from it that Taizhong rebuilt the first excavator, the first straightening machine, the first train wheel rolling mill, and the first rocket launch tower in New China......

"Everything that can't be made by other factories will be made by this factory." This is written in the history of Taizhong factory construction policy, Taizhong is also in such a way, engraved itself in the history of the equipment industry in New China.

However, after the reform and opening up, with the reduction of the national directive plan, the traditional heavy machinery enterprises due to the lack of market concept, once faced the dilemma of no rice cooking. After going to the market, because of the characteristics of good social benefits but poor economic benefits of enterprises, the hematopoietic function of the enterprise itself is seriously lacking, and the living environment is generally difficult.

After 2012, the decline of too heavy was highlighted.

From the perspective of the market environment, metallurgical and mining have an overall overcapacity, the market fluctuates greatly, and the order volume of heavy machinery products has decreased sharply.

From the perspective of the heavy machinery industry, the overall demand growth has slowed down. Huge production scale, excess production capacity "tail is not down", products are mostly hovering at the low end, homogenization is serious, refinement is insufficient, and market demand shrinks leading to low-price competition between enterprises.

"The industry characteristics of large one-time investment and long production cycle determine that there is a certain lag in the perception of changes in the external environment of heavy machinery enterprises. The company has not yet eased up, and the market cold wave has hit the head. Wang Jisheng, vice chairman and secretary general of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, recalled that in 2008, the growth rate of the whole industry reached more than 32%, and by the end of 2012, it fell to below 12%. The industry as a whole is at the crossroads of adjusting and optimizing product structure and seeking new growth points.

From its own point of view, it was too heavy at that time and lacked the motivation for transformation and breakthrough. Cadres and workers are generally conservative and content with the status quo, and their management is scattered, chaotic and poor, and it is difficult to keep up with the pace of market development. By the end of 2019, the company's operation continued to lose money, the market reputation was seriously damaged, and the interests of employees could not be guaranteed.

An analysis of too heavy internal materials is as follows: the structural problems caused by the company's business philosophy, the product competitiveness caused by the disconnection between R&D and the market, the shortage of funds caused by high debt, and the efficiency problems caused by conservative thinking and weak management are intertwined, and the company's accounts are inconsistent, the family background is not clear, the process is not smooth, the morale is low, and the normal production and operation are difficult to continue.

In 2020, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government adjusted the main responsible comrades of Taizhong Group, and Comrade Han Zhentang served as Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Taizhong Group. But what he had in front of him was a mess - nearly half of the group's 70 companies at all levels had negative financial statements. The workers were beating drums in their hearts: "Are you just waiting to die?" Is there any salvation in the end? ”

In the interview, the two "post-90s" gave their own answers.

Qin Wenbin, who was born in 1934, was the first batch of builders who were too heavy, and the main parts of the 50-ton overhead crane in the old factory area were developed by him. The "wide-edged light knife" tool he invented improved the machining accuracy of parts, and is still widely used today, so Qin Wenbin and Ni Zhifu are called "Qin big knife, Ni drill bit".

"I responded to the call of the country to participate in the construction of the first heavy machinery factory in New China, which was too heavy at that time and there was only one processing workshop and not many equipment. How many difficulties have you encountered, how many difficulties have you overcome, and how many sets of new China have you done in the construction of a blank field! The 90-year-old "Qin Dadao" had a loud voice and an excited expression, "Too heavy is the important weapon of the country, and it is the eldest son of the republic." The firstborn cannot fall, he must stand up! ”

Zhang Yi, who was born in 1991, is already the person in charge of the crane sector of Taizhong Engineering, and has participated in the design, organization and relocation of the localized production line of the rail transit park.

"The establishment of the project, the investment and the production of the year are themselves a process of encountering difficulties and overcoming difficulties. Every step is a breakthrough, and we rush one level at a time, all the way to the end. "Speaking of the performance of the new production line, Zhang Yi's eyes lit up: on December 31, 2021, the domestic production line manufactured the first wheel, and we will do 1 billion in 2022 alone." The strategic positioning of the enterprise determines the direction of development. It's not that it's too heavy, but that it needs to be adjusted in the face of the new environment and new circumstances. Under such difficult conditions, the national heavy machinery industry can be realized from scratch, from small to large, in the new era, too heavy should also be able to make a big difference! ”

Can you survive if you are too heavy? Yes! Is there still value in living? Yes! How can we survive?

The new leadership team has come up with a clear plan: strive to achieve the three-step process of "survival, extrication, and rebirth" in five years.

50 kilometers away from the old factory, in the Xiaohe Industrial Park of Shanxi Transformation and Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone, Taizhong Intelligent High-end Equipment Industrial Park has risen from the ground. Here, all equipment manufacturing in Taizhong can realize continuous production on a process-by-process basis. All kinds of robot equipment "go to work" day and night, intelligent guided vehicles shuttle back and forth, automatic pick-up and delivery, a steel plate through the whole process of production line, can cut out all kinds of high-quality parts to the greatest extent, intelligent production line "only see things, not people".

Retreating from the city into the park is a strong stroke in the history of Taizhong's development. This is not only a relocation of geographical location, but also a completion of almost the entire industrial technology cycle. With this leap, Taizhong has seized a place in the intelligent high-end equipment manufacturing track, and has also won market space for further development.

Regroup and plan for a new life

Survival is not easy. The more you are in the trough, the more you must make every step of the upward climb solid and powerful.

"It's time for all the cadres and workers to fight against the water. When the external environment cannot be affected, internal factors must play a decisive role. Han Zhentang calculated the "three accounts" in his heart, and worked with the new leadership team to unify his thoughts, anchor the direction, and plan for a new life.

The first is the "political account" -

Adhering to the correct political direction and settling the "political account" is too heavy to settle the foundation of one's life.

Baihetan Hydropower Station is a "super project" on the mainland's largest hydropower clean energy corridor. In 2021, the 1,300-ton overhead crane independently developed and manufactured by Taizhong Group is like a giant arm to lift the "heart" of the hydropower station - the world's first batch of hydro-generator sets with a single capacity of one million kilowatts. Since then, the abundant water energy has been continuously converted into electricity.

"Many of the projects we undertake are first-of-its-kind, and their common characteristics are high R&D difficulty, high input costs, and small or even unique product requirements. However, these key technologies, which represent the highest level of the industry, must be overcome without hesitation no matter how difficult they are, and take the key technologies as an important breakthrough in the development of new quality productivity. Tao Jiajin, deputy secretary of the Party committee, vice chairman and general manager of Taizhong Group, said, "This is the responsibility and meaning of our old state-owned enterprises!" ”

Determined to build heavy weapons and increase confidence for the country. Over the past 70 years, from the launch of satellite spacecraft to the construction of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, from the deep-sea development of mines to the galloping of the "Fuxing" high-speed railway, it has been closely linked to well-known major projects. This is too heavy on people's responsibilities, but also too heavy on people's feelings. "For the traditional advantages and responsibilities accumulated over the decades, not only can not be put down, but also more firmly grasped in the hands. Serving the needs of the country is too heavy to be absent. Zhang Xinwei, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee and vice chairman of Taizhong Group, said.

It is too important for the country and is the "pillar" of ensuring strategic needs; For Shanxi, it is the "leader" in promoting the high-quality development of the province. On the one hand, it is too important to try first, and accumulate experience and create samples for the reform of state-owned enterprises in Shanxi Province with the reform practice of old state-owned enterprises; On the other hand, as the only "dual-chain master" enterprise in Shanxi's high-end equipment manufacturing and wind power equipment industry chain, Taizhong firmly grasped the key links of the industrial chain, took the lead in establishing the Shanxi Wind Power Equipment Industry Alliance and the High-end Equipment Manufacturing (Construction Machinery) Industry Alliance, and actively carried out strategic cooperation with enterprises on the chain.

"When we look at an enterprise, we can't only look at its own profits, but also look at the major strategic tasks it undertakes, as well as the role it plays in promoting the development of the industry and even the national economy and people's livelihood." Su Weizhong, chief economist of Taizhong Group and director of the Reform Office of the Party Committee, has a clear understanding.

The second is the "economic account" -

"Economic account" is the lifeblood of an enterprise. It is necessary not only to be able to calculate, but also to calculate well and well.

On the road to survival, how to stop losses, turn losses and make profits is a threshold that must be passed. In terms of family background, too heavy in the field of heavy machinery for more than 70 years of accumulation can not be said to be profound, but if you are complacent, do not seek new changes, the old state-owned enterprises will also be struggling.

"As far as the general environment is concerned, scientific and technological progress has driven industrial transformation, and the industry has undergone earth-shaking changes, and new ideas and technologies must be used to reshape processes and products. As far as it is too heavy, it is impossible for the traditional single small batch to create considerable profits, and only by achieving scale can we earn enough 'rations' to support development. Su Weizhong said.

Based on reality, Taizhongren clarifies the development direction of "refinement, internationalization, high-end, and intelligence", and sets his mind to do two things: one is the gradual transformation of product manufacturing from manual work to information management, and the other is the extension of product production from a single small batch to "a single small batch + scale".

As a result, the strategic goal of "3+5+3" products came into being.

The so-called "3" is to strengthen the three traditional products of industrial cranes, mining excavators and metallurgical equipment to serve the construction of major national projects; The so-called "5" is to optimize the five strategic emerging products of rail transit components, new energy equipment, casting and forging basic materials, high-end hydraulic parts, and high-end CNC machine tools, leading the market, breaking through the "stuck neck" technology, and promoting localization; The last "3" is to make three batch products of fine engineering hydraulic excavators, intelligent engineering cranes, and new energy intelligent forklifts, which will bring benefits to the company and promote the cluster and large-scale development of Shanxi's equipment manufacturing industry chain.

Only by consolidating the leading position of traditional products can we stabilize the foundation for survival and extrication; Only by achieving breakthroughs in strategic emerging products can we seize the opportunities for future development; Only by winning the market in batches of products can we give full play to the scale effect, bring tangible benefits to the enterprise, and then form a healthy virtuous circle. In a sense, the strategic goal of "3+5+3" products is also highly consistent with the current national goal of promoting new industrialization and developing new quality productivity.

Today's is too heavy, up and down to seek development, eyes on the market, action around the benefit, market-oriented, benefit-centered organization of resource allocation, the "to settle accounts, will settle accounts, calculate accounts" into the whole process of production and operation.

Walking into the Taizhong Intelligent High-end Hydraulic Excavator Industrial Park, various types of hydraulic excavators such as "big digging", "small digging" and "mini digging" are neatly arranged, as if bringing people into an excavator "forest". With the advent of excavator products powered by new energy such as pure electric, hydrogen energy, and methanol, the world's first and the world's first new energy power equipment assembled by it has filled the gap in the industry, promoted the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productivity, and demonstrated "too heavy power" in cities and villages, plateaus and mines, construction sites and farmland.

"With the smart factory put into use, the three major sectors of traditional advantageous products, strategic emerging products and large-scale batch products have made concerted efforts, and the production capacity of Taizhong has been greatly improved, and it has the ability to produce 3 million tons of equipment or products." Qiu Yingjie, deputy chief accountant and director of the strategic investment department of Taizhong Group, was full of pride.

The third is the "social account" -

For an old state-owned enterprise committed to survival, it is not easy to regroup with a burden.

It is too important to make it clear that "do not ask for funds from the province, do not ask the province for needs, do not cause trouble to the province, and do not push a person into society". In Taizhong's view, the relationship between enterprises and employees is interdependent, and the mission of state-owned enterprises is to contribute to the country and society, and seek well-being for employees. No matter how high an enterprise's income and profits are, if the employees do not share the fruits of development, it cannot be regarded as a success.

In 2020, under the promotion of the new leadership team, Taizhong established a social responsibility work system for the first time, actively built a community of interests, a community of cause and a community of destiny for enterprises and employees from the institutional perspective, adhered to the principle of "only good employees can be good, and only good employees can be better", fully implement and complete the practical things of people's livelihood, and resolutely shoulder the social responsibility of "not pushing a person to the society".

While doing a good job in the main business, Taizhong has created a win-win ecosystem with users and partners, helped the rural revitalization strategy, continued to do a good job in energy conservation, emission reduction, environmental protection, etc., and took the initiative to promote social harmony and achieve the "double carbon" goal, and achieved effective results.

"Every family has an account that is difficult to calculate, and so does a business. Only by properly calculating the 'three accounts' of politics, economy, and society can we properly handle the dialectical relationship between one domain and the overall situation, between the present and the long-term, and between the main and the secondary. Han Zhentang nodded to his notepad, "People who are too heavy have to have a small notebook in their hearts, and they turn it over when making a decision." It is necessary to calculate not only the general ledger, but also the ledger and the sub-ledger, and both the big and the small accounts. In short, it is necessary to calculate the fine account, not the gross account; Settle the account, not the confused account".

Reconstruct the mechanism and innovate and make breakthroughs

"I hope that Shanxi will take the lead in creating a new path in transformation and development." In May 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment during his inspection in Shanxi also pointed out the direction for the reform and development of Taizhong-to seize the opportunity in "taking the lead", working "jumping out", and bravely exploring on the "new road".

At that time, it was too heavy, and there was no way back when I turned back; Moving forward is the bright road to survive and get out of difficulties and transform into a new life. Too heavy people clearly understand that there are thousands of roads, and reform is the first! There must be big moves and real movements, so that you can really break out a new path. An unprecedented overhaul continues to unfold in Taizhong.

The reform of the management system has begun.

The labor, personnel, and distribution systems have a bearing on the vital interests of cadres and workers, and have always been a hard nut to crack in reform. "A chess move and full of life. We have comprehensively deepened the reform of the three systems, which not only activated the core element of human resources, but also injected a steady stream of impetus into future development. Su Weizhong said.

First, the reform of the personnel system should be implemented, so that posts can be promoted and demoted.

In June 2022, due to the serious unqualified surface quality of the purchased raw materials, 2 middle-level cadres of Taizhong Group were dismissed, 2 grassroots cadres were punished with demerits and transferred from their posts, and 2 employees were retained and transferred to the sharing center. It was not a big matter, but it had a great impact on the cadres and workers. "If you don't change your thinking, you will change people, if you don't take responsibility, if you don't take responsibility, you will be held accountable, and if you don't act, you will be dismissed." It is too heavy, and cadres of all sizes are familiar with this.

It is necessary to strictly manage and motivate. Open up the upward channel of talents, support and courage for the officer, insist on "how capable you are, how much stage you have", and actively select young cadres, among the middle-level cadres, the "post-80s" account for 65%, and the "post-90s" have taken the "first-in-command" position in subsidiaries and branches, which was unimaginable in the past.

Second, carry out the reform of the labor system, so that employees can enter and exit.

In the staff development room of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Taizhong Group, the agreement signed with a number of doctors on the desk attracted the attention of reporters.

Only by planting a plane tree can you attract a golden phoenix. Continuously broadening the channels for introducing qualified personnel is also one of the key points of the reform of the system and mechanism. The "unveiling the leader" and "horse racing" mechanisms have been implemented, and the three-way introduction of "project talents, enclave talents, and talent introduction" has brought together nearly 300 scientific and technological R&D talents. 23 world-class talents joined Taizhong, which stimulated the motivation and vitality of the cadre team to start a business.

A good mechanism should have not only an "entrance", but also an "exit". In accordance with the requirements of "performance appraisal, clear rewards and punishments", the performance appraisal of all employees is carried out on a periodic basis, and the dynamic assessment is carried out in the proportion of 20% excellent, 70% good and qualified, and 10% to be improved, and the last elimination is carried out in accordance with the proportion of not less than 2% of the on-the-job employees. "For the last eliminated employees, we will not directly dismiss them, but will give them the opportunity to learn and re-enter their posts." Zhang Shouyi, director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Taizhong Group, said.

Third, we should promote the reform of the distribution system, so that income can be more or less.

"I just got a reward of 40,000 yuan." Yue Haifeng, director of the Institute of Mining Equipment Intelligence of the National Key Laboratory of Taizhong Intelligent Mining Equipment Technology, told reporters happily. Recently, he and his team jointly developed the electric shovel and mining truck multi-machine collaborative control system project to complete the set tasks, and won the group's SBU (strategic business unit) award, and everyone in the team has money!

It's not the same to do more and less, and it's not the same to do good and bad. A series of measures such as the distribution of rewards according to the size of the SBU project, the special incentive of "courage to challenge and help run and pick peaches", and the reward of "elite management, scientific and technological innovation, and skilled craftsmen" are carried out, so that enterprise employees have pressure and are more motivated.

Taizhong has established an assessment mechanism of "double base and double growth", implemented the "three tilts" of income distribution to the front line, technology and marketing, improved the broadband performance pay upgrade and downshift mechanism, and implemented the assessment system of "performance increase, salary increase, performance decrease, salary decrease". In addition, 245 core backbones will be included in the "scientific reform" and "double hundred" excess profit sharing on a pilot basis, and the first phase of restricted stock incentives will be explored and implemented for 228 core backbones of listed companies, so as to strengthen the "double benchmarking" of performance appraisal and incentive levels. Focus on the core backbone and key positions that play an important role in production, operation and transformation and development, based on creating profit increments, with incremental value distribution as the core, truly solve the problem of "eating a big pot of rice", and let the majority of employees share the dividends of enterprise reform and development.

Seek breakthroughs in process reengineering.

Walking into the Taizhong Intelligent High-end Equipment Industrial Park, the automatic robotic arm completes the steps of punching, shaping, and cutting "freehand", and a piece of steel plate is automatically processed into product materials of different shapes and thicknesses, and the automatic guided vehicle shuttles between the production line and the stacking area, and transports the processed finished raw materials to the next process as needed...... This machine-run blanking workshop can still produce even when the lights are dark.

"Our intelligent cutting production line integrates various advanced edge sensor technologies to realize the collaborative intelligent manufacturing of the whole process of scheduling, production, warehousing and logistics." Wang Chunying, chief designer of the blanking production line of the intelligent processing and distribution center of Taizhong Group, introduced that Taizhong pioneered the new model of "mixed nesting, centralized blanking, and intelligent control" in the heavy equipment manufacturing industry, and after realizing the intelligent control of the whole process, the cutting efficiency was increased by 70%, the material utilization rate was increased by 17.6%, and the manufacturing cost was greatly reduced.

Different from the traditional model, today's welding is gradually bidding farewell to the traditional operation mode of "welding sparks and sweat interweaving", and robots are the protagonists. In the 75,000-square-meter welding center, the components required by each branch of Taizhong are welded here.

"A computational model can hold tens of thousands of variables and can accurately control the complex work content of this production line." Fan Zhiqin, the winner of the "China Skills Award" and a "too heavy craftsman", said.

From a skilled worker to a "too heavy craftsman" who enjoys middle-level full-time treatment, Fan Zhiqin and his team have created the connection process method, which not only fills the domestic technical gap, but also reaches the international leading level. With the support of 3D modeling, CNC programming and simulation technology, the welding robot that is too heavy has been applied to the main girder of heavy-duty and extra-large cranes, which is the first case in the world, and the weld attainment rate is 99.5%. "Who would have thought that we welders would do our work with laptops." Fan Zhiqin said with emotion.

Behind the "black light" of the tedious work "loaded" into the computer, the unified batching of the whole group, automatic assembly, automatic welding, and ...... is the integration of a new generation of digital technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, AI, and 5G with the physical factory. Nie Jingfeng, deputy general manager of Taizhong Group Digital Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd., said that from "traditional factory" to "smart factory", from "single small batch" to "integrated collaboration", from "manual production" to "intelligent manufacturing", under the empowerment of digital intelligence, Taizhong has completed a leapfrog change in the form of production organization.

Scientific and technological innovation is the key to success.

Intelligent automatic feeding, exclusive "ID card", AI+3D vision technology robot...... In the production workshop of Taizhong Intelligent High-end Equipment Industrial Park, the "Big Mac" composed of 15,000 kinds of parts - 220-ton hybrid mining truck, shows the gorgeous butterfly transformation from an ordinary steel plate to a large country heavy equipment with strength, and behind it is the strong support of scientific and technological innovation.

Scientific and technological innovation is the core of the development of the manufacturing industry, and mastering the key core technology is the foundation of survival and the key to success of manufacturing enterprises.

In order to build a global R&D system of "one key, one center, and multiple bases", Taizhong has built a national enterprise technology center and a national key laboratory in the original part of Ether, as well as a technological innovation pattern of coordinated development of R&D centers in Tianjin, Shanghai, Xi'an, Shenzhen, Germany, Japan, etc., to connect with advanced technology concepts and deeply cultivate market resources in Europe and the United States.

"Borrowing brains to introduce intelligence" provides more possibilities for too heavy innovation. "We have jointly built innovation platforms such as the 'National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Mining Equipment Technology' with well-known universities, and signed cooperation agreements with Zhejiang University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Dalian University of Technology and other universities to connect with advantageous majors, in order to 'take' and 'pioneer' at the same time." Li Guang, deputy director of the Technology Center of Taizhong Group and executive deputy director of the National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Mining Equipment Technology, said that Taizhong is accelerating the transformation of scientific research achievements, creating an innovative ecological chain, actively conforming to the trend of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and promoting the integration and application of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, industrial Internet, Internet of Things, and big data with the company's products and services, and transforming to high-end and intelligent.

Innovation is the lifeblood of a business. Taizhong has continued to increase investment in technical research and new product development, and has held scientific and technological quality conferences for four consecutive years, with a total investment of 4 billion yuan in research and development, with an average annual growth rate of 25%. In addition, through the mechanism of "unveiling the leader" and "horse racing", we have carried out technical research on "stuck necks", overcome key core technologies, processes, software, etc., and truly transformed "stuck necks" into "killer features".

"Now, we have made significant breakthroughs in 'product + service', 'equipment + materials', 'intelligent product development' and 'package solutions', and a number of research results have broken the foreign monopoly and filled the gap in the industry." Wu Jianhua, deputy general manager of Taizhong Group, said that since 2020, Taizhong has won many awards, and the innovation ecology of thousands of sails and hundreds of boats has been fully formed.

In April this year, Taizhong took out 18.54 million yuan to reward innovative talents in scientific and technological achievements at the Science and Technology Quality Conference. "This amount is unprecedented for Taizhong, and it is a great encouragement to front-line scientific and technological personnel." Cheng Dongsheng, director of the technology center of Taizhong Group, said, "The conference set up the 'Transformation Initiative Contribution Award' for the first time, reflecting the company's expectations for high-precision technology. ”

There is a long way to go, and the future can be expected

"Hello, 2050" - in the exhibition center of Taizhong Group, Taizhong people's imagination of the magnificent factory when it was established for a hundred years attracted the attention of visitors. Compared with the century-old imagination of science fiction blockbusters, Taizhong's reversal based on "a loss of 990 million yuan in 2019" is also dazzling.

Since 2020, Taizhong has achieved "four consecutive increases" in operating income and "four consecutive increases" in operating profits, and its market reputation has reached a new level every year.

Affected by objective conditions, market environment and its own factors, it is not surprising that there are winds and rains on the way forward of enterprises, and it is not surprising that there are ups and downs. Scientific and technological progress and market changes will not accommodate anyone, and many "big guys" who have made great contributions in the history of enterprise development will inevitably be eliminated. The change from a desperate situation to a rebirth in the past few years is amazing and makes people ask, why can this old heavy machinery company "sprout new sprouts from old trees"? Can its experience provide reference for other traditional manufacturing enterprises to go through the cycle and expand new development?

In the eyes of Taizhongren, "There are thousands of difficulties, but fear of difficulties is really difficult!" There is no silver bullet for all diseases. There is only one article: unswervingly carry out reform, and change where there is a problem".

In reform, the most important thing is to change our consciousness and thinking. Market! Market! Or the market! It is too important for all employees to adjust the old ideas in the era of planned economy, and put forward the core values of "customer first, benefit-oriented, people-oriented, reform and innovation, and first-class benchmarking", which is closer to the market and closer. There is no longer a "big pot of rice" and "iron rice bowl", we must see the real chapter in the efficiency of the enterprise, make it clear that "benefit-centered, result-oriented, and heroes based on success or failure", and at the same time explore and carry out a variety of incentive methods such as "strong incentive", "fast incentive" and "simple incentive". "It used to be 'work when you have work, stop when you don't work'. Now the salesman is not at home, and he runs the market and visits users outside every day, and he has enough energy! Wang Junwei, general manager of the marketing center of Taizhong Group, said.

The key to reform is to cut through the stubborn disease. The group organization was bloated and the responsibilities were unclear, so the company's organizational structure was restructured, the functional departments were reduced by one-third, and the internal institutions were reduced by 67%, and a management mechanism with clear responsibilities, streamlined and efficient, and professional operation was established. The management of subordinate member units is scattered and chaotic, so it reshapes the system process, implements centralized control of the group for the four key businesses of finance, marketing, procurement and outsourcing, and builds a management system of "institutionalized management and system process" to achieve full coverage of business lines by standard processes; The original production organization model is backward, so we will reorganize the business sector, build a new pattern of coordinated development of "one headquarters and multiple parks", clarify the strategic goal of "3+5+3" products, realize product intelligence, production line digitalization, and management informatization, and move the main business to "high", win with "intelligence", and develop "green".

Reform, in the final analysis, is to solve the problem of good people. Taizhong grasped the opportunity of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform that began in 2020, took the reform of the three systems of labor, personnel and distribution as the starting point, and firmly grasped the key factor of "people". Starting from the second half of 2020, all leading cadres will "stand up", compete openly, and "grab" seats again. After the reform, the middle-level cadres of Taizhong Group decreased by 25%, and the management personnel decreased by 61%. Make good use of a group of people, excavate and motivate a group of people, and then drive the promotion of a group of people. The people are still those people, but the spirit is very different, everyone has the opportunity to show their strengths, and the company has a new look.

Once, it was too heavy to give people the stereotype of "old, big, and difficult"; Nowadays, new technologies, new models, new fields, new tracks, new strategies, and new goals have become a new label for starting again.

In this regard, the market has given positive feedback. On December 7, 2023, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued an announcement agreeing to the listing of "Taizhong YK01" from December 11, with an issuance scale of 2 billion yuan. This is the first renewable corporate bond for scientific and technological innovation in the machinery industry in Shanxi Province, and it is also the largest renewable corporate bond issued in Shanxi Province in the same year.

Among them, two keywords have attracted much attention. The first is the "scientific and technological innovation corporate bond", which usually has hard requirements for the scientific and technological attributes of enterprises. This shows that in terms of scientific and technological innovation, too much emphasis on basic research and applied basic research has won the label of "innovative enterprise". The second is "renewable corporate bonds", which can defer the repayment of principal and interest, which has higher requirements for the issuer's own strength. This is the first round of financing completed by Taizhong in the bond market in more than eight years, which truly reflects the market's recognition and confidence in Taizhong's steady survival and extrication from difficulties.

"Today's report card is hard-won and valuable more than ever. The survival has been basically solved, but there is still a way to get out of the predicament. It is still in the recovery period, like a patient who has just recovered and can stand up, but cannot go to the 100-meter sprint yet. "Taizhong people know that there is still a long way to go in the future, and there is still a long way to go.

Ren is "heavy", and "heavy" is always shouldering the mission of "casting the country".

The heavy machinery industry has always been closely related to the national economy, and the development level of a country's heavy machinery industry directly reflects the country's manufacturing capacity and level. In many national basic and strategic major projects, heavy machinery enterprises represented by Taizhong have played an important role in supporting and guaranteeing.

For more than 70 years, it has repeatedly overcome difficulties and shown its skills in national construction, and is never willing to be locked in the low-end of the industrial chain and the position of technology to follow, but aims at the world-class level and puts forward the vision of "building a modern intelligent equipment manufacturing enterprise with world-class competitiveness". In line with the general trend of development, it is not only the inevitable choice to seek a new life, but also the initiative to shoulder the mission.

The "far" and "far" of the road have just begun in the new journey.

"The quality and efficiency of the mainland's economic development is good, which has brought new opportunities for the development of the heavy machinery industry. Whoever can seize the new opportunities and grasp the direction of reform will be able to form a solid foundation and surging momentum for stable development. Wang Jisheng said.

For Taizhong, how to strengthen traditional products, upgrade as soon as possible, and better serve the construction of major national projects? How to optimize strategic emerging products, lead the market, break through the "stuck neck" problem, and better meet the national strategic needs? How to refine large-scale batch products, achieve tangible benefits, and continuously consolidate the material and technical foundation for better development of enterprises? And then how to really achieve leapfrog development? These questions need to be answered in practice.

At present, the focus of Taizhong's work has shifted from the construction of large-scale relocation and transformation projects in the past to the comprehensive promotion of production and operation. In the next step, how to resolve the contradiction between orders and production capacity mismatch is too important to think about and promote.

On the day of this year's "May Day" International Labor Day, Taizhong held a mobilization meeting to grab the market and seize orders, and put forward the idea of "fully occupying the internal market and comprehensively developing the external market, so that the objective situation can be used by me", and it is required to "constantly adapt to the market, meet users, and support market development with wide recognition".

On May 7, the world's first and the industry's first methanol truck crane independently developed by Taizhong was officially put into use;

On May 30, another "weight player" TZ1350 hydraulic backhoe excavator of over 100 tons was unveiled in Taizhong, and its outstretched "too heavy arms" were high to the future;

On June 11, in the Taizhong Rail Transit Industrial Park, nearly 10,000 pieces of high-end passenger wheels were ready to be sent overseas.


It should change with the times, accumulate steadily. The country is too heavy, and the future can be expected.

(Research team members: Zhao Zizhong, Gu Yang, Li Hongguang, Luan Xiaoyu, Liang Jing)

(Source: Economic Daily)