
What college can you go to with a score of 490? A good university to apply for with a score of about 490 in the college entrance examination

author:The world of small candies

  Good universities that can be attended with a score of 490 in the college entrance examination include Shandong Normal University, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Southwest University of Science and Technology, etc. Many candidates want to know what schools can be attended by 490-point liberal arts and science candidates, and this issue will introduce the score line of liberal arts and science universities with a score of about 490 according to the minimum admission score line of the 2023 National University College Entrance Examination.

What college can you go to with a score of 490? A good university to apply for with a score of about 490 in the college entrance examination

  1. Jiangxi: Harbin Medical University, Yancheng Institute of Technology

  2023 Jiangxi's University Admission Score Line. If you are a science student and have scored about 485 to 495 points in the Jiangxi Provincial Exam, there are 108 universities to choose from! Liberal arts students are similar, with 106 universities to choose from.

What college can you go to with a score of 490? A good university to apply for with a score of about 490 in the college entrance examination

  In addition, this school is ranked 5th in the national ranking of medicine, whether it is the ranking of the Ranking of Soft Science or the Alumni Association! Pretty awesome, isn't it?

Name of institution batch Category Pitch line
Yancheng Institute of Technology The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Taizhou University The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Quzhou University The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Texas College The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Binzhou College The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Anyang Normal University The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Henan University of Urban Construction The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Tongren University The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Changchun University of Technology The second batch of undergraduates science 495
Harbin Medical University The second batch of undergraduates science 494
Hengshui University The second batch of undergraduates science 494
Dalian University for Nationalities The second batch of undergraduates science 494
Hunan City College The second batch of undergraduates science 494
Southwest Forestry University The second batch of undergraduates science 494
Henan University of Technology The second batch of undergraduates science 494
Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology The second batch of undergraduates science 494
Sanming College The second batch of undergraduates science 493
Zhengzhou Normal University The second batch of undergraduates science 493
Jingchu Institute of Technology The second batch of undergraduates science 493
Hanshan Normal University The second batch of undergraduates science 493

  2. Anhui: Beijing Sport University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology

What college can you go to with a score of 490? A good university to apply for with a score of about 490 in the college entrance examination

  In 2023, universities in Anhui Province with a college entrance examination score between 485 and 495 points, if you are a science student, there are 58 universities to choose from; For liberal arts students, there are even more options, with a total of 117 universities to apply for.

  Beijing Sport University ranks 1st and 2nd respectively in the national ranking of sports (soft science) and the national ranking of sports (alumni association).

  3. Shaanxi: South-Central University for Nationalities, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics

  In Shaanxi, if you are a science student, there are 15 universities with a minimum score between 485 and 495. If you're a liberal arts student, there are 103 colleges waiting for you in this band! So, it doesn't matter if you're in science or liberal arts, as long as you have enough grades, you have a chance to get into these schools.

  South-Central University for Nationalities ranked 2nd and 3rd respectively in the national ranking of ethnic groups (soft science) and ethnic national ranking (alumni association).

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