
The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

author:Qi Feng said the car

In mid-June, Wuling Motors officially announced that the 2024 Wuling Binguo was officially launched, and the new car gave a price of 56,800-84,800 yuan, compared with the old model, the price was also reduced by 3000-4000 yuan, and the key was upgraded in the exterior interior, three-electric system and driving control experience, so the new car can be said to be increased but the price is more favorable. Let many friends who want to buy an electric commuter car pay attention to this car again.

The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

In fact, Wuling Binguo does pay attention to the needs of consumers, so even if it is a young face in the A0 new energy market, it can still be far ahead in sales. According to official data, up to now, the sales volume of Wuling Binguo car series has exceeded 280,000 units, which is indeed very "explosive" in the A0-level new energy market. Through this number, we can find out the reason why Binguo has attracted more attention after the launch of the new model, to put it bluntly, it is word of mouth, forming a word-of-mouth effect.

The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

Of course, the reason why Wuling Binguo is so popular is not unrelated to its excellent product strength. Young people now pay attention to the appearance of cars, and the retro design concept used by Binguo is actually more suitable for the individual needs of young people than the minimalist design that produces aesthetic fatigue.

The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

In addition to the unique design, the space is actually Binguo's "killer feature". Taking the 2024 Wuling Binguo as a reference, its length, width and height are 3950*1708*1580mm, and the wheelbase is 2560mm, which doesn't seem to see too many highlights from the data, but Wuling's ability in space optimization has been released in Binguo, including the luggage compartment area, the volume of Binguo under normal circumstances is 350L, which is decent, but the volume after putting down the second row of seats can come to 1240L, which is 310L more than the seagull of the same level, Probably there is an extra space for the trunk of the same level not to fold down the rear row.

The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

In addition, in terms of configuration, considering that many friends buy Wuling Binguo are used for commuting, most of them also have Bao Ma, female drivers and other people whose driving skills are not very good, so Wuling Binguo is also equipped with a reversing image function as standard, even if it is not easy to judge the distance of parking, you can also rely on the image function to park the car. As a pure electric car, its body is also very flexible, and it is very convenient to turn around and park.

The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

And the most important thing is that the 2024 Wuling Binguo is equipped with a fast charging function as standard, which can quickly replenish the power and improve the battery life during daily car travel.

The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

If you have higher requirements for battery life, or you want to charge less frequently, Wuling Binguo also provides a version with a range of up to 410 kilometers to choose from, the daily commuting distance is within 50km, you can charge it every week, and you can commute within 30km every day, you can fully charge it for 10 days, even if there is no charging pile at home, you don't have to worry about charging trouble.

The price of the new model is more impactful, with a cumulative sales volume of more than 280,000 units, why is Binguo so popular

In general, the most fundamental reason why Wuling Binguo can achieve a leading position in the A0 new energy market is that Wuling has sufficient experience in commuting and transportation and knows what consumers want and really need. Because of this, Wuling Binguo can have a superior space, relatively rich configuration and a variety of choices on the basis of affordable prices. And the excellent sales data is a feedback of its good strength.