
This technology developed by the border police is currently in the leading position in the world!

author:Peace and sunrise

This is a front that hides behind the gates of the country

This is a fertile ground for the coexistence of dedication and professionalism

At the Beijing Border Inspection Station

There is a group of people who silently guard the door of the country's security

Every identification of them, every innovation

All of them are a powerful deterrent to lawbreakers

It is also a staunch defense of national security and dignity


Let's walk into the document research room of Beijing Border Inspection Station

Come and hear their stories

A tacit understanding of 60 kilometers apart

Late one night in May 2024

Beijing Border Inspection Station Document Research Office

Received a case of three foreign passengers with suspicious documents for identification and inspection

The results were all false

Almost at the same time

The border inspection station at Daxing Airport also identified suspicious documents in a case of the same type of three people

Again, the results were all false

60 km apart

The results of the appraisal were as if the two people were high-five each other tacitly

Joined forces to smash the illegal plot from both directions

This technology developed by the border police is currently in the leading position in the world!

This tacit understanding is not accidental

It's inevitable

The Certificate Research Office is based on its functional advantages

Put forward the work idea of "civil air defense technology supplement".

Establish a database of massive document samples

The study explores a whole set of services in practice

Information investigation and early warning mechanism

From the date of publication

The two ports have already put up "fences" and waited quietly for a month

This late-night contest

The results have been there from the very beginning

The road to counterattack: from being ridiculed to being in the global spotlight

At a summit forum on security and anti-counterfeiting technology

said a foreign technical expert

"You can buy our technology

There is no need to understand so clearly. ”

This harsh sentence

It has always been remembered in the hearts of Beijing document researchers

Shame and courage

After seeing the gap with the world's top level

In 2016, the certificate research office of the terminus set up a research and development team

Started anti-counterfeiting technology research

Actively visit industry experts to learn methods

Find a scientific research institution to do experiments

Visit research institutes to request technical support

Experiment after experiment

Failure after failure

Re-validate again and again



The R&D scheme of "fluorescent ultraviolet fluorescence anti-counterfeiting technology" passed the test

It took two years to successfully develop the "fluorescent ultraviolet fluorescence anti-counterfeiting image"

At present, this printing process and anti-counterfeiting effect

It is in a leading position in the world

This technology developed by the border police is currently in the leading position in the world!

The picture shows the "fluorescent ultraviolet fluorescence anti-counterfeiting image" under the fluorescent lamp

December 11, 2019

The Organizing Committee of the 15th Security and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Summit Forum

Take the initiative to send an invitation to the document research office of Beijing terminus

The Beijing Border Inspection Station represents China's document research experts

Ascended to the podium of the world

Break through the situation and move forward towards a new era of independence

If we say, the anti-counterfeiting technology of documents is a "security lock"

Then the document identification device is the "key" to open this lock

Before 2018

The most widely used portable identification equipment for individual soldiers by front-line police

It is expensive, has a single function, and is inconvenient to use


The team of the document research laboratory developed a "portable electronic multispectral document detector"

Obtained national utility model patents

It has broken the foreign technology monopoly on this type of equipment

This device is more powerful and easy to use

It is well received by front-line police

This technology developed by the border police is currently in the leading position in the world!

The picture shows the "portable electronic multispectral document instrument" developed by the team of the Certificate Research Laboratory

January 2020

"Portable Electronic Multispectral Detector"

Won the National Public Security Organ Grassroots Technology Innovation Award

National security is no trivial matter

Self-reliance and independent innovation are the last word

For every witness researcher at the Beijing border inspection

We are the last line of defense for the nation

The position is invisible, and the contest is silent

To hold this position is to hold the gates of the capital

To defend the gate of the capital is to guard the core security

This is the generation of Beijing border inspectors

Faithfully defended with faith, drawn annual rings

"The country has me, please rest assured!"

This is also our commitment to the party and the motherland

The most affectionate confession, the most solemn promise!

Source: Beijing Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station