
Metro Line 4, the latest news!

author:Xuzhou Real Estate Information Network

On the morning of July 1, the first phase of Xuzhou Metro Line 4 project between Landscape Road Station and Yangshan Road Station, the right line shield was successfully launched, and major progress was made in the construction of the project.

Metro Line 4, the latest news!

At the start-up site, a TBM, known as Kunpeng 6, was installed at the mouth of the tunnel and began to move forward as the cutterhead at the front slowly turned.

Metro Line 4, the latest news!

The Kunpeng No. 6 shield machine that was unveiled this time is the first shield machine provided by China Railway Construction as the starting station, which is mainly responsible for the right line excavation task of the shield section from Jingjing Road Station to Yangshan Road Station. The length of this section is 1583.6m, and there are two connecting passages. The whole section of the section passes through the medium-weathered limestone and medium-weathered dolomite, and successively passes through the super-large-scale dangerous projects such as Hirschman Electronics Factory and Xuzhou Huatong Electric Company, and the excavation control requirements are extremely high.

Metro Line 4, the latest news!

Under the correct leadership of the Metro Group Company and with the strong cooperation of all participating units, the construction team successfully overcame the adverse effects of tight construction time, heavy tasks, cross construction, and high-temperature hoisting, and fulfilled the node goals safely, smoothly and ahead of schedule, laying a solid foundation for the high-quality completion of the annual tasks.

Metro Line 4, the latest news!

The first phase of Xuzhou Metro Line 4 starts from Qiaoshangcun Station at the intersection of Daxue Road and Zhujiang West Road, along Daxue Road, South Third Ring Road, Xinquan Road, Planning Central Vitality District Road, Hanyuan Avenue, Chang'an Avenue, Baolian Temple Road, Pantaoshan Road and other roads, and ends at Dalanshan Station, with a total of 19 stations, and the second phase of extension conditions is reserved for the starting and ending points, with a total length of 26.2 kilometers. It is expected to be put into trial operation by the end of 2027.

Metro Line 4, the latest news!

Article source: Wireless Xuzhou

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