
International students experience the charm of Chinese tea culture

author:Anshan clouds
International students experience the charm of Chinese tea culture

On the 1st, the School of International Education of Liaoning University of Science and Technology held a unique Chinese tea culture experience activity in the Chinese Cultural Center of the Boyuan Building of the school - "Ordering Tea and Fragrance". International students from Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Botswana, Ukraine and other countries actively participated in the event, experienced the profound heritage of Chinese tea culture up close, and further deepened their understanding and respect for traditional Chinese culture.

International students experience the charm of Chinese tea culture

After carefully watching and learning a series of tea art processes such as tea selection, boiling water, warming the pot, placing tea to ordering soup, and dividing tea, the students tried to order tea under the guidance of professional teachers. They picked up the tea whisk and stirred the tea soup in the tea bowl, experiencing the unique charm of Chinese tea culture. Ruxue, a student from Russia, said: "I like Chinese tea very much. The Chinese tea ceremony emphasizes meditation and self-cultivation, and in the process of making tea, I can feel the inner peace and relaxation. ”

International students experience the charm of Chinese tea culture

The holding of the "Tea Fragrance" event marked the successful conclusion of the week-long series of Chinese tea culture activities of the Institute of International Education. Jiang Mengdi, Director of the International Student Affairs Office of the School of International Education, Liaoning University of Science and Technology, said: "The study of tea culture history, the appreciation of tea art performances, the tea culture video production competition, the tea ceremony story exchange meeting and other activities provide a learning platform for students to have an in-depth understanding of the connotation of traditional Chinese tea culture. ”

All-media reporter Shen Lujia

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