
See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

author:Everyday RPG Raiders Group

Everyday RPG

The last time we were amazed, the box map should have been a shock, after all, the shock has been on fire for so long, and we have been liver for a lot of time, in fact, the gameplay of playing boxes is really not uncommon for RPG old men, but every iteration can bring us surprises.

Although this "Storm Wars" is also a box, the overall gameplay is different, integrating a new evolution mode, relatively speaking, it no longer depends on the will of God, the player needs to have his own operation, and he does not look at the face of the equipment, everything is left to the player himself.

There is such a good example of shock before, it can be regarded as a pearl in front, I don't know if this time "Storm War" can also give us the same surprise, actual combat is the best test, go directly to the map to feel it~

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

The mode of this map does not have so much randomness, but pays more attention to the player's own operation, and the equipment is more inclined to the previous Burning Crusade gameplay.

Players match their heroes with different equipment in many stores, and heroes of different genres have different equipment choices, which should be the same at the beginning, and more in the middle and late stages of different understandings of the map.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

Some basic equipment should still be bought, such as a sledgehammer that is very useful for early monster farming, acceleration gloves, and hunting claws that are necessary for farming resources, which will not affect your overall equipment building, but more for development preparation, and you can adjust your equipment in the later stage.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

After the equipment is acquired, it can be upgraded directly in the equipment column, as for whether some development equipment needs to go all the way up, it depends on your own choice, the chicken thinks it is more suitable for the way, keep the equipment like hunting, and promote it to the top, the sledgehammer depends on whether the hero after you is melee or ranged, and the combination of skills to make a choice.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

In addition, there is a growth equipment that will accompany you until the endgame, and every time this equipment is upgraded, you can get the opportunity to choose modifiers, which will also affect the quality of the heroes in this game, whether to choose immediate combat power or the future, it's up to you.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~
See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

The exclusive Armagesh entries in the middle and late stages of heroes also need to be obtained through growth equipment, in other words, our arcane skills are obtained through growth equipment.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

The most important thing for the heroes of this map is the evolution route, the hero increases the level by killing the enemy, and the evolution can be started after reaching the corresponding level.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

Each evolution can be converted into the corresponding hero, for the choice of heroes, more attention needs to be paid to in the early stage, one is whether the hero's skill can improve the efficiency of monster farming, and the other is whether the hero's second skill value is not worth keeping.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

Each evolution can retain the two skills of the previous hero, and accordingly we can also replace the previous skills, different skill combinations, will create completely different heroes, after the four skills are learned, if you are satisfied with the current skill set, you can choose not to evolve, stop changing heroes, and keep the last hero.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

What kind of skill matching can maximize the combat power of their heroes, in addition to the choice of heroes, we are also very important in the choice of various enhancements, similar to killing the enemy exchange, in addition to the strengthening of resources, we need to make targeted enhancements according to the choice of heroes.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

And the treasure chest in this map,It's more of a reward for the set.,The parts of the same part will be directly broken down into diamonds for you.,We can directly activate the parts that are not collected by using diamonds.,High-level sets consume more diamonds.,We need to choose between different suits.。

In addition, there is a very important enhancement, which comes from the reward after each boss fight, this reward can give the hero a qualitative boost, and you can study it well.

See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~
See the box again, I don't know if I can play a different feeling this time~

What kind of heroes can be combined depends on what different tricks you can play in this map~