
Experience sharing丨Details that lawyers who often handle criminal cases know (Lawyer's Practice Collection)

Experience sharing丨Details that lawyers who often handle criminal cases know (Lawyer's Practice Collection)

Lawyers often play a crucial role in the defense of criminal cases. We not only need to be proficient in the legal provisions, but also need to have rich practical experience in order to obtain the maximum rights and interests of the parties in complex legal procedures. But did you know that in these seemingly uneventful court encounters, there are actually many hidden details and strategies?

1. Preparation: Details determine success or failure

On the battlefield of criminal defense, preparation is crucial. Lawyers not only have to prepare the necessary legal documents, but also carry a series of gadgets to keep important information recorded at any time when meeting with their clients.

1. Must-have gadgets

  • Pen and blank paper: Record the key information and ideas of the case.
  • Portable ink: There should be special circumstances in which the power of attorney is required to be stamped during meetings with detention centers.
  • Voice recorder: Ensure a complete record of the content of the meeting.
  • Almighty Scanner APP: Quickly scan and organize case materials.
  • Memorabilia: Record in detail the time of investigation and detention, review of arrest, etc., to ensure that the case procedures are lawful.
  • Harmony Mini Program: directly press and hold the recording to quickly add to-do items by voice (if there are next to-do items in the process, you can directly create an agenda reminder by voice, as shown in the figure below); You can also directly open the Mini Program to view case information, files, progress, timeline, etc.
Experience sharing丨Details that lawyers who often handle criminal cases know (Lawyer's Practice Collection)

2. Online marking and communication

We also need to pay special attention to some details, such as timely application for online grading, communication with the parties and their families, etc.

  • Online file reading: With the support of modern technology, lawyers can apply for online file reading through platforms such as 12309. However, not all cases and procuratorates support online file reading. Therefore, lawyers must communicate with the local procuratorate in a timely manner after applying to ensure the smooth progress of the case file reading work.
  • Communication with clients and family members: When meeting with clients, lawyers must inform them of the importance of not signing a plea without being present. At the same time, the lawyer also needs to remind the family not to be superstitious about the relationship, so as to avoid missing the best opportunity to defend because of the relationship. (The above-mentioned verification applet is very suitable for opening and accessing case information and documents in a timely manner, as shown in the figure below)
Experience sharing丨Details that lawyers who often handle criminal cases know (Lawyer's Practice Collection)

2. Pit avoidance: Be wary of those invisible traps

In criminal defense, we not only have to face complex legal issues and cunning opponents, but we also have to be constantly wary of those invisible pitfalls.

  • Don't take the words of the family of the co-defendant: In a case of joint crime, the family of the co-defendant may try to interfere with the defense strategy through a lawyer. They may claim to have connections with the prosecutor's office that can get a lighter sentence. However, this is likely a tactic by opposing defenders to try to get their suspects down the list in the indictment.
  • Tell family members not to be superstitious about relationships: Many family members will rush to the hospital after the case occurs, and they want to drill if they find a little relationship. However, we should always remind families not to be superstitious about relationships. Because in a legal society, the law is the fairest arbiter. Only within the scope of legality can the lawyer strive for the best possible outcome for the client.

3. Actual combat: a battle of wisdom in the courtroom

In the courtroom, we need to have a battle of wits with prosecutors and judges. They need to flexibly use legal knowledge and defense skills according to the specific circumstances of the case to fight for the best rights and interests of the client.

  • The trial is not verbose: the trial is a stage for lawyers to show their talents. However, not everything needs to be said. Lawyers need to get to the point and express their views concisely. At the same time, they also need to pay attention to the way they communicate with judges and prosecutors to avoid unnecessary disputes due to inappropriate language.
  • Moot Court: Before the trial, we usually practice moot court. Through moot court, we can better understand the specifics of the case, anticipate the opposing party's defense strategy, and prepare our own rebuttals in advance. This kind of practice not only improves the lawyer's trial skills, but also enhances their self-confidence and resilience.
Experience sharing丨Details that lawyers who often handle criminal cases know (Lawyer's Practice Collection)

In conclusion, criminal defense is a job full of challenges and opportunities. As lawyers, we need to keep a clear head and a keen sense of insight at all times. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to details, be wary of pitfalls, and use wisdom and strategy flexibly to maximize the rights and interests of the parties.

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