
Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

Entering July, I feel a very strong feeling of heat, and it is uncomfortable every summer vacation, because it is in the dog days, and I have to experience a long time of testing, and I sweat a lot at this time, and it is easy to get angry and drink heat stroke, and my functions are reduced, and my resistance is particularly poor. Before the ambush, the weather is higher than 30 degrees Celsius, the high temperature not only takes away the water, but also makes the body particularly weak and weak, the throat is dry and uncomfortable, to adjust the work and rest, eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to drink more of this beautiful soup - overlord flower seabed coconut tangerine peel pork bone soup, several ingredients stewed in a pot, the soup is huge and delicious, it is a pity not to know how to eat. Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

【Correct preparation of pork bone soup with coconut tangerine peel under the sea of overlord flowers】

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

Prepare some ingredients: buy two high-quality overlord flowers (overlord flowers are flowers of the cactus family, which can be used as medicine after drying, and many southerners use them to make soup, which is good for lung health and cough), buy 450 grams of fresh pork bones (pork bones are particularly cheap meat, bones are rich in a lot of nutrients, and soup can make nutrients absorb faster), about 20 grams of seabed coconut, a large piece of tangerine peel, a number of dates, about 30 grams of lotus seeds, about 15 grams of ginger, some cooking wine, a few warm and cold water, a small spoon of pepper, Some salt, other condiments.

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!
Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

Detailed production steps:

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

1: Prepare ingredients such as overlord flower, sea coconut, fig, tangerine peel and pork bones in advance, rinse the sea coconut with water first, and put it in a bowl for later use.

2: Remove the excess parts of the overlord flower, put it in a utensil, add an appropriate amount of warm water, soak the overlord flower to soften, clean the dust on the surface, and set aside for later use.

3: Wash the dates in advance, soak the tangerine peel and figs in advance, wash the dried lotus seeds in advance, soak them in warm water for 2 hours, and clean the seeds.

4: Chop the pork bones into small pieces in advance, soak them in flour water, rinse them with running water, cut the ginger into slices, tie the chives into green onion knots, add a little cold water to the pot, pour in the pork bones and ginger slices, pour in Huadiao wine or cooking wine, remove the fishy pork bones, prepare other ingredients, and start cooking this pork bone soup with coconut tangerine peel under the sea of overlord flowers.

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

5: Prepare a saucepan for soup in advance, put the processed pork bones, tangerine peel, figs, jade bamboo, overlord flowers, dates and lotus seeds and other ingredients in the pot, add two large bowls of warm boiled water, and let the soup change color until the color changes.

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

6: Turn to medium-low heat and simmer, season the soup appropriately (add pepper and salt respectively), simmer the soup for a short time, or throw in the wolfberries, cook for a short time, and eat.

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

Tips for making pork bone soup with coconut tangerine peel under the sea of overlord flowers:

First of all, for the treatment of overlord flowers, be sure to clean and remove impurities. Since overlord flowers grow in the wild, there may be some sand or small insects, so it needs to be rinsed repeatedly with clean water before cooking to ensure that it is clean and hygienic. At the same time, the petals of the overlord flower are thicker and can be soaked in warm water for a period of time in advance, so that the flavor is easier to develop when cooking.

Secondly, the handling of seabed coconut also needs to be paid attention to. The coconut is a nutritious ingredient, but the hard shell on its surface needs to be removed before cooking, leaving only the white flesh inside. In this way, the soup will have a more delicate taste and will be more easily absorbed by the body.

Again, the use of tangerine peel is one of the keys to this soup. Tangerine peel has a unique aroma and taste, which can well neutralize the fishy smell of pork bones and make the soup more delicious. When cooking, you can soak the tangerine peel in warm water for a period of time in advance, so that its flavor can be better brought out.

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

Finally, the choice of pork bones is also very important. It is recommended to choose fresh pork bones for a more delicious soup. Before cooking, the pork bones need to be cleaned and the blood water removed to avoid odors in the soup.

In the cooking process, the mastery of the heat is also very crucial. It is recommended to simmer over low heat to allow the ingredients to blend better and the soup to be richer. At the same time, during the stewing process, some seasonings, such as salt, monosodium glutamate, etc., can be appropriately added according to personal taste to make the soup more delicious.

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

Bawang Flower Submarine Coconut Tangerine Peel Pork Bone Soup is a fresh soup that moistens the lungs and denoises, including overlord flowers, seabed coconut, tangerine peel, lotus seeds and gourd seeds, etc., with fresh pork bone soup, the soup is delicious and nourishing, moistens the lungs and relieves the situation of fire, so that the immunity is enhanced, and the early food benefits early.

Before entering the ambush, no matter how busy you are, it is recommended to drink more of this soup to moisten your lungs and enhance your immunity!

Netizens, have you mastered the correct way to make this overlord flower seabed coconut tangerine peel pork bone soup? (The above pictures are all from the Internet)