
Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

The real economy is sluggish, it is difficult to do physical business, and a large number of physical stores have closed down, is this caused by e-commerce? What kind of person is Jack Ma?

Different people have different opinions on Jack Ma, and the evaluation is mixed, let's take a look at the following four entrepreneurs' evaluation of Jack Ma.

Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

Zong Qinghou, the founder of Wahaha, commented on Ma Yun: Ma Yun is very good at fooling, he told me how many jobs Alibaba has solved in one day, yes, opening an online store does solve the problem of eating, but in fact, it also smashes the jobs of many people in the retail industry.

Liu Qiangdong, the founder of, commented on Ma Yun: Ma Yun said that Taobao has created tens of millions of jobs, but in fact there are not so many at all.

Xiaomi founder Lei Jun's evaluation of Ma Yun: Ma Yun is really powerful, the most successful person in our new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs, and he has indeed fought for us Chinese, and has a long face, which is very remarkable.

Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

Zhang Yiming, founder of Douyin Group, commented on Ma Yun: Ma Yun, I think he is a legendary representative figure in the history of China's Internet, and his entire company has had a very great impact on the entire industry and all walks of life, promoting the development of payment, promoting the development of logistics, and has a great demonstration effect on businesses and start-ups.

Zong Qinghou and Liu Qiangdong's evaluation of Ma Yun is negative, Lei Jun and Zhang Yiming's evaluation of Ma Yun is positive, I don't know which view you agree with more, I personally think that among the four of them, Zhang Yiming's evaluation of Ma Yun is the most objective and profound.

Mr. Zong Qinghou is the first batch of private entrepreneurs after the reform and opening up, and he is engaged in industry, while Alibaba's basic plate is e-commerce, one is engaged in physical business, and the other is engaged in Internet business, so it is normal for Zong Qinghou not to like Ma Yun very much.

One of's biggest competitors is Alibaba, and Taobao has been running ahead of for many years, and Liu Qiangdong has not been able to let surpass Alibaba despite all his efforts, so it is not surprising that he has publicly satirized Jack Ma many times.

Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

Lei Jun has been deeply involved in the Internet industry from the beginning, is a senior Internet entrepreneur, entrepreneur, and now has made great achievements, compared with Zong Qinghou and Liu Qiangdong, Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, has more Internet thinking and understands Ma Yun better.

When it comes to Zhang Yiming, there shouldn't be a few people who don't know this person now.

He founded Toutiao in 2012, which has now become the country's largest information streaming platform, leaving Baidu, Weibo, Zhihu and Tencent News far behind.

Founded in 2016, Douyin now has more than 2 billion users worldwide, Douyin has become a super app that the whole people can not do without in our country, and its presence is not inferior to WeChat.

Although Zhang Yiming is not very old, he is only in his early 40s, but the height and breadth of his view of the problem far exceed that of the vast majority of entrepreneurs, and it is only a matter of time before Zhang Yiming ascends to the throne of China's richest man, and his evaluation of Ma Yun is relatively objective and profound.

Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

The difficulty of doing physical business is not caused by Jack Ma, but by the times, why do you say so?

Before the reform and opening up, material scarcity, short supply, business basically only need to sit in the store and wait for customers to come to the door, the boss can make money even if he lies in the store every day, this stage of business is called sitting business.

After the reform and opening up, competitors from all walks of life began to gradually increase, just sitting in the store and waiting for it no longer worked, so the merchants began to become popular, more and more people walked on the street to sell products, after more than 20 years, began to appear search-based shelf e-commerce, and then later began to appear social-based micro-business, and now there are live broadcasters.

From sitting merchants to merchants, from merchants to e-commerce, from e-commerce to micro-businesses, and then from micro-businesses to the current broadcasters, the business form has been evolving, and many physical businesses are still in the past and have not kept up with the pace of development of the times, which is the core reason why their living space is constantly compressed.

E-commerce is just a product of the times, not created by Ma Yun, even if there is no Ma Yun, there will definitely be Zhang Yun, Li Yun, and Wang Yun.

Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

Now the life of e-commerce is getting worse and harder, and it is becoming more and more difficult to do e-commerce, and the state is vigorously supporting the development of the real economy, and has introduced many policies to support the real economy.

As Zhang Yiming said, Jack Ma is a legendary figure in the history of China's Internet.

Indeed, it is Ma Yun who has changed the way of shopping and payment for the whole people, so that countless people can buy what they want while lying in bed, and they no longer need to bring cash when they go out.

Now it is difficult to do physical business, and e-commerce is not easy to do, many physical businessmen are looking forward to closing e-commerce, and many e-commerce companies are also looking forward to closing live broadcasts, which is not easy for everyone. The key is to grasp the law of change in business, follow the times, and follow the policy guidance, which is the way out for physical businessmen, and the closure of e-commerce cannot save the real economy.

Business law: It is not e-commerce that kills the offline real economy, but the boss himself, why?

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