
The list of gold stocks for July is here! The National Fund, the fourth largest heavy stock, was transferred in

The list of gold stocks for July is here! The National Fund, the fourth largest heavy stock, was transferred in

Securities Market Weekly Market Number

2024-07-02 09:40Red Journal Finance official account


Whoosh, a month has passed, and it's time to take a monthly gold stock again. In June, there are losses and lows, as well as joy and surprises. It is said that five poor and six will turn over, so will the opportunity to turn over in July come? Let's talk.

The list of gold stocks for July is here! The National Fund, the fourth largest heavy stock, was transferred in

List of gold stocks in July:

Mix and match of multiple themes such as science and technology ballast, real estate, etc

July is the month of transition from the first half of the year to the second half of the year, and the time window for the transition from the second quarter to the third quarter. The market opportunity in June is mainly around technology, will this theme continue in the pivotal month of July?

Before answering this question, let's review the gold stock performance of brokerages in June.

In June, the market as a whole was under pressure, and nearly 3 percent of the company's stock prices in June of more than 300 brokerages achieved a red plate, which did not look very bright, but this has significantly outperformed the overall market performance.

The performance of technology stocks in June is too fierce, not surprisingly, the list of gold stocks in June of brokerages is almost dominated by technology stocks, and the top 10 targets are in the field of information technology, that is, electronic devices, chips and other technology subdivisions, such as Wanji Technology, Shenghong Technology, Shanghai Electric Co., Ltd., etc., they rose by more than 15% in June.

However, there are also some gold stocks that have failed to perform, significantly underperforming the entire market, falling by more than 20%, and they are mainly concentrated in large consumption areas such as home appliances, animal husbandry, and pharmacies.

Therefore, in the current structural market, it is very important to choose the right track.

At present, many institutions have preemptively announced their list of gold stocks for July, and from this point of view, technology stocks are still the role of ballast. In addition, companies in the fields of medicine and biology, Chinese prefixes, and high dividends have also been highlighted by institutions. Next, let's focus on it.

There is still a large proportion of technology stocks. From this stage, the focus of technology stocks that institutions focus on is still focused on the fields of AI and consumer electronics, including NVIDIA, Apple, and the main subdivisions such as PCB (printed circuit board) and CPO (co-packaged optics). Many strong stocks in June were then pushed by institutions in July, such as a PCB target, which is the world's TOP1 in this field, and the vast majority of revenue comes from Apple. The company's stock price has also been bullish these days, and it has hit a new high in nearly 2 years.

In addition, there are many steadily rising technology stocks that have received institutional attention, such as a smartphone component company, which is also a "fruit chain" company, which achieved more than 3 times the performance growth in the first quarter of this year. The stock price has been steadily rebounding along the 20-day antenna these days (see attached chart).

The list of gold stocks for July is here! The National Fund, the fourth largest heavy stock, was transferred in

In addition, some well-known investors or heavy stocks of heavy institutions have also been recommended by institutions. For example, Ge Weidong's heavy position layout of a memory chip leader, the current stock price has begun to increase at a low level and start to rise.

Another example is a chip packaging and testing leader, the stock price has recently stepped out of the "W-shaped" bottom reversal pattern, it is the fourth largest heavy stock in the first quarter of this year, with a market value of more than 6 billion yuan.

Of course, in addition to the technology track, there are many other opportunities that are also worth paying attention to.

For example, today's soaring power stocks, power grid equipment (one of which hit a new high in the past 9 years), medicine (some companies are driven by vitamins to close the limit), ......

In addition, there are today's hot real estate stocks, since this stage, the real estate industry package of favorable policies intensively landed, real estate stocks ushered in the over-fall repair, soaring 4%. Today, Binjiang Group, which has a low price limit, has been recommended by institutions.

Looking forward to the "seven turnovers"?

What does it mean that the five poor and the six absolute seven turn over are sometimes used in the stock market? That is, the market will adjust in May, and the adjustment will intensify in June, and it will be in July.

On the first trading day of July, "Thailand" is coming, and the heavyweight stocks of the Shanghai Index have collectively exerted force, such as real estate, coal, electricity, oil, banks, etc., which are the logic of the traditional cycle. Generally, it will be repaired as the economic situation improves. The entire index of the Shanghai Composite Index also stabilized, and today it quickly counterattacked, heading straight for 3,000 points.

As mentioned before, the Shanghai Composite Index is expected to stop falling and reverse, and it has begun to be verified in the past two days. If you are interested, you can click here to review the "Shanghai Composite Index Closes a Rare Pattern!" We found this "hard" main line from the price limit ......". 

However, there are also many small and medium-sized stocks today that have seen structural differentiation, which once dragged down the adjustment of the ChiNext Index and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, but the two major indices reversed upward in the afternoon. 

For the July market, let's talk about it below.

For example, in the past 14 years from July 2010 ~ July 2023, or in the past 14 trading cycles, the number of red disks in the Shanghai Index is 8, accounting for nearly 60%.

Of course, this may be more of a probabilistic phenomenon, and there is no specific pattern to the rise and fall of the index due to the influence of different periods, different valuations, and different specific environmental factors.

Looking further, though, July may not be an average month. As I said above, July is a month that connects the past and the next. In addition, by further observation, there are currently some specific impact factors.

For example, the valuation perspective of the market. Valuation is an old topic, and now it is low, and today we will put it another way, that is, the major indices are in a state of overfall. In an overbearish state, the probability of a bullish counterattack or mean reversion may increase.

Interim performance factors. At present, the market has entered the stage of interim forecast, and the companies that are disclosed first and whose performance exceeds market expectations have been focused on increasing their positions by funds. Now there are 30 companies that have disclosed their interim performance forecasts, and the main line will heat up later.

There will be a blockbuster conference in July. The agency believes that risk appetite in July is expected to recover compared with May-June.

Another example is the recovery of economic data. For example, according to Caixin data in June, China's manufacturing PMI was 51.8, in the expansion range for the eighth consecutive month.

Of course, there are some other factors that affect the market, such as fluctuations in exchange rates, the pace of U.S. interest rate cuts, etc......

For the overall investment opportunities in July, many institutions gave a relatively balanced direction. We have summarized some directions for your reference:

Continue to use high dividends as a bottom position, such as pan-power, power grid, coal, banks, etc.

Growth band rhythm, such as commercial aerospace, semiconductors, AI applications, etc.

Phased opportunities in the real estate chain in terms of policy.

Machinery, electronics, home appliances, etc.

Value stocks in the cyclical sector.


What areas can be killed? The author will continue to pay attention to this. 

(The individual stocks mentioned in the article are for example analysis only, and do not make trading recommendations.) )

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  • The list of gold stocks for July is here! The National Fund, the fourth largest heavy stock, was transferred in
  • The list of gold stocks for July is here! The National Fund, the fourth largest heavy stock, was transferred in

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