
WAVE SUMMIT: iForm™ opens a new era of smart office

author:Zhiyuan Internet

On June 28, the WAVE SUMMIT Deep Learning Developer Conference 2024, hosted by the National Engineering Research Center for Deep Learning Technology and Application and co-organized by Baidu PaddlePaddle and Wenxin Model, was held in Beijing.

Zhilian Technology, a holding subsidiary of Zhiyuan Internet focusing on the field of AI native application, brought iForm™, the first intelligent form product in China that is fully reconstructed based on large model capabilities, to the "Intelligent Transformation Application Code Motion Industry" forum of the conference. At the meeting, Zhilian Technology won the title of "Baidu AI Technology Ecological Partner" and the certification of "PaddlePaddle Technology Partner (Preferred Level)" awarded by PaddlePaddle.

Wenxin Model 4.0 Turbo was released, and the number of users of Wenxin Yiyan reached 300 million

At the conference, Baidu released Wenxin Model 4.0 Turbo and announced that the Wenxin Model 4.0 Turbo API (Application Programming Interface) is open to developers.

Since 2010, Baidu has been fully deploying artificial intelligence, and in March 2019, it launched Wenxin Model 1.0 and continued iterative upgrades, in October 2023, Wenxin Model 4.0, and in April this year, it released the Wenxin Model 4.0 tool version. Wenxin Model 4.0 Turbo was released. Wenxin model is a knowledge enhancement model developed based on the paddle platform, which integrates learning from trillions of data and hundreds of billions of knowledge, and has core technologies such as knowledge enhancement, retrieval enhancement and dialogue enhancement.

WAVE SUMMIT: iForm™ opens a new era of smart office

Cooperate with Baidu to create a new chapter of intelligent collaborative management

As a global leader in the field of artificial intelligence, Baidu's powerful Wenxin large model technology provides a solid technical foundation for the innovation of Zhiyuan Internet. Relying on the industry know-how in the field of collaborative operation management and the close integration with the capabilities of Wenxin's large model, Zhiyuan Internet has not only successfully launched the native application of iForm™ intelligent form, but also landed many achievements in the field of intelligent collaborative management.

Zhiyuan Internet and Baidu have a long history of cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence. Since 2018, the two parties have launched a variety of intelligent products, such as "Xiaozhi Voice Assistant", by integrating artificial intelligence technologies such as natural language processing, speech recognition and synthesis, which have effectively improved the work efficiency of employees. In 2023, Zhiyuan Internet will become the first batch of ecological partners of Baidu Wenxin Yiyan and the ecological partner of Wenxin Qianfan large model platform, further promoting the application of "COP+AI large model" in the field of collaborative management.

In 2024, the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in the direction of product co-construction, solution co-creation, customer co-development, and market win-win. In order to further promote the intelligent upgrade of digital government, Zhiyuan Internet has realized the seamless docking and efficient integration of the two major technical bases of V5 and V8 and Baidu Wenxin large model technology, and jointly created a series of intelligent applications. In the construction of a provincial-level government platform, based on the base capability of the COP platform and the ability of Baidu's "Ruliu" end, Zhiyuan Internet has realized online organization, online business and online communication, provided cross-departmental and cross-regional collaboration and business collaboration, and boosted the construction of "digital organs" and "efficient government" at all levels. IN APRIL 2024, AT THE GENERATE GLOBAL ECOLOGICAL CONFERENCE, IT WAS AWARDED THE "BEST APPLICATION PARTNER AWARD OF BAIDU INTELLIGENT CLOUD OF THE YEAR" BY BAIDU INTELLIGENT CLOUD.

A smart form product based on the comprehensive reconstruction of Wenxin's large model

iForm™ has been online for two months, with more than 10,000 users

Zhiyuan Internet continues to deepen its AI strategy, focusing on the three-pronged approach of product AI, integration and integration, and investment incubation. Among them, iForm™, as the first AI native application product of Zhiyuan Internet, was officially launched in April this year. At the meeting, Zhilian Technology won the title of "Baidu AI Technology Ecological Partner" and the certification of "PaddlePaddle Technology Partner (Preferred Level)" awarded by PaddlePaddle.

WAVE SUMMIT: iForm™ opens a new era of smart office

At the forum of "Intelligent Transformation Application and Code Movement Industry", Zhao Jianhu, CEO of Zhilian Technology, said: "iForm™ is an intelligent form product based on the comprehensive reconstruction of Wenxin's large model, relying on the capabilities of AI large models, making forms simpler and smarter from creation, collection, data analysis, and analysis reports. ”

At present, iForm™ has been widely used in five core application scenarios, such as questionnaires, information registration, voting, assessment and examination, and online appointment, which can quickly generate forms in one sentence, intelligently generate field analysis, and generate analysis reports with one click. In just two months since its launch, it has served more than 1,300 customers, generated more than 50,000 forms, and tens of thousands of users, covering multiple industries such as retail, finance, education, and government affairs.

"Through in-depth interviews with our customers, we learned that iForm Smart Forms™ have increased the speed of questionnaire creation by about 95%, collected more data more easily, and increased the response rate by about 65%. In terms of data aggregation and analysis report generation, iForm™ saves a lot of manpower, about 96%, which significantly improves work efficiency. Zhao Jianhu further said.

In the future, Zhiyuan Internet and Baidu will continue to deepen cooperation, jointly explore the integration and innovation of AI large models and collaborative operation management, further promote product co-creation and market co-development, achieve complementary advantages, provide customers with more comprehensive and efficient intelligent application scenarios and solutions, and help the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of various industries.

[iForm™ Smart Form, as an AI-native form product created by Zhilian Technology, now fully supports free trial for 1 month. Welcome to click the link to open a new paradigm of smart office.

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WAVE SUMMIT: iForm™ opens a new era of smart office

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