
After watching "The Miracle of Gratitude", I had an epiphany: good luck is chosen in this way



One day in 1999, the American writer Ryan received a strange letter.

The moment the envelope was opened, a round stone fell out.

The letter was sent by a friend, Lauren, and the stone was a mysterious transfer stone that was said to have the magic of helping people to transport.

Before that, Ryan was often depressed because his work was not recognized. With the transfer stone, she found that her life was much smoother, and she was full of energy in everything she did.

In fact, this stone is extremely ordinary, but it is just a small gift that Lauren received from his adoptive mother, Jane's mother, when he was a child.

Whenever she was in trouble, Lauren would touch the stone to remind herself how lucky she was to be cared for by Jane's mother.

After Ryan learned the truth, he realized Lauren's true intention - to pass on his gratitude to himself through this stone, so that he could cheer himself up.

Inspired, Ryan stopped being depressed and tried to re-examine what he had.

She found that there are so many things to be grateful for, the silent support of her family, the care and help of her friends, and the learning opportunities provided by the community......

Thinking about it, there was a warm current in my heart, and the boredom and unwillingness that had been deposited for many days slowly dissipated.

After that, she devoted herself to her creative career with full confidence, continued to cultivate deeply, and finally achieved remarkable literary achievements.

Keeping in mind the power of gratitude, Ryan wrote about his personal experiences over the years in the book "The Miracle of Gratitude".

In the book, she uses the most real story to reveal how gratitude can reverse bad luck.

She said that with each level of gratitude, the inner energy will increase by one point, and the outer luck will also improve.

Cultivate a grateful heart, learn the ability to be happy, and even ordinary people can create their own miracles.

After watching "The Miracle of Gratitude", I had an epiphany: good luck is chosen in this way


Learn to be grateful, and you will reap the goodwill of the whole world

When I read the book, Deborah's story left a deep impression on me.

Deborah was poor, but he was a philanthropist.

One year, while studying in Thailand, she met a family who had come to give alms.

The family was generous and provided free lunches to more than 200 students, including Deborah.

Deborah was grateful, and thought of doing his best, so he gave the family what little money he had.

But as a result, Deborah's life is even more stretched.

Just when she was worried about the money, someone suddenly ran over and stuffed her with a wad of money.

Immediately after that, the second person, the third person...... Everyone came to give her money.

Although these people did not know each other, they were all classmates who studied together, and they all saw Deborah's embarrassment.

One of the old men said: This is a "lunch fund" made up by everyone, and you can't let the money go out alone.

Deborah burst into tears, she never expected that her little effort would be exchanged for so much kindness.

The author said that compared to others, Deborah should be most grateful to himself.

If it weren't for her gratitude, she wouldn't have been generous, and without her generosity, others wouldn't have come to help.

There is a term in the book called "the cycle of generosity."

It means that good things will always be interlinked because of gratitude.

You are grateful for the gift of life, so that you can be continuously favored by fate.

In the book, there is also a story that is thought-provoking.

There was an old man named Annette who had a severe kidney disease.

She urgently needed a kidney transplant, but she couldn't wait for a kidney source.

In the anxious waiting, the old man did not complain, but actively lived every day.

She would go for walks in the garden with great interest, chatting enthusiastically, and occasionally basking in the sun and swinging.

She often said, "Even if I can't be cured, I have received a lot of love and care." ”

Before she knew it, the optimistic Annette attracted a lot of friends.

Not only did these people come to visit often, but they also helped Annette to inquire about the source of her kidneys.

Finally, one day, someone brought good news for Annette - there were four people who were willing to donate their kidneys for her.

At the end of the story, Annette is fully recovered, completely free from the invasion of illness.

Venerable Hui once said: Everything in the world is the result of the harmony of all fates and the strength of all people, and it is not the only one who can do it, so we should be grateful.

All unexpected beauty is not created out of nothing, but there are traces to follow.

As far as the eye can see, there is a beautiful scenery, and all the thoughts in the heart are kindness, and people can get a response from the truth, goodness and beauty of the outside world.

It's not uncommon to encounter ups and downs, but the moment you start to be grateful, good fortune will come quietly.

After watching "The Miracle of Gratitude", I had an epiphany: good luck is chosen in this way


Learn to be grateful, and you will be your own salvation

Speaking of the miracle of gratitude, the author himself has a deep experience.

Before writing this book, she was at the lowest point in her life.

Tired of the workplace, she quit her job and decided to write for a living.

It's a pity that for a long time, the manuscript she submitted was lost in the sea, and the few books she wrote were not cared for.

can't earn manuscript fees, life is stretched, she can't be famous, and she is always looked down upon.

During that time, she was completely lost in all kinds of existential dilemmas, anxious and panicked inside.

On this day, she was depressed and went for a walk on the beach alone.

As she walked, an old, thin woman staggered towards her.

She saw that this person was a little scary, and she was about to run away, but she was grabbed by the other party's wrist and couldn't move a step.

But in fact, the old woman simply came to tell her that there was a beautiful cottage in front of her, and eagerly pulled her to see it.

When they stood in front of the hut surrounded by flowers, the old man said excitedly: "Look, how lucky we are!"

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him and listening to the old man's admiration, the author's mood was suddenly much more relaxed.

She felt the warm sunshine and the salty sea breeze, and suddenly figured out a truth:

As long as you are patient and grateful, life is full of miracles, and good luck can come at any time.

Knowing this, the author realizes that the current life is not bad.

I have good health, a stable life, and a lot of time to do what I love.

And when she gladly accepted everything and worked in an orderly manner, her life slowly improved.

Not only did she have more manuscripts, but also publishers contacted her and intended to carry out long-term cooperation.

The author mentions in the book: gratitude, as a positive psychological energy, can dispel people's pessimistic thoughts.

The higher the level of gratitude a person, the higher the subjective happiness and the more positive the attitude in the face of difficulties.

On the other hand, if we blindly take the truth and keep an eye on the pain, we will only be locked in a predicament.

In the book, the author also talks about a psychological experiment by Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology.

Professor Martin randomly gathered a group of people and told them to pay attention to the good things in their lives.

It could be a chance meeting with a friend, a paper pass, or a discounted bread for lunch......

No matter how big or small, as long as everyone thinks it's a "good thing" and is grateful for it.

A week later, Martin found the group again and found that 92 percent of them felt happier.

And 94% of people who once said they were depressed felt less depressed.

Experiments have shown that although it is difficult for people to directly confront life, they can change their feelings about situations through gratitude.

Once your mood improves, your situation will be different, and you will no longer worry about it and no longer dwell on past misfortunes.

When one no longer prays for the mercy of fate as a "victim", one takes back the initiative in life.

Nietzsche said that gratitude is the health of the soul.

The author says that gratitude is the best "antidote" to treating unhappiness.

When we fall into a desperate situation and are isolated, our inner gratitude will release a magnetic signal of positive energy outward.

Once the outside world captures your optimism, positivity, and kindness, it will naturally support you and shelter you in turn.

In the midst of all odds, as long as we learn to be grateful, we can redeem ourselves.

After watching "The Miracle of Gratitude", I had an epiphany: good luck is chosen in this way


Develop a "spiritual habit" of gratitude

You can reinvent your life

Psychologist Byron did an experiment:

He randomly selected 2,000 people from the community and kept track of their daily lives.

In the end, it turned out that those who were lucky liked to say thank you, while those who considered themselves unlucky were the opposite.

From this, Byron concludes that the core of luck lies in whether the person knows how to be grateful.

This has also been repeatedly confirmed in "The Miracle of Gratitude".

Ryan pointed out that as long as people develop the "spiritual habit" of gratitude, they can mobilize their own energy magnetic field to reshape their lives.

In the book, she summarizes how to be grateful into two points:

1. Immerse yourself in life:

Marjorie, a jeweler who is a friend of Ryan's, is bankrupt due to the economic crisis.

But unlike other bankrupts, Marjorie always works and lives with a full heart.

For example, when she goes on a business trip abroad, she will concentrate on enjoying the scenery along the way and feel the process wholeheartedly.

Ryan said that when people focus on life, gratitude flows through the whole body, and people can relieve all pain.

To do this, you need to "practice quietly", and the more specific the better.

The so-called static point practice is to fully focus on something and have an immersive experience.

Here's an example.

You choose one thing to do every day, whether it's cooking, mopping the floor, watering the flowers, getting the courier, and so on.

When you do it again, don't do it numbly by inertia, but add a bit of "awareness".

When cooking, see how fresh the vegetables are, how complete the cooking utensils are, and how pleasing the presentation is;

When mopping the floor, listen to the "buzzing" sound of the robot vacuum cleaner and see the dust dancing in the sun.

When watering the flowers, you can watch the water slide down the branches, forming a series of light and dark water marks.

Slow yourself down and do everything as patiently, meticulously, and curiously as if you were in contact with the world for the first time.

You will find that life is full of surprises, every second has meaning, and everything is a gift of fate.

2. Practice deliberately and purposefully:

The book says that gratitude is not only an attitude to life, but also a survival skill that needs to be mastered.

If you want to develop the skill of gratitude, you can't do it without practicing it deliberately, day in and day out.

1. Discover happiness from the "pain list".

The author's friend, Cynthia, had an unhappy marriage, which made her complain after the divorce.

Whenever she complained, Ryan would suggest that she think differently and talk about the "benefits" of that marriage.

Cynthia thought for a moment and said that the marriage had made her more independent, and after the divorce, she felt truly free.

As she spoke, Cynthia immediately felt that she was not very miserable, and she could easily chat with Ryan again.

At the end of the day, there is no such thing as absolute badness, so we need to learn to find happiness in the "pain list".

Even if someone has hurt you or made you feel unlucky, it can teach you something and accelerate your growth and epiphany.

When you think about it in this way, bad things become good things, and gratitude will arise spontaneously.

2. Count the number of times you said "thank you" today.

Before writing this book, Ryan described himself as a very cold person.

Just like every Christmas, in the face of large and small gifts, she just habitually looks at it, and there is no wave in her heart.

But since he came into contact with the topic of gratitude, Ryan has realized how wrong he was.

The goodness of others is not taken for granted, and every gift and greeting from them deserves our sincere gratitude.

Realizing this, Ryan began to notice how often he said "thank you" and wrote thank-you notes to his friends from time to time.

In the book, she makes a call to thank your family for their efforts by writing a confession for your family.

In fact, not only family, but all encounters in life are precious.

When the word thank you is spoken, while warming others, it is also warming yourself.

3. Establish a "small fortunate diary".

Among the many gratitude tips, Ryan believes that the most effective is the "Little Lucky Diary".

Find a notebook and write down 10 things every day for 21 days that make you grateful.

Many people wonder how many things are worth recording when we ordinary people live almost every day.

Ryan said that it was not difficult, such as not getting stuck in traffic at work, not raining when going out, and eating your favorite sandwich......

As long as it is a happy thing, no matter how small it is, it is worth being recorded, because it is this little bit of beauty that soothes our tired hearts.

It's okay to flip through your own diary, there is always one thing that will rekindle your enthusiasm for life.

When I read this book, I also encountered a lot of trouble, and I felt that I really had a hard time.

I was deducted money for being late for work, the manuscripts I wrote were returned one after another, and the cat I raised was sick......

When I was distraught, I had the idea to try the method in the book and see if I could transfer it.

In the first few days, writing a gratitude journal diverted my attention a little, and then slowly, my perspective on things also changed.

The work is not going well, reminding me to improve myself; Life didn't go well, but it trained my resilience.

Because of gratitude, I quickly adjusted my mindset and began to deal with problems positively.

As a result, everything went better than expected, and luck seemed to be really good.

I like a quote from the book:

Instead of complaining about the thorns on the roses, be grateful that roses have grown in the thorn bushes.

There is never a shortage of roses in the garden of life, what is lacking is the eyes that we find roses.

Give it a thumbs up, try to capture the beauty of ordinary days, cherish it from the bottom of your heart, and protect it.

We will definitely be chosen by good luck and reap our own little luck.